The Sweetest Music. MISCELLANEOUS. Ah, many a day Have J wandered away, Alone, to the forest glade, Where all summer long The wild bird’s sweet song Was heard in the wildwood shade. With upturned face— Where the alders grace The edge of the gurgling brook ; 'Neath the elm tree bough I have bared my brow, And reclined in the sheltering nook Whew the alders wave Near the brooklet’s lave— The sky seemed a dome of blue, While from leaves of trees, Soft stirred the breeze, The sunshine was sifting through. The ivy bringing Its tendrils, clinging, A wreath woven bower made; Foliage twining With grace, combining To deepen the welcome shade. Where the blue bird sang, The robin’s note rang— Cloud tinted, the Boating sky ; I long for that nook And musical brook That ever goes flowing by. —Emily T. Charles. CITY MARKET, PIONEER BOOT AND SHOE STORE FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., Is the best place to get your goods for the Holidays. Be­ fore purchasing for yourself or family, it will pay you to CALL AN1) EXAMINE my goods which are warrant­ ed as represented. Having Successor to W F. Bangasser, Bangaaaer’a building. Cor. B and Third St* —o— Here is where you can get your money’» worth in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Trip*, and everything in the line of meats, of th« liest quality the country affords. Also the Low Prices to Suit Best of Bolognas. Give me a oall and be satisfied. HOTEL, ST. <11 ABLE* r. MÜLTNEH. Prop., Times, and where you won t have to Pay for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. Bl’OWIl©. Corner Third and B streets, YH .VIINNV1LI.E . . OREGON New house! New furniture! Unsurpassed in the ooiintry. Kates—fl to $2 per day ac oording to room. Single meals 25 oentE lodging, 25 to .50 oentB according to room. Board and Lodging, $4 to $6, per week. Tw Fine Sample Rooms for commercial men Give me a call and see for vourself. 4 THE GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTE SAMVEL GOFF, Ijate of Independence, having purchased the TEAM* A Nil TRUCKS Of Logan Bros. eet mv stock, and I year. This is a rare opportunity for will guarantee prices to suit vou. getting the best weekly paper west of the Rocky mountains free. Vothc oi <’« P m rl nr I*« li ip Having eutered into Co Partnership witt I*. M. < aid well, in the I I El» AND FLOUR BUSINESS. In Shobe’s building, opposite the Post ottim the Drill will !«■ known as 001,1,51(1» A CALDWELL. Mr. I'Hlliwrll Still III It* II «1 llit* st mil* of Hi«* |»iibll<*. («1 All sales will la* for cash nt tied rock price Orders delive rd to miv part of the city fn of extra charge. J. .1. COLL A RD. 1». M. CALDWELL. McMinnville, Or.. l»ec. '.’7th, IH**».. City Stables And see that your ticket reads via Portland and ZZZZ St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS.^- To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cais are run on Regular Express Trains Full Length of the Line. Beiths Free. ------- FT QUICKEST TIME! LOWEST RATES! ------- o GENERAL OFFICE OF THE No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. I*. CHARLTON. General Western Passenger Igent. Family Grocery Store. A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON Third Street. McMinnville, Oregon. Have a‘Few J. Harv. Henderson, (Successor to L. RO<»T.) & HEATING COOK StiOVBS healer in Q'.oarwirc and Crockery, That they will i*"Goods delivered to purchasers tn the *itv SELL FOR CASH VERY LOW. LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES YAM HILL CO., Third St.. Opposite All Frc«h Scoda, Qrocsries. Flour, Bacon, an Al <• IM i it it a i I le COMPANY, They also have a SMALLLLOT of Hardware. Tinware. Etc., Etc., YAMHILL CO. BANK. D on ’ t F orget the P lace , —Where you will— ALWAYS KIND I'lpU will also be fold Low for Cash.. They|have a few LOGAN ----- BROS. & HENDERSON. PROPRIETORS----- HENDEKSOX BROS., Am pl* room to ear« for honwe. lJvery t«ams at aa reaeonabl* ratraaa anv whore in Dragon. Naw Mb « Third St., McMinnville. Fine Carriages, Hack* and Mad dlr llor«CN, And evervthing in the Livery hire, in good chape At RcAMonable Kate». PLOW*, II AR BOWS M.HHRS And BAIN WAGON* That will be sold Low for Casii. IN THK— LATEST^STYLES. Fnrnishing Goods of all kind, and above all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents for the When you want anything in that line you will oonsult yonr own interest a« well aa Brownsville Woolen Mill, ourato oall and see ua. We think we can suit Carrying a full line of all goods made by vou. Try it. A. H. & O O. HODSON. these celebrated mills