The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, January 08, 1887, Image 2

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    The Daily Reporter,
The Charm of Music.
Thos. 8. Cluverius, a con­ John Roach is said tobe upon
demned murderer, awaiting the his death bed.
Subscription Unit»,
O/P. Mason and wife have I
By Carrier
week .*....... *............ luoeiitu sentence of death at Richmond,
(Payable on Nuturday.)
Va., for the first time since his purchased the New Northwest
Headquarters for
Ki 11l>h- < <>pv
9 *’
By .Mail 10 oeiits |M>r Month (In Advance.) trial and incarceration, exhibit­
of the Duniways.
ed emotion on the 17th. A favo­
Kiiles for % <1 v«-r 11*1 n K
Independent journalism in STAPLE AND FANCY
Will be made aatÍHÍHctory to all applicants.
rite tenor singer of Richmond, New York stretches a point when
Jan. 3.1SN7 Prank Cunningham, whose great it undertakes to bulldoze the
forte is in singing tender reli- ¡courts.
Hon. Addison C. Gibbs.
jgious songs, received a message The seventy farmers of the
The death of Gov. Gibbs in from Cluverius begging him to Arkansas legislature are trying
London must have been very come to bis cell. Mr. Cunning­ to hold the railroads of the state
sudden. Only a few days pre­ ham complied. He found the down.
An interesting communica­
vious lie wrote to Mrs. Gibbs, ill prisoner reading his Bible, bq$
-------- AND---------
very cheerful spirit ; spoke en­ still maintaining that cool, im­ tion from S. C. Adams, informs General Merchandise
couragingly of bow prosperously perturbable demeanor which us that he is in the art business
-------- o--------
his business prospects looked neither the sentence of the court, at Marysville, Ohio.
Sole Agent for the Celebrated
It is said two-thirds of the
and said lie expected to send for the refusal of pardon by the gov-
his wife very soon and have her enor nor the sight of a gollows brains of the British cabinet de­
join him in the world’s great has been able to disturb. It is parted with the withdrawal of
metropolis. He complained in suspected thut the religious Sir George Randolph Churchill.
It has turned out as we pre­
his letter of suffering from the counselor of Cluverius, finding
effects of a severe cold, but all other means of softening the dicted. Minister Manning has
there was no intimation of any­ apparently hard nature of the been more sinned against than
Assortment of these Popular Goods
thing serious. Nothing more man of know avail, suggested to sinning; in fact, so much sinned
was heard from I imii until the him to get Cunningham to sing, against that he proposes to put IN ALL THE LATEST
sudden and startling news of his and complied. He conversed the full penalty of the law upon
death was received by the family. pleasantly with the singer for al those who have attempted to tar­
The grief and shock caused by while, and then, more out of de­ nish his good name by circula­
t be unex]>ected intelligence to ference, probably, to the wishes ting malicious reports concern­
INGS, ''
•Jus wile and children can be of his minister than for any ing his conduct at the Mexican
very readily imagined. Gov. other reason asked for a song. capital. Let no guilty man es­
» z M » •
Gibbs bad been residing in Lon­ The singer, feeling thesolemnity cape.
don for more than a year and of the occasion, selected the song, The failure of Mr. Reagan to Please Call and Examine.
was in constant and frequent The Home of the Soul, and he-| [vote on the Morrison revenue
W hat we G uarantee
correspondence with his family gan it with a voice more than bill because of his absence in FOR
in Portland, The bar of Port­ usually vibrant from emotion. order to take a bath, has been
land will hold a meeting to-day The prisoner had a slightly list­ harshly commented upon. His
to take suitable action in the less ajr as he listened to the colleague, Mr. Mills, of Texas,
remarks that it will kill him for To be made from the very best ma­
matter of perpetuating his mem­ opening lines :
terial, by skillful workmen, with the
I’ll sing you a song of a beautiful the senatorship. To this a mem­ latest and most approved machinery,
ber of the wavs and means com­ and to be the cheapest goods in the
Some of those line workers at
The far-away home of the soul.
mittee responded : “What will market when service is considered.
Indianapolis are beginning to
But as soon as these words] kill him in Texas, —the bath or Are so thoroughly finished that they
wish that they hadn’t monkey­
the vote?” Mr. Mills did not can be worn in damp weather, or in a
ed with the judical buzz saw, were finished his attitude chang­
nor tampered with the election ed, and he grew interested. deign to reply, though the ques­ shower, without fear of being ruined
When the pure and sweet notes tion was apparently asked in by curling or shrinking.
good faith.
The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­
The general tenor of demo- of the singer, who eyes were
is done in such a manner, that
•crntic press comment on Mr. growing moist, took up the mu­ The best after dinner speak­ the goods can be washed if desired
Reagan would seem to imply sical story and told how the liar ers in New York are light eaters’ without the least injury to fabric.
that a statesman of tin* demo­ pers were playing heavenly and light drinkers, says the Our goods are wool dyed, and colors
cratic faith can make no greater music in that far-way home of New York Times. Chauncey as fast as the purest dyes and greatest
tin* soul, how the sinner who re­ M. Depew occasionally takes a care and skill can make them.
mistake than to take a bath.
pented might enter there, and sip or two of champaign with
Goods show just what they are and
It is worthy of conspicuous how all the danger and suffer­
his partridge or canvass-back, will be until worn out, as there is no
mention as indicating the liber­ ing would be past when once
but the most observing veteran weighting, stiffening, or artificial las-
ality of the Hebrews that the within its haven of rest, the con­
in Delmonico’s corps of waiters tre used to increase the weight or fin­
fair recently held in New York demned num, unable longer to
has never vet seen Henry Ward ish ; as is the case with a large class of
in aid of the Montetiore home for preserve his air of indifference,
| Beecher drink anything but goods in the market, but which disap­
invalids realized $100,000. On leaned his head on his hand and
pears after a few days’ service.
I Apollinaria water. Win. M. Ev­
the opening evening of the fair sobbed aloud. The death-watch,
arts drink a glass or two of wine As manufacturers we have taken
the receipts were $53,000.
looking through the grated iron with apparent relish, but he al­ great pains to supply an article in
Six women are practicing door, turned awav, touched bv ways stops with his second glass. every way reliable, and unsurpassed
by similar goods, either foreign or do­
dentistry in Philadelphia, one of the scene, and the prisoners in The witty Horace Porter par­ mestic, and would respectfully ask an
whom has been in the profes­ all parts of the jail paused and takes sparingly of each wine as examination of the various styles and
sion twenty-six years. They listened, and as they caught the it is served with the different shades to be found on sale by mer­
have a good practice, are care­ words; “The home of the soul,” courses. Roscoe Conkling sel­ chants who are agents for the goods.
ful and painstaking and each and knew whence they proceed­ dom raises a glass of wine to his All goods of our manufacture should
eariiR ah much as ten times the ed, they, too, became quiet. The lips in public, and the polished bear the name and trade mark of
number of ordinary working episode made a great impress­ Joseph H. Choate rarelv empties
B roadhf . ad W orsted M ills ,
ion at the jail.
his first glass.
Jamestown, N. Y.
----- o—-
Broadhead * «
* * Dress Goods
b W