The Daily Reporter,, Observations. There were 60 free scholar­ Who Were They. ships held in the state university No one deserves the least sympathy Salem Statesman, rn for suffering f^m piles when he can L>. C. IRELAND X- CO. PUBLISHERS. last year. 1 WO fresh young men from lie cured bw^:iNFyg on Dr. Taylor at The steamer Santa Maria is Amity, came over the new the offee of 1^- jJiinson. Without ad­ McMinnville, Or. Jan.7,1887 mmy wthout the use of the en route to Yaquina, in the OPR bridge, to Salem, vesterdav ditional knife or cliuoroform, and if the cure is Geo. W. Burt was registered line from San Francisco. They came to capture this burg, not complete and satisfactory, no If you can’t accept these Fred Schwatka has another job at the Gilman «/ vesterdav. and proceeded to get outside of charges. V terms you ought to suffer. The daises are budding, in on snow shoes. This time he a liberal supply of forty-rod bug Will remain a few days. Irving goes to Yellowstone park in juice, the kind that both cheers and White, the popular repairers will the open air. remain here for a few davs only to and inebriates, and makes a give Mrs. A. L. Talmage goes on a search of fame. those who desire to have "their Ben Holladay,jr., died in Wash­ millionairie out of a pauper by Pianos. Organs or Sewing Machines, visit to friends in Tacoma this ington on the 3d, and his father a very short cut. The road to tuned, cleaned or repaired by fust week. cliU" workmen. These gentlemen Mrs. J. C. Fair accompanied is • so seriousiv •' ill that recovery V I fortune by this route only ex­ have had twenty years practical expe­ tends down a man’s throat. it rience in their business. Sat si'action her husband to Gopher valley is extremely doubtful. guaranteed. No money required until Who will send us two or three| is a popular route, Well, these parties have had tune to test work yesterday. Mrs. J. H. Turner and daugh­ copies of the daily Reporter of two bad young men from Yam­ ami are satisfied. They will do work by the “live and let live“ rule. Give ters will reside in Portland. Dec. 2d, 13th, and September hill traveled that route, and I them a trial. We can vouch for them 28th. We need them for files. they thought they owned the that they are readable and will do as Miss Anna left yesterday. The heaviest snow storm ever town, without a flaw in the title, I they,agree. The ladies guild of the Episco­ Mrs. Breon is prepared to receive a pal church will meet on the 12th experienced is going its annual and shortly after eight o’clock, few day boarders. Three gentlemen at the residence of Mrs. -Jas. round. Awhile ago it was in they proceeded to take possess­ can be furnished with rooms, t’o.- of Third and II streets, last house England, now it appears in Lou­ ion. They started in nt the fag | ner Turner. on the right before crossing railroad H' you want any books or isiana. end of their newly acquired 1 track. Senator Mitchell probed tothe gold and silver watches at a magazines bound give them to property, and kicked up a rum­ big Ladies bargain at the McMinnville jew­ of the Cascades muddle, J. C. Cooper, lie does as good pus in the rancherie of a woman elry store. I and he calls to light the tact work as can be done in Portland. with an unsavory reputation, Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music that Col. Parke is himself res ­ McMinnville ami at McMinnville The Craig manufacturing named Kate Baker, who keeps a in college. Residence corner of Second company of North Evanston, Ill., ponsible for the removal of Maj. den of infamy at the foot of State and C Streets. McMinnville jewelerv store is now is an institution in which you Jones. The report covers one street. The two fresh young the biggest and largest west of Port­ hundred pages of matters in ; men turned the furniture all up- land and the cheapest in Oregon. wish to take as little stock as Col. | side down, ran the occupants of Wm. 11 oil, proprietor. answer to the inquiry. possible. A new era has begun its dawn Parke is hedging to save him- I .lie den out, and when the offi­ Why do you pay for inferior silver cers found them, they were try- plate«! table ware big prices. if upon Tillamook county, and self. yim get at the McMinnville jewelry to kick a lmle in the Professor Foster’s storm came ling I , • roof. • 1 store, Wm. Holl, the best and finest from this date will she stalk They were taken to the city jail, can l>e had for the same price. ahead in rapid stride toward to time in good shape in great and will attend Judge Bowie’s Britain and caused widespread matinee this morning. Thus more prosperous days. Every acre of ground in Yam­ ¡disaster, both by land and sea. I will end the mad career of two1 First National Bank, . uh '.' ku .ÎS- hill county that produces wild I The gale was unprecedented in fresh young men from YamMill,! strawberries, is while with the fury and great loss of life is ! who came to Saleili to sec the I J acob W oi . tm \ n ........................ President sights. IL P. T hompson ............. Vice-p csident blossoms of that fruit to-day. feared. But the Reading mans J The burning question in East : ohn W ori «t \ n ................... Cnsltier We have n’t had a frost for three predictions concerning Oregon u (ù'iiunil Ranking hnnincsH. do not pan out worth a cent. Portlaml: “Who will be post- TrnnsHcts weeks. Inh'H'BfrallrtWAi n lnv<>ri bl<' tonna. The managers of the Sal-Mus­ Ni:;''' ! L.s.«’H.i11. i .1 Ti'l''.'ipliit' i'r.x» ta among the permanent posses ­ Traveler do you want good ac­ on Nvw York, ;.in 1 A iu isco unii l’orilinul. catel may be frauds, perhaps OIHc< bourh iroin .■> ni. f<> I p, m. they are of tin first water; but sions of that city a “posioflice commodations, good beds and the stuff sold by Kogers & Todd ami one hundred men who want good victuals at reasonable rates? ■ FIltE INSÙ K.ANGE. JOHN WOKTÌIVX is all that it is advertised to be. it.” *East Portlaml goes th,-it 'Try the St. Charles. Repr snntM ilo folio, ;nn si 'ìl­ city one better by adding some Mrs. Sarah Odell died at her: io«: (jondoo Try it, as a grape cure. ■' Liverpoo , ( ’ol . .. rth I :■ 1 , , ' 1 ■' :tl A. P. Wilson writes from half dozen women to the list of home near Davlon, January 1st,1 Pire '««oïdfition, Cornigli Anwnvau, Pire- Hobsonville, one of the leading ; those who “want the postoffice.” aged 83 years. She was the tn.iii lìmi, l! ii foni. Coni < ti, Alialo Ncvailii. State 1 iivcslment. cannery points at Tillamook, , A Cornelius man spilled some ¡mother of \\ . II. Odell, now post- Wl’i at insnrmine i ■ p< 'ii>)t , that is now fixed as clerk and ; powder on the railroad track i master at Salem. She came to Watch Thls Art Sallary. assistant to the book keeper of near that place a few days ago, Oregon many years ago. Lane county jnourneth. She the TPCo, of which Hon. C. ¡and to get rid of it he touched Liencnweber is president. \\ e it with a lighted match, 'flic has an insurance ease on docket feel like congratulating both the i powder vanished¡^Iso most of that before it is ended will cost company and Mr. \\ ilson upon ; the hair, the nfljstatflie, eyebrows las much as an ordinary murder and eyelashes \rtth which he trial, ami all without recompense ! this happy combination. in the way of sensational testi­ A. J. Cooper came near los­ went into the conflict. i Mrs. Simpkins’ (iTHe*k boy mony, and a neck-tie party in I ing a fine horse on the way in­ to this city yesterday. While had gone west, and a’friend of diirt prospect. crossing the South Yamhill the family was makipg solne in­ < The trial in Union county of underr Rubier, Tibbets and Geoffrey for bridge, inside of the corporation quiries about him. his horse broke through . a bad stand John is an attorney,” he the luurdw: of Willis Skiff, re- ami he’s got lots of suited in a verdict of not guilty, hole, and narrowly escaped said. “Yes, ____ answered with ftjdhe death of the alleged murder­ „_ ------- breaking his leg. As it was, the business,” l she horse was injured, and Mr. mothers’ pride. “Is he a crimi­ ed man not having been proven To Bishop & Kay n we go Cooper’s disposition is to make nal lawyer?” A shadow fell on io the satisfaction of the jury. The body of Skiff has never the good old lady ’ s face. “ No, with a wish to ger first, choice somebody sweat for it. Per­ haps a few suits for damages not yet,” she said. “Leastways been found, and though doubt of Holiday Furnishing Goods. may have a tendency to awaken he hjjin’t told me. But I am less he was foully dealt with," Neck ware and Suspenders, the. proper authorities to a real­ afraid he will be. The law is so nothing graver than “disappear­ and Silk Handkerchiefs, at ance” can be proven. bottom prices. tempting.” izing sense of the situation. 4L V V ' I X ZX i J ZX 1 X . . * X • . X X . « I X » T Lx Z"k a X III Z~x .A til