The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, January 07, 1887, Image 2

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The Daily Reporter,
“Does Farming Pay?’
farming in Oregon, there is no
reason why, in eight years more,
he should not be worth from
$25,000 to $30,000. Yes, it pays
to farm in Oregon, if one is pa- (
tient, self-denying and prudent ,
for a few years.
As an answer to the above
quotation, a Telegram reporter
By Carrier per wwk.............................. |o cento met a Yamhill farmer in Port­
(Payable on Saturday.)
Binale Copy................................... .
2 “
land a few days since, who may
By Mail It) oi-iita per Month (In Advance. i
be taken as a living corrobora­
l< »•»<■» tor t«l vcrtikiiiK
tion of the statement that tann­
"Will be made aatiafactory to all applicant»«.
ing in Oregon is a most profita­ The transfer of the ORN by
McMinnville. Or. -
- Jan 7, 1887 ble nursuit. Eight years ago ibis lease to the UPR is regarded by
Uys maiwhere without a dollar California railroad men as one » Al »1*1 C HNONi I
Mrs. Senator Logan.
ini 140 acres of land of great importance to San Fran­
A Washington special says : near Payton, for whit h he has cisco, the effect of which will be Wants You to get right
should the fruitful complexities since ¡»aid $3,(100. During that to divert a great deal of traffic
of Illinois polities result in an­ time he cleared away eighty to the north via the new line,
down to business*
other deadlock for the senator*
ship, there appeals to be a tivation, with no other help but state. It is also stated that the
chance t hat < len. Logan’s ue- that of his son, then ten years NPR will compete for slow Because you feel that times are a lit­
eessor may be a women. »Such of age. Besides supporting his freight traffic to the east from tle hard is just the reason you
is at least being inquired into. family in comfort, he has been San Francisco, reshipping it by
should take advantage of our popu­
In answer to a correspondent to­ bl-- Io put t-ide on an average steamer at Portland. Should
day as to whether or not Mis. $300 in cash per annum since travel warrant it, the steamers lar way of doing business.
Logan might not legally be he fixated mi the ranch; ami now plying between there and We ask you to buy Good Goods at low
elected to I he senate, the Post then the improvements on the Portland could run daily, in
has prepared the following: land are worth $1,300, for order to give close connection
“There is no express constitu­ which In paid the ready money; for passenger traffic. Tickets For they are cheaper in the long run,
tional prohibition of such an furthermore, lie has $2,000 worth at* now on sale by the new line. Look better,
election ami such service ; noth­ of stock and cattle, upon which
It may be aggravating to the Fit neater,
ing Imt tradition, precedence he does not owe a dollar. Now Knights of Labor, but it is nev-
and influem-e; could he quoted this shows very clearly that jertheless true, that public opin­ And are nicer in every way.
against it. li the legislature of farming in Oregon, intelligently ion is profoundly indifferent to It is for your interest and our interest.
Illinois should elect Mrs. Logan ui/l frugally pursued, is a remu- tfie burning question who
Economy for you,
to the senato, I hat body would erativt* employment.
revealed the secrets of their or­
came to the northwest der, and does not care a cent Am! makes you solid customers of
undoubedlv admit her as a
h no capital, but willing whether the alleged revelation ours.
member. The presence of a
women in the senate would be hands, sound physical ami mcn- is true or false.
W e give you plain, honest talk and
nn interesting event. Mrs. Lo- 1 t il hoallh, and let us see what
gan pos-e« • ■ so wide knowledge he has accomplished: Figuring1 Oregon need never be afraid let our competitors feed you on
of public affairs, such extensive I lie land at the price lie paid fori but that Gov. Sanford and taffy.
. .
K harlo (’
aequui ut.-mcc with public men. it, earning the money by honest ...... . Jrocker will do the fair
b(>i, should they decide \\ e show you the new and exclusive
such posit i\ eiiess of purpose, and labor improving it, $3,00(1; ac- *'*’nb
such shrt-wdn (\SS, tl mt she would cumulated cash, $2.500; cattle t(H;;d tlH*ir railway “arias about styles,
» i j .., no , • z
'* 0 shall gladly welcome
assume at mice a position en­ ami i Ao<k.$2,(»0i»
<im|^m<nt> ¡hem when they do so.
Latest Novelties,
title»! to high respect.
of one n an,! Iheeailh still shows signs ol Finest qualities in Seasonable Goods
Post, however, does not believe »•I eight year-
that a necessity for such action $\70(>. During that period it '^D’ess at Charleston. Several for fall and W inter.
by the Illinois legislature will Cost m» less than $60 cash, or ''bu-iders, denoting internal com­ Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ Tailor-fit­
ils e»|uivalcnt, per montlk/for ! molimi took plate Tuesday.
ting clothing.
th»- rtqiiireim nts of his famNv,
which audit ion a I ly aggregate $5,- •Notier oi <o Partnership Our Specialties,
Having »liter» »! into Co Partnership witi
760. So in the eight years he
1>. M. Caldwell, in the
r>ry Goods, Dress Goofis, Clothing and
Ims actually • earned, bv • the in-
Groceries. Boots m.d Shoes, Hats,
Vt stment of nothing more than In Shobe’s building, opposite the J- >st oftie
the firm will l>o known as Ct »Lb?.RD ,\
Caps anfi Uudei wear.
a stout heart and toiling hands,
$14,160. ’l'hisresult conclusively Wr. < uhlwcll will oiieiKi <o The prices tell.
Governor Ogelsby of Illinois, proves that farming in Oregon lliv uann «•f'llie public.
The quality sells.
AR aides will be fur cash at bed rook pn»> '
th « irt unt quivt\»iHy that he pays. Of course it is not said - >r«h
rs deliv«>rt>d to hijv pnrt of th" vit - v ire-
A The best assortment.
V * •» .1. . COLLARI
v V’OI HI ,
Won I . |Hit |»t ii c ilMdate for till' that the lazy, ignorant boor can of » xtra chiirge.
All the leading styles.
seat in the senate
adv vacant accomplish this much; but those McMinnville, Or., Dec. 27th. IS m ,
by ♦ Gen. Logan’s death. lie predispose»! to be economical J
Prices which startle < even body.
rviteratc»l his former expressed thrifty ami patient, possessed of
People oi taste and economy, now is
intention of retiring to private a glimmer of intelligence and)
your chance.
life at the vn<i of his term as human foresight, can acquire a
Our specialty—To please our cus-
competency, sooner or later, bv
Of President Arthur's Cabin­ tilling th»* soil of Oregon on
Our Aims—To save money for our
et Freliughuyst'n ami Folger their own account, or raising
k ami cattle upon it. ShoufiL
are dead. Hatton is editing the
Our Intentions—To do better by you
Chicago Mail. Lincoln is prac-' the person referred to in this
than anyone else.
tiring law in Chirag<>. Gresham article, whose name is suppressed
is on the bench. Brewster is at his re<|uest, meet with no un-
For your sake, for our sake, for good­
taking rare of a large law prac-, f<»fseen set-backs or great re­ HEX PERSON BROS., ness sake, come and let us save your
tire in !'hila«i<*lphia. Teller is verses, and trudge along „ on the Aiupla room to care for homr«. Liwry
in the United States senate.
even tenor of the way he ix-gan
• D.
1HEI.AN1» <* co. Pl Ut.tSHEKS.
su b«eri pi ion Mate»,
C’ty Stables.