M c M innville , O regon , F riday , J anuary NO. 5. VOL. II. The» Dally Reporter, Entered in the Postoffice at McMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ ond Class Matter. o--------- E. L. E. WHITE. D. C. IRELAND. D. C. IRELAND A Co., PUBLISHERS. T he D aily R epobteb is issued every day in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . Beak & Job Priotloff. We beg leave to announoe to the public that we have just added a large stock of new novelties to our business, and make a special­ ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Ladies Calling Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ grammes, Posters, and all * descriptions of work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ vinced. D. C. IRELAND & CO. E. E. GOUCHER, M. D. PHYSICIAN M c M imnvillk AND SURGEON. O ugoh . ... Offioe and residence, corner of Third and D streets, next to the postoffioe. DR. I. C. ■■■o TAYLOR, ------- Late of New Orleans, La., Piles anr a Hunimt-r Drink. “Anything new in summer drinks?** a reporter asked a bartender. “Yes—no, but tippling in pure milk is the fashiou uow. Hundreds and thousands of people in this city driuk several glasses of milk per day. and gladly pay a nickle per glass. There is a good protit in the trade, and the restaurants and eoufeetivuers are pre­ pared to meet the demand. Dozens of people, geutlemen and ladies, of all ages aud conditions, call here every day and buy a glass of ice-cold milk, and drink it with evidcut relish. Even the drug stores are beginning to see the demaud, and many of them are prepared to meet it. luucau go into ainmst any first-class drug store and obtain a large glass of pure milk, right off the ice. it is, I think, the best drink of all for hot weather. It queuch- es thirst, does not promote excessive perspiration, aud affords a healthful and easily assimilated article of food. It is largely taking the part of lager beer us a summer drink. There is as much food in a pound of milk as there i» in a pound of beef, and it is digest­ ed and assimilated without difficulty and with no overproduction of heal. I know several persous who, during the past ten davs of hot weather, nave not eaten as mucn sunu loou as woum make one square meal, yet they are in good flesh, have good appetites, and excellent health, and have not felt any bad effects of the heaL They are sim­ ply living on milk aud light bread al­ most entirely.” Journalistic Trials in Philadelphia. A Philadelphia correspondent of the New York Hem <1 writes: Lawyers who do not belong to the coterie of news­ paper parasites never get their names in the papers. Possibly they may f<*el some envy or resentment; but they will never stoop to the ignoble act of coddling or intimidating newspaper editors or pub­ lishers. 1 use this word ‘intimidating’ with due consideration, for there is hard­ ly a new -pa|>er writer in Philadelphia who has not. nt some part of his career, been threatened by shyster lawyers, who insisted that their names must be con­ stantly put into the papers. Why, to choose an apt illustration and one known to nearly everybody, a lawver recently brought an action in a Philadelphia court for libel upon the flimsiest pretext against n Philadelphia newspaper man for the admitted purpose of getting revenge for the omi-sion <>f his name from a brief report of a magistrate’s com i ease. And a judge unwittingly lent himself to the outrageous persecution. This sounds in­ credible, but such things happen here. This same lawyer even went further, a great deal further. He tried to pul the newspaper man in jail by having the capias served so late in the afternoon that sureties could not lie found, hut, de­ bated in that, li<‘ actually had the audno- itv to go to the bondsman who had tendered his name to the persecuted writer and attempted to browbeat him into withdrawing his friendly assistance. He belong-- to the cla«« of lawyers who figure promilioJitl) in the newspapers here, and such is the treatment that men on the press in this city who can nut bs bought or cajoled linvi to expect. »oetiie urenin: “1 say, ma, my head aches. I’m going to stay home from school this afternoon.” Solici­ tous maternal ancestor: “Well, my dear, I’m sorry. Stay at home and rest It may do you good.” Three hours later feeble urchin rushed into the house witb cheeks aglow. “I tell you we ha