"1 had a little experience the other night," said a drummer, “that took all of my nerve and gall to bear up under. Ever since I’ve been on the road I’ve made it a principle to meet all engage­ ments. More than one« have I skipped three or four town* in which I was sure of sidling big bills of goods in order to keep my engagement to call on some girl or other. When I agree to be at a certain place at a given minute you can bet your last dollar I’ll be there. Well, the other day I landed in St. lx>uis, and suddenly discovered that in « moment of forgetfulness I had promise to take two girls to the theatre timt night. The girls were not acquainted, either. I hate a liar and a sneak, and the girls’ brothers were qustomers of mine, and no, after thinking the whole thing over, I made up my in.nd I'd live up to mv oontract So 1 bought my seats at two theatres, engaged my carriage, and pre­ pared for the campaign. I sent word to the first one that fd call for her rather early, and to the other that I might be a few minutes late. I whirled No. 1 off, seated her, excused myself for a minute before the rising of the eur'ain, slipped out, and in two seconds the horses were on a ruu for No. 2. I gut her in her seat five minutes after the curtain rose. Stayed the act out, excused mya< if, went back to the other, apologizoa, and ev­ erything was uii right. I spent the eve­ ning Hitting from one to the other, and got my money’s worth out of the hack­ man, as I made him hump. I made in- »uiries as to the hour the ulavs would e over, anu tounu i nan twenty-nve minutes' leeway. Then I mude such Sxxl use of those twenty-five minutes at 1 got No. 1 home und was back after No. 1 just as the curtain went down. To do this cost me gl2, and the next day I had to skip out of town be­ cause the hackman was after me with a bill for one of his horses, which had died from overdriving, but not till after I hud told big bills of goods to the girls’ brothers. Besides, I had the satisfac­ tion of keeping my engagements and of performing an unparalleled feat in the theatre-going business. That's the kind of a hustler I am.”— Chicago Her­ ald. The Poet’s Decoration. A new Uhland anecdote ia sure of a wide welcome. Although the poet de­ lighted to take his subjects from the knightly and romantic middle ages, when feudalism was everywhere in force, he was essentially a poet of the people. The Prussian King, William IV., offered him the Order Pour le Merit«, with flut­ tering expressions of the royal regard. Uhland, however, declined to accept it. While he was explaining to his wife the rcuson which moved him to refuse the distinction there was a knock at the door. A working-class girl from the neighborhood entered aud, presenting Uhland with a bunch of violets, said: ' to is an offering from my mother.” -T mother, child?’’ replied the poet **1 thought she died last summer.” "That’s true. Herr Uhland,” said the girl, “and 1 begged you at the time to make a little verse ¡or her grave and you sent me a beautiful ixaun. These are the tlrst violets which have.bloomed on mother's gravu; 1 have plucked them and 1 like to think thnt she sends (hem teijou with her gi'oeting.” The poet's eye« moistened as he took the posy, and putting it in his button-hole be said to ■ Is win* “Thera, dear Woman, is not that an order umrv valuable than any king can give?" fall Mall llatalU "Latter carriers here,” says a Sall Lake City dupaloh to the Aitu tMS, "are having • unique experience. On aooounl of the late polygamy ar> reels here all the Mormons have been severely warned against talking to strangers, giving their names or resi­ dence. The carriers ia their rounds knock al doors, and a scurrying ensues inside. A child answers the door. Il ia asked who lives there, and it often refuses to tell. It dues not know the neighbors or where its father or mother to to be found. The uniform to a sign of enemy, and no miormauon is le ho MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. MISCELLANEOUS. What an Enterprising Drummer Did. ST. <11 Alt 11] * M c M innville HOTEL. F MULTNER. Prop.. Come Third mid B streets, TH r.VllNNVIl 1.1 - - F urniture OREGON W. H. BINGHAM, New house! New furniture! Uusurpaase* in th“ country Kit* -■ XI to *2 per aay ac cor. » to room. Single meals cent» Lodging, ■ t > '■ <*ent> according to roon. Board unu J g. ¡o per week. Tw Fine Nam .»• Ho u» for commercial men Give me a util ami s- f«*r yourself. Propr. Manufacturer and Dealer In SAMXT3L COFF, FINE FURNITURE ate I RICK* Of Logan Bros Jr Henderson, offers hie F actory . of all kinds. Just received an extra tine lot of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of al designs. < all and price my stook. u rvioes in that line to the public, and will <« tiara liter SatiMlartion M’MINNVILLE io all who favor him with their patronage. He will keep a wagon specially adapted to the delivery of parcels, trunks satchels, etc., for the aoconiodatioli of the public. Orders left nt the stable will be promptly attended to a* PIONEER BOOT ANO SHOE STORE. Is the best place to get your goods for the Holidays. Be­ fore purchasing tor yourself or family, it will pay you to CALL AND EXAMINE my goods which are warrant­ ed as represented. Having A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON Have a|Few HEATING & cook ulOVOS That they will SELL FOR CASH Low Prices to Suit Times, and where you won’t have to Pay for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. BrOWlie. VERY LOW. They alao|hiive a SMALlgLOT of Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc., That will also be sold Low for Cash.. Theyjhnve a few PLOWS, HARKOWH, SEEIICRS A il . I 11.4IA H ALBV* That will be Hold Low for Cash.. » THE GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL x ORTHEOnACITIC N taw SHOREST! **************************0**** ********************** IIIIHII1IIIIIIITI1K THE DIRECT ROl’TE! When you want anything in that line you T_____ To CHICAGO will consult your own interest as well as IdO W CSL XtoClLOS ours to call and see us. We think we can suit you. Tr it. A, H. A O. O. HODSON. City Stables. -ROUTE * w ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ TO EAST DINING CAR I.INE/HflHHHMM NO DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! and ail points EAST. Tickets sold to all PROMINENT POINTS Throughout the East aud Southeast. BOI A i> PAN*il]\<.I II*! Fl- BE CAKEFUL AND DO ¡NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE TO TAKE THE And see that your ticket reads via Portland and St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, —TH HENDERSON BROS., Ample room to oare for homes. Liverv twin* at as reasonable rates as any where iii Oregon. New stable Third Bt.. McMinnville. W. T. BAXTKK. F. J. MA KT IM New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of Bister 1 Mirti: Huooeaaore to Al. HUSSEY, Third street. McMinnville, Oregon, fa Fun" Sm To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cara are run on Regular Express Trains Full Length of the Line. Berths .Free. LOWEST RATES! ------- CF* QUICKEST TIME! ----------- O---------- GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY. No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. D. CH AHI.TON. General Western Passenger Agent. CITY MARKST, MCMINNVILLE Business College, FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., Saooeanor to W. F. Bangaaner. Bangasser’s building, Cor. B and Third Sta. OVER Cor. 3d and C Street«, YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, Is .'Vow Open. Attention to respectfully invited to this BU8INESS SCHOOL. Hera ia where you oan got yaws money'» Ito facilities for thorough practical inatrun- worth in tion; aotual business department a specüdty A new, um I and elean »lock. Evary artiate Beef, Pork, Mottoi, Sassage, Trigt, where currency, bank check, drafts, etc., are A No. 1. Fruit Jara, Butter Crocks, Colored. uaed. Claes, or private instruction day or Glsaeware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ and everything in the line of manta, of tb< evening. College Journal sent free on ap­ bacco. Pi |*a and tlgare. beet quality the country affords. Also the plication. Swearing M wholly unxnuwu m Ja­ rmk Fruit aad Vegetables ia lannna. Give me a call. Inspect mv stock, and I pan. The worst word a Japanese over applies to a man be dtoUkos is “beast " will guarantee prices to suit you. Best of Bolognas. Give mo a anil and be aetiafled. Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty. P. O. Box 101. O. R. HIGGINS, Pritt,