The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, January 05, 1887, Image 1

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M c M innville . O regon
NO. 3.
The DaRy Reporter,
Hope, and Love, her sister graces
t it roc,
1 ’<> she moves do bear her company.
’»» •: <>U’ 1 fe is ove uiur with night—
■in - such stars our heavenward path to
D. C. I RELIAI» A Co.,
When tome complained because their wa>
grew nrk.
r. wiij nead hopes’ pMle corpses cold
T he D aily R eporter is issued every day
and stark,
in the week except Sundays, and is delivered I heard h< wf -per to her sisters three,
th' tn new faith and hope and lOVr
in the oity at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 "Pend through
cents per mouth in advanoe. Rates for ad­
Bl'e snfd no in« e. blit on her row serene
vertising same as for T he W eekly R eporter . The
pr-n- vf pi t .'tn purpose cou I be seen;
Book & Job Printing«
We beg leave to announoe to the public
that we have just added a large stock of new
novelties to our business, and make a special­
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads,
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies Calling
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­
grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of
work. Terms favorable. Call and be oon-
A n«! " her eve ne.ii.htof ovo shone bright
/ V. u.~ e. dill', n tt.e host of Night.
home grew brighter; nor that home
i .< ><—
v. olv horison brightened where she
Now s <b. Evening Star in Sorrow’s night,
A u uoa ;.« ¿art: ger of n.or/.i :g light.
. b
but hdiui, li ers’ may tiie.r number
T... nil the hoc es ol earth Hie r nUueuc"
Am. gt n fui p .rent - ev< rywr- r oonfese
Tm -uv in ; race < finit ■>n<>rnes«.
Song of a lAiy
M c M dtkyilli
O rroon .
Offioe and residence, corner of Third and
D streets, next to the postoffioe.
DR. I. C.
------- o--------
Late of New Orleans, La.,
Piles and Fistula a Spe­
ciality. Consultation
free. Ao Cure
Ao Pay.
HF" Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson, M. D..
McMinnville, Oregon.
jas . m ’ oain .
Her fine array was wrought In opeis nf ate,
And woven by the «huttie« of the aun.
In noiseless warp and woof of tissue fair.
And kindly juices from the warm earth won|
And all of wandering odorr. that were sweet
Were oaugbt within her silken web of light;
And perfumed rain« that wept around her
Their fragrance yielded in the summer I
The lily tolled not, spun not, yet «he grew
in loveliness supreme, from day to dayi
A band Divine imparted every hue,
And clothed her in her beautiful array.
Therboon of Jew«, and rain, and a« a kise;
Her white and suppliant petala clasped ia
thanks amid created bits«.
Ol If such Issues, spring from gifts of thine,
If such unfoldings on thy bounty wait.
The ambient airs which nurse the life divins
My soul shall steep, my spirit satiate.
It shall be mine with suppliant hand to claim
The utmost boon thy treasuries may hold;
Why should the lily’s bloom my spirit shame,
When Earth is rich and Heaven is raining
—Clara Thwaitea.
h . hurley .
McCain & Hurley,
Lafayette, Oregon,
Especial attention paid to abstracts of title
and settlement of estates in probate.
Offioe—Jail bniding, up stairs.
Mrs. M. Sliadden.
Fashionable Dressmaker«
paFThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­
ting employed.
Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s store,
MoMinnville, Or.
i N Bv
Hair CnttAa*, MRaviax and sham*
poain* Parlor.
15c SHAVING 15c.
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
(Suooeesor to A. C. Wyndham.)
Ladies and children*« work a specialty.
0^*1 have just added to my parlor the
largest and :finest stock of cigars ever in this
eity. Try them.
D. C. li RELAX© A CO.,
Rae Joi Printers,
McMinnville, Oregnn.
Ristori’« Plea.
I met one day last week an old lady
who told me this story of Ristori, of
whom she spoke in terms of most de­
voted friendship. The story has never,
she told me, been printed before:
Mme. Ristori was playing in the oity
of Madrid in the Royal Theater. She
had carried the audience away in the
act by her great power, the curtain had
fallen on the first act, and unusually
long applause occurred. No one could
understand her absence. The time
came and passed when she should have
resumed play. What was the meaning
of her absonceP As she was passing
from the stage, in the wings, stood a
poor woman, who caught her I"*
“Madame," she said, “do you
that bell now tolling P"
“That bell tolls for tbs death o4 aty '
husband; he will dis at sunrise to-mor-'
row. Won’t you," shs implored the
woman, “plead for meP The Queen !
sits in the box yonder."
The great tragedy queen went to the
Royal box and begged for the life of I
that man—a man that she had no par
ticular interest in, but simply because i
he was going to die. Mme. Ristori
pleaded so well with the Queen that i
with a pencil she wrote his reprieve
and he was saved. Meantime the truth
had crept out among the audience, and
when the curtain rose
ross again ths whole,
audience sprang to their feet. Tears |
ran like rain. Hats and handkerchiefs
were waved. Shout after shout went I
up from ths multitude—not for the
regie queen, but for the woman infln-
.tely greater—the.woman that pleaded
for a life, and not in vain."'
price two cents .
! tnon • nation th on i whose loving sou
T’.u »me i fiovr.i p; ion never roil)
Hs II y nri.-e-he
. ................................
u b tn. tufas' asleep ,
M I i!e ,oi e flows on in currents strong and
• ei'p.
<>,.r i> t g ter.
Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinuville for
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­
ond Class Matter.
W ednesday . J anuary
Ella Wheeler-Wilcox. the author of
"Poems of Passion,” has a fair ecm-
plexion and hazel eyes. It is said that
the poetess took her first dancing les­
sons at a village near her home, when
she was 8 years old. She became a
terpsiehorean devotee, and, when not
composing, often gayly tippet! the light
fantastic, like some fabled faun, hum­
ming a tune to suit the motion. Years
afterward she was at a reception given
in her honor, and danced with such
grace that a reporter described her not.
only as“the poetry of motion, but poetry
in motion.” Her iirst attempt at compos­
ing was at the age of 8 years. A lot of
old-fashioned Howers grew about her
uoine. On the blank page of old let­
ters she found she wrote a story d< scrib­
ing the jealousy of Mr. Hollyhock be­
cause Miss Dahlia danced with Mr.
Nasturtium and Miss Fouro’eloek hung
her head in a sulky manner because
Mr. Bachelorbutton did not waits with
her. Ella’s mother noticed her absorb­
ing occupation,and when the little story
was read, she foresaw the literary fu­
ture of her child. But poetry, success,
adulation, and even marriage have not
robbed her of the love for dancing, and
her grace in that accomplishment keeps
pace with her literary progress. She
wrb in New York the other day reading
Erocif for her forthcoming novel, "Miu
loulee.” She said: "I am not as im­
pervious to criticism now as I was be­
fore I was married. Since I was mar­
ried many cruel and bitter things ap­
peared in print about my husband and
myself. Why, a woman who professed
to be my friend wrote to an Indian­
apolis paper that she saw my husband,
and described him as a man devoid of
any emotion. She wound up the letter
bv saying that he had exhausted all
pleasures, and at last concluded to niar-
ry a poetess just for the novelty. These
are mild stories compared to some. If
all couples were as happily married as
we the world would be filled only with
sweetness and light.”
------ (o
------ OF
Third St., Opposite
D on ’ t F orget
P lace ,
— Where you will
Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above
all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agenta
for the
Brownsville Woolen Hill,
Carrying a full line of all goods made by
these celebrated mills
M «•TH. inn vi 11 e
Garden of Eden Rocks.
Since the (lavs of the “forty acres
and a mule" dodge, if a month has
passed away without some ridiculous
fraud being practiced upon the colored
people here, your correspondent fails
to remember it The latest and most
absurd was brought to light to-day,
when a colored man, with his eyes Fine Carriages, Baeks and
dancing with delight, came in to show
Saddle Horses,
me a treasure that he had just bought
in the shape of “a rock from ths
And everything in the Livery hire,
Garden of Eden."
It looked like a small piece of slate,
in good shape
was highly perfumed with musk and
packea in a small paste-board box. Hs
At Reasonable Rates.
had bought it from a white woman,
who toltl him that she was from the
Garden of Eden, and was ths only liv­
Family Gregory Stör«.
ing agent for the sale of the rocks. She
had thousands of them put up in simi­
Third Street, MoMinnville, Oregon.
lar paper boxes, and sold them through
the country at 25 cents each. Shs has
sold several hundred in Columbia. The
Time»-Star correspondent tried to buy
(SuooMaor to L. ROOT.)
the colored man’s rock, but ha resolutely
refused tan times its prioe. A big re­
vival ia in progress among ths colored
Methodists of this city, and ths afore­
said white woman ia reaping a rich
harvest in the sale of her “Garden of
Eden rocks" among the ignorant en-
thusiasts. — Columbia (& (X) (Jer. CW
•snnuft Time»-Star.
J. Harv. Henderson,
▲ man io New Yota woo n»d been
the victim of a card swindler, went in­
to court and described from memory
thirty separate marks that had been
put on as many cards by the thumb
nail of the sharper, each of which iden­
tified its particular card.
There are several towns in Montana
without a single unmarried women, and
the local I papers tell piteous tales of the
rich • an< <1 eligible bachelor« who are
traveling about from town to town look*
ina for a wits.
Notice of Co Partnerslrip.
Having catered into Oo-PartaeralMp with
D. M. Caldwell, in the
In Hkobe’s bnilding, opposite ths Poet oflhse
the firm will be known as COLbARI) A
Mr» Caldwell will attend to
the wants of the public.
All sales will be for each at bed rock prises.
< irders delivered to any part of the city free
of extraebarge.
MoMinnville, Or., Dee. 27th, IfiM.