The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, January 04, 1887, Image 3

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    The Daily Reporter.
Nev^Tear Calls.
A Pod Full of P’s.
Mrs. Breon is prepared to receive a
The ladies are not particularly
Persons who patronize papers
few day boarders. Three gentlemen
anxious, “of course not,” to hear should pay promptly, for the can be furnished with rooms. Cor­
pecuniary prospects of the press ner of Third and H streets, last house
McMinnville, Or
Jan. 4, 1887 individual expressions with ref­
possess a pecular power in push­ on the right before crossing railroad
erence to the satisfactory man­
Choral Union this evening at ner in which they received and ing forward public prosperity.
Provided the printer is paid
Ladies gold and silver watches at a
Grange hall, 7 o’clock. Every­
bargain at the McMinnville jew­
body must be there.
Miss Katie Casey was in the callers on Saturday, but could ing patrons, he puts his pen to
McMinnville jewelery store is now
city on Saturday, making some they be permitted to do so, we his paper in peace ; his para the biggest ami largest west of Port­
purchases for deserving pupils. feel quite confident, without the graphs are more pointed ; he
land and the cheapest in Oregon.
The Pacific coast railway com­ least disposition to exaggerate, paints his pictures of passing Win. Holl, proprietor.
bination ceased on the 1st inst. they would each one and all be events in pleasing colors, and
Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music
Miss Maggie Caples, daughter gladdened to an extent fully jus­ the perusal of his paper is a in McMinnville ami at McMinnville
of Hon. John F. Caples of Port­ tifying their most sanguine pleasure to the people. Paste college. Residence corner of Second
land, sister to Mrs. Mathieu of hopes. We felt, upon more than this piece of proverbial philoso­ and C Streets.
Chas. Greening has established a
this city, is to be married to
phy in some place all persons
wood yard in this city, and sells oak
Chas. II. Hale to-morrow even­ one occasion that the ladies can perceive it.
really deserved the warmest en­
lb-incli cut at $4.00 per cord ; Hr four
ing at the house of her father.
feet, $2.25, and other qualities in like
Funeral Notice.
One of the beautiful things to dorsement possible for the gen­
contribute to the joy of the day tlemen to bestow. Their duties
\\ by do you pay for inferior silver
The funeral of Ganes Burns,
was the buttonaires, of panzies, were not all a pleasure; it neces­
table ware big prices, if
rose buds and crysanthemums, sitates a wearisomeness which will take place at the 0. P.
church this p. m. at one o’clock. jou get at the McMinnville jewelry
contributed bv Mrs. Galloway.
All are invited to attend. Rev. store. Win. Holl, the best and finest
They were freshly plucked from
can be had for the same price.
very nature of the circumstances, T. 11. Henderson will officiate.
open air plants.
All parties knowing themselves in­
to me are requested to please
No city of its size could have but which is nevertheless de­
State treasurer Webb filed all
shake hands, settle up
entered more earnestly upon the
the bonds asked of him.
old accounts, make me happy, and
established custom of calling on entertain in half a day so many
S. C. Force is gaining very yourself to. I have labored for you
New Year day than did the good as called in this citv on the 1st, rapidly. In a short time he in the past, and shall continue to do
ladies and gents of McMinnville yet it was by all esteemed a will be out again.
so in the future.
My work always
gives satisfaction.
Money I must
on Saturday last. It was indeed
J. Gruber has moved his mar­ have to meet my obligations and if
a pleasure to all, heightened by
ble works into the building op­ you want to hear me smile, just come
the circumstance that the weath­ time to look ahead, and still it posite the City Stahles.
and drop a few ducats into my out
er could not have been brighter is remote so far as human calcu­
stretched palm. Respectfully vours,
Hon. Jas. McCain goes on a
nor more cheerful in May.
lation is concerned, but if we hunting excursion this week wz j.. BWtb. • M
*.If asked : “ What did you ad­ live to take part in future ob­ down the Columbia.
mire the most, upon your round servances of New Year day, after
First National Bank,
Messrs. Kohler and Brandt
of society Saturday?” we should
not except the grace of the ladies, the manner and customs in passed a tramp over the road
------ OFFICERS :------
nor the appetite of Prof. Price, vogue, we shall suggest that no
W ortma n .................... President
nor the introductions by Dr'S «refreshments be served. Let it after he was driven of the brake J I). acob
P. T hompson ,.......... Vice-preaident
Tucker, nor the toastsb y Capt. be wholly social, and dispense,
J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier
The grange installation on
Fellow’s, “but we shauld remark” at least in great part, with much
a General Banking buaineM.
Saturday, in connection with the Transacts
that those hickory nuts, direct
on time depoaiu.
from Ohio, landed just in time to that imposes upon our good New’ Year dinner, was a fine Collections made on favorable terms.
I Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Trauafera
grace the occasion at Mrs. Apper- housewife
1 » are
1 irksome task. We affair. We regret that previous on New York, San Francisco and Portland.
should very much like to spec- engagements prevented our at­ Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.
sons, filled, the hill exactly.
Mrs. (Fellows and Mrs. Apper- ially refer to incidents of the tendance.
Considerable amusement was FIRE INSURANCE.
son entertained duster Post band calls made by the party one of
this morning at the
by a special invitation on New whom we were which, but want
lower stable of Logan Bros. A
Year day. It w as proverbial with iof time prevents.
Henderson by yoking of several
these ladies, way back, to a time
Mercantile, Commercial Unioa
in our recollection, ante-dating
Thanks to Chas. Grissen for steers to-gether ami trying to Fire
AMooiatioiv'German American, Fire
drive them.
the surrender of the confederate New Year remembrance.
man h Fund, Hartford, Comuieroial, Anglo
State Inveatiuant.
tryat a)I such sources Qf
Mr. Frank Collard made hiiff- Nevada,
Coupty cojnmis^ioners arp in
Wheat inauranoe a speoialty.
humane inspiration with a true, session to-day aha to-morrow. self a handsome. New' Year pre­
appreciation which ever evinced
Prof. Price will leave to-day
Thta Art 3<11 try.
a keen admiration of mans finer for his future home at The formerly owned by Miss Russ
feelings. Removing from good Dalles. Bon voyage.
.near the Baptist college and
old Clackamas to good old Yam­
The Narrow Gauge By stem of moying ipto it the same day.
hill hasn’t infused the slightest
Rev. Mr. Iftpr wul leave on
tarnish upon their ever brilliant business, over the entire line. Wednesday
for Gopher val­
generosity and esteem for the Fai^e from Lafayette to Portland ley, and wfilr höhl sfc/vitMs' ,at
is il.24.
good things of earth. . .
'We he^r that a tygan Bros. A that pläice iff the iWorffihg.* The
Judge Hi Hurjey, of Lafayette,
The society will also employ a
happened in the city on business
Third street is to be converted novelty called a New Years tree.
on New Year day, and although
Dr. H. V. V. Johnson will read ä?
into a skating rink.
weak from his recent prostration
lay sepYice at St Jaynes- on Sun­
Ganes Burns, son of H. G. day nejft.
was able to ipai^e a few qajls. It
is qee<j|eM -to remark;, perhaps, Burns of this city, died yester­
The Oregonian never over
that h'fs presence amongst our day morning after a brief illness. does its work in matters pertain­
people iyas\ warmlyr -welcomed. His age was about 33 years.
ing to the business of the coun­
Wells Fargo A t?o. now con­ try. Its statistics of commercial
His Taw' partner, Mr, McCain was
in the city also, but as he had at fine their business to a -very transactions are from the best
home a turkey whose execution small patch, of the Paqific .North sources, and may be taken as
had been stayed from Christmas west. This valley and Astoria thoroughly reliable. We ahrays
is alt that’ is' left to them.
because of-sickness in the family is
file away the Oregoaian at the
he was #Klig*<¥ to return and see i , Mjss Anna Turner w ilt Teav^‘ entf
fop 12 month
' it
.. that
.. . thfr,e was no furth$K To.r her. aew.hoin?! nt The D
deify in the cause. W. K. Brown on Thursday. With deep
W re-
of /ijnjty. wiia affp an honored gr.
______ 2.2
___ J bid
ret do "...
her nearest
er good bye.
guest of tnecity on this occasion, her