MISCELLANEOUS. happens that purchases are made i certainly very obtuse. We can from samples displayed aggregat­ • tell you in very few words just D. C. IHEI.ANK A CO. I'UHI.IHHEKH. ing half a million dollars or over • how we feel about it, and that is QUIT YOUR Aub»rolls, the Yaquina Mail comes All the leading styles. and E streets, and are ushered us look to heaven and thank the to us with a superb holiday edi­ Prices which startle everybody. into thtj san|ph* room, aplace (yr author of our being that our lol tion, filled full of matters inter­ People of taste and economy, now is traveling salesmen tv display the has been cist in such a paradise esting to all readers, and par­ sam if their stock to intend-[ as Old Yamhill, the garden spot ticularly to those interested your chance. !e ing purchasers. This is an at­ of America, ugly in name, but Our specialty — To please our cus- al>out the bay. tachment to all modern hotels, the start ing point for a very large tomers. made necefs^ry by the preseut percentage of all that is noble, Congress will reassemble to­ methods of doiug business. In pure mid generous, in Oregon at '< day. The session will come to Our Aims—To save money for our I * I W If* « f f * i this room the wholesale dealer or least But we have some calls to i an end March 4th. A vast 1 patrons. manufacturer m factor er from any jertrnu make, and reluctantly leave the i amount of business, some of Our Intentions—To do better by you of the commercial wp wor ’rla, will band to *toot its own noraj’ and yast importance to the county, than anyone else. in i?f OweilJ, perhaps you have olwerved, kind I too; will die with the session. For your sake, for our sake, for good- as conven v purchaser reader, with what remarkable The late vacation was an abso- sake, come and let us save your =ievt t$e seller giorno. In proficiency the lio/s can do that 11 lute neglect of public affairs ut­ nets now mee !________ _ wwtee. money. these sample rooms it frequently sort o* thing; if not',’ then you are'I terly inexcusable. A. J. APPKMOM. The Daily Reporter. NO IT SEN SE I • i . . i I . ■ I ‘ ‘ ‘ ? - 1 «.»O. r 4 < • A. I A 1*1 r » - ,.» « A , ■ ■■ ■ _■ '.ill Hl' . <. j