f MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS M tO dQ, in order to accomplish what to Continued from 1st page. them seemed a public good. Continue to in pens, put your own hogs in your neigh­ bors pen for him to fatten and kill, see if practice self-denial, and work for tlie good your discrimination »loes not improve of the many, and if we are judged by our under such treatment. You will soon practices, then may we hope for, and ex­ leurn to tell your neighbors projierty from pect a righteous verdict. Let us hope that your own. This is true of all other pro­ any rival forces in this contest may be gov­ W. H. BINGHAM, duce, merchandise and other commodities. erned by wise and judicial councils and so These articles are not intended as personal conduct the tight that when the verdict is Propr Hings. They are given out with the intention rendered, and thesniokeof battle is cleared and hope that they may accomplish public away, no difference which army wins, no good. Having heretofore spoken of McMin- difference what place may be selected as Manufacturer and Dealer In ville as the business center of Old Yamhill, the future county seat of Yamhill county. and endeavored to show up to some extent Then all will be prepared to throw their th« energy and enterprise of her business hats high in the air and cry. “amen; well men. Now that New Year is here, and this is done good and faithful soldiers;’’ we of all kinds. to be a New Year edition of the Reporter, fought the battle the best we could, we met the enemy, they treated us fairly and would it not be well for us to show a little Just received an extra tine lot of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of al more energ" and public spirit? Is it not time honestly, but we are his vanquished foe. designs. < all and price my stook. you had established a Board of Immigration. “To the victors belong the spoils." Then Failing heretofore to do anything in this mat­ will there be good cheer, and good will, ter would it not be well to commence dis­ not onlv toward rival towns, but to ah men. Then all can fall in with a good will playing your public spirit by early organiz­ and enjoy rhe feast of the passover. ing in the New Year not only a board of im­ U ncle E zra . migration. but also a Board of Trade. Both j-vf* $1.50 in advance! for the Reporter for are institutions for public good; both are very necessary adjuncts to any business cen­ 1887, means just what it says— in advance . Not a month after the beginning. ter, and if yours is strictly a business center Is the best place to get your in fact, and not merely ho in newspaper arti­ MISCELLANEOUS. cles, common parlance and daily talk, the goods for the Holidays, Be­ public have a right to expect and demand of fore purchasing for yourself you these important adjuncts to the growth, CHARLES ROTEI or family, it will pay you to not only of the business interest of the tow.i F. MULTNER, Prop., but equally as necessary and important for CALL AND EXAMINE Corner Third and B streets, the prosperity and growth of the country at my goods which are warrant­ . . OREGON large. It is a duty which the business men .UCV1INNV1I.LE ed as represented. Having New house! New furniture! Unsurpassed owe to the community. It may by some be in the country. Rates — $1 to $2 per day ac ­ argued that it ousts something; they have not cording to room. Single meals 25 oents the time to devote to it. By others that they Lodging, 25 to .50 oents according to room. cannot afford the expense attending it. May Board and Lodging, $4 to $6, per week. Twc it not be argued with equal propriety, by Fine Sample Rooms for commercial men. Give me a call and see for yourself. those coming here over such roads as you lor rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and have, and contributing their mite to your growth and prosperity, that it is too far, and repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Attended with too many hardships, we can­ Opposite the Grange Store. Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. not, on the score of economy, afford to go to McMinnville. It does not necessarily require very much of an outlay of money to organ­ ize and run one or both of these institutions. It is not important that you should pay exor­ (Suooesaor to L. ROOT.) bitant salaries to each and every one oonneo- Dealer in ted with them. You have always some idle men in this as well as other oommunities, All Freak Goods, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, and who oan contribute part of their time and m rat i nu ri i« i t ■ i m h in i h ia ■ < brain (if thev have any to spare to a publio Glassware and Crockery. good. It would be far healthier and better for them to do so, than to squander it in ¿^“Goods delivered to purchasers in the oity aoms saloon, where they, nor any one else, reap any benefit from it, save and exoept the Notice of Co-Partnership. * *XX XX * ******* * XHOK X* XX X X * X«X * XX XXX X * * XX * X*X * ***** X* * « Having entered into Co-Partnership with benefit derived by the saloon from such con­ IIIIHIIIIIIIIIITHE DINING car D. M. Caldwell, in the tributions. Again, quite a good many have THE DIRECT ROUTE! NO DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! FEED AND FLOUR BUSINESS. not the wherewith to contribute. so th< re need not be any great loss in this respect, In Shobe's building, opposite the Post offioe, T5 a I aa T o CHICAGO and all points EAST the firm will be known as COL b ARD A henoe we have it: The idle contribute time; CALDWELL. J m Q W v S M X wmw CS T lcket * 8O, d , o a H prominent points Throughout the East and Southeast. genius contribute brain, and the community Mr. Caldwell will attend to contribute the capital; thus the (^partner­ tlie want* of the public. TO «AST BOIVD PASSEAGERS! ship is oomplete and the result ought to be a A11 sales will be for cash at bed rook prices. grand snocess for the people. < »rders delivered to anv part of the city free rsr BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE J. J. COLLARD. How opportune and important it is that of extra charge. ------ TO TAKE THE------ D. M. CALDWELL. this board of trade should lie organized and McMinnville. Or., Dec. 27th, 18S#;. put into suooessful operation immediately; your wisest and most learned heads should Ao. I CITY TRUCK be made its leaders and direct the efforts of the many. Now is the propitious and impor­ And see that your ticket reads via Portland and tant time; Why? Beoause we have a public work to do. A battle is to be fought in the near future. Old Yamhill is to be the battle gTound. The Generals, have taken the To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Held and are marshaling their forces. The Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full Length of the Line. Berths Free. bugles are sounding in the peoples' ears. It RATES! ---- —CP QUICKEST TIME! LOWEST is not a battle of nations for a oonqnest of ------- o------- new territory; it is not a battle between polit GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, ioal parties, nor with enemies; but it ia a bat­ Having purchased the Strainproperty, and tle between friends and neighbors; a battle permanently located in MoMinnville, am A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent. in which the individual wishes and interests ready to do ail kinda of Truck and Deliv- of the few are to submit to the public good: erT Work at short notioe. Al) goods en M c M innville ■of a bitter and revengeful war of bullets: trusted to our oare will be oarefully handled, and promptly delivered, tlso keep on band but a peaceful battle of the ballots; lot friend Wood of all kinds as cheap as the cheapest. ship and good will toward man prompt the Orden loft at the City Drug store will be J. J. COLLARD. contest; 1st fair and honest dealing toward promptly attended to. our fellow men be the battle cry; let the bal Cor. 3d and C Streets, lots of the whole people decide the oonteet. OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, corr, FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., An honest vote and a fair oount on thia qnes 1» Now Ope«. tion is all that any should wish for .or desire. Lu to of Independence. having purchased the Successor to W. F. Bangasser. Rut this we wsnt, and this we shall have. Attention ia respectfully invited to thia TE A MM AND TRUCKS Bangasser’s building, Cor. B and Third Sta. There is to be no screen large enough for BU8INE8S 8CHOOL. men to hide themselves behind, who un­ Of Logan Bros A Henderson. offers his Here is where you can get your money's Its facilities for thorough practical dertake to defeat this, or longer thwart the | services in that line to the publio, and will worth in tion; actual busineoe department a a will of the people. Old Yamhill will not be when currency, bank cheek, drafts, Bwf, Pork, Eittoi, Saaaaga, Tripa» «■aranter Satintaction used. Claes, or private instruetioi big enough to longer endure suoh as prac­ evening. College Journal eent free on ap­ »verything in the line of meat tice any chicanery or trickery in this mat- To all who favor him with their patronage. plication. quality the country affords. À Ha will heap a wagon specialty adapted to the tor. McMinnville and her citizens have of parcels, trunk« satchels. etc., for Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty. in the past shown that thev could rise dolivury ' Bett of Bolognas tha accomodation of tha publio. Orden left above their selfish Interests when necessary i at the etable will ba promptly attended to at P. O. Box 101. G. B. HIGGINS, Prtn. a cell and be F urniture F actory . FINE FURNITURE PIONEER BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Low Prices to Suit Times, and where you won’t have to Pay Family Grocery Store. P. F. Browiie. J. Harv. Henderson, THE GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ -ROUTE- ■ • ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ORTHERHftACIFIC N SHOREST! T St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. CITY MARKET, samxhel Business College,