The Daily Reporter. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. ----------J xm . A McMinnville, Or. - Doo. UL. IKtta Vol 2, No. 1. Double edition. A Happy New Year to all. No Daily Reporter will be is­ sued from this office on Monday. A fifty dollar dress for a dol­ lar is an elegant gift. At Mrs. M. Shadden’s. M. Underwood has finished his corduroy, to the satisfaction of all reasonable travelers. Miss Margaret Thurber and Chas. Wallnace, were married by Hon. L. Loughary, at the Essex house, in Lafayette, on the 24th. Miss May Alexander, Miss Nel­ lie Dumphrey, Miss Fanny Mus­ grove, and Miss Lillie Newgard, will spend their New Year to-day in Portland. It seems queer that whenever a noted man of politics dies in America the next thing is a sub­ scription for the widow. States­ men are about as poorly paid as editors after all. The cheapest attempt to get something for nothing is now being practiced upon the ver­ dant interior press by the most insignificant pretender,the Min­ neapolis fireside, an alleged paper unworthy of a capital F. Thanks to Mrs A. J. Baker for a nice lot of choice mince meat for pies. Our fondness for mince pies may now be grati­ fied in a manner to remind us of old times in Astoria. Services as usual in all church­ es to-morrow. The subject of Rev. Mr. Hendersons morning discourse will be : “Our Work in this Community for the Com­ ing Year.” Subject for evening, “Laying the Foundation for a Pure and Noble Life.” A. M. Taggart has sold his shop and tailoring business in this city to Otho Williams, late of Dallas, who will continues at the old stand and carry out the plans of his predecessor, who has given the most perfect satis­ faction to all in this town. One of our exchanges fires a satirical shot, thusly: “We have said nothing to you about your dues during the long summer months, yetour expenses are just as heavy in summer as in win­ ter. Now you think we are go­ ing to dun you, but you are mistaken. We only want to say to you that this is a grand and glorious country, and that we are going to “whoop’er up for all she is worth!” Also that we are trying our best to get our paper, printers, etc., without paying for them. What? dun old friends that have stuck to us through thick and thin for the last three or four years, who never ‘missed a meal or paid a centt* Not we; no, sir!” New Year Calls. Observation*. MISCELLANEOVS. The following named ladies Ladies gold and silver watches at a have signified their intention big bargain at the McMinnville jew- of receiving from gvioiiv gentle- | Jelry store. _ -o • calls mon tiiends men friends and acquaintances on McMinnville jewelery store is now New Year New \ ear day : (the biggest and largest west of Port­ Mrs. \\ . T. Booth and daugh­ land and the cheapest in Oregon. ter, at home. Win. Holl, proprietor. OF Mrs. Dr. (’albreath at her resi­ Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music dence, assisted bv Mrs. W. D. in McMinnville and at McMinnville Fenton ; from 1 p. in. college. Residence corner of Second Third St., < ipjaiaite Mrs. A. L. Talmage at her home and C Streets. YAMHILL CO. BANK. assisted by Miss Anna Turner Chas. Groening has established a P on r F orget the P lace , and Miss Belle Johnson. wood yard in this city, and sells oak Mrs. E. B. Fellows and Mrs. A. IB-inch cut at $ 100 per cord ; fir four —Where you will— J. Apperson, at the house of feet. $2.25. and other qualities in like Mrs. Apperson, from 11 a. m. proportion. Miss Lillie Ireland, at her Why do you pay for inferior silver home, assisted by Miss F. E. plated table ware big prices, if Russ, and Mrs. Geo. A. Wileox. you get at the McMinnville jewelry Miss Mary L. Johnson, at the store, Wm. Holl, the best and finest residence of C. D. Johnson, as­ can be had for the same price. sisted by Miss Mary Carlin, Miss Advertisments, etc., intended for Nellie Dumphery, and Miss Ida publication in The Weekly Reporter Smith. must be handed in Tuesday morning. Miss Maggie Wright, at the We cannot in future deviate from this LATEST STYLES. residence of W. D. Wright,assist­ rule. Goods of all kind, and above ed by Miss Katie Nelson, and All parties knowing themselves in­ all Furniahiug LTIE LOWES I PRICES. Also ngenta Miss Ellen Bangasser ami Miss debted to me are requested to please for the forward, shake hands, settle up Sarah Osborn; from 1 p. m. till come old accounts, make me happy, and Brow iin > ill«* Woolen Hill, 5 o’clock. yourself to. 1 have labored for you Carrying a full line of all goods made by THE CLOTHIERS YAMHILL CO ALWAYS FIND in the past, and shall continue to do This is Jeannie Winstons last so in the future. My work always night at New Market. gives satisfaction. Money 1 must t The Postal Telegraph co. ask have to meet my obligations and if you want to hear me smile, juBt come no subidy from anybody. They •\ and drop a few ducats into my out do their work upon a basis of ’ I stretched palm. Respectfullv vours, W. T. Booth. business. Public schools will resume j next Monday, under direction First National Bank of Prof. Jordan. College studies resume on Tuesday. ------ OFFICERS :------ There are over twelve bun-1 J acob W ortman ................... President siu. the number can estimate. Usu­ Collections made on favorable terms. ally the patent is ready about Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfei New York, San Francisco and Portland. fifteen months after the date of on Office hour«—from V a. m. to 4 p. in. the final receipt. It is expected that the rail­ : FIRE insurance road bridge at Albany will be JOHA WORTJIAA completed by January 1st, ready sterling oom pan for the passage of trains. The Represents the following SoLTSS grading on the eastern extension ________ British A _________ Mercantile. , Comnieroial Union i Fire Aaaociation, German Amerioan, Fire is about completed to the point man's Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo where the road crosses the San- Nevada, State Investment. Wheat inanranoe a specialty. tiam east of Albany. Bridge news is interesting from up the Willamette. Boats, Watch Th!« Art G«ll«ry. cannot pass under the Salem bridge at the present stage of water, or near the Albany bridge without wreck, on account of the furious current. It is inconceiv­ able how such a blunder could be made at Salem with the gauge of hight established at the canal, so long as the locks can be used no bridge should obstruct naviga­ tion farther up stream. ; these celebrated mills. Here I Am Come and See Me —AT— C. GRISSEN’S Santa Claus HEADQUARTERS. Candy, Nuts, Toys and Pres­ ents for every body. Persons buying 5 lbs or over will be given wholesale rates. With every ♦! purchase will be given u chance on 3 "Handsome Prizes. (Groceries Excepted.) I extend a cordial invitation to the people of this county to come and examine my goods and compare prices. C. GRI88KN, Oantaoa’i Block. NcMlnntfllo, OvofM. McMinn ville LIVERY FEED ANO SALE STABLES Li«t of Letters. Following is a list of letters remaining in the McMinnville post office uncalled for January 1st 1887 : A. D. Boundage, Ed­ win Boundage, Mrs. Mary Bar­ nette, J. E. Conner, John Davis, H. Fisher, Miss Hendershot, F. H. McGrew, H. B. Miller, Ira Miller, A. C. 8nyder. Parties calling for the sum please say advertised J. F. W iscarvib , P. M. To Biiihop & Kay a we go LOGAN BROS. A HENDERSON. --- PBOPK1 rroas— with a wish to get first choice of Holiday Furnishing Goods Fiae Carriage«, Hacks aa< Neckware and Suspenders, Saddle ■arses, and Silk Handkerchiefs, at Aad ia tto LAwy tan*, bottom prices. BIBHOP a KAY. i >•