F MISCELLANEOUS the contest, caused the legisla­ ture to look elsewhere for candi­ D. C. IRELAND A CO. I’CIJI.I.HHER“. dates who will “pan out” better. Nabscrtption Hates. By Carrier per week............................ 10 cents Mackay does not want it at any (Payable on Saturday.) price. There is a prospect that Single Copy......................................................... . By Mail 40 oents per Month (In Advance.) the politicians in the state w ill W. F. COLLARD. • ■ ■■ » Kates for Advertising have to emigrate. The mines Will be made satisfactory are about exhausted and if the Dealer in Guns, Ammunition, fishing tackle, Ac. All kinds of gunsmith, McMinnville, Or. demand for the senatorship dis­ cuttlery, locksmith and sewing machine work done with neatness and dispatch. Gov. Gibbs, died in London appears also, there will be no Choke boring a Specialty and satisfaction means left of making a living. on the 30th. guaranteed, The Daily Reporter, f Spwtxat’s Cipria, — —I --------- Third street, McMinnville, Or. City Stables ■ Buter & Martis fa Fiw Bn » r QUIT YOUR HOUSEH SE ! * AI’I’BRSOAn Wants You to get right Washington city has the first A train from The Dalles got through to Portland night be- specimen of Bartholdi’s work A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON down to business* ever seen in this country. It is fore last. Have a Few not to be wondered at that this While the -.Salvationists were fact is not generally known, for Because you feel that times are a lit­ parading Portland streets on the work was stupidly hidden Sunday with touch and song two away in the low', flat grounds ad­ tle hard is just the reason you Dutchmen, a big.and a little one, joining the botanical gardens, should take advantage of our popu­ dropped out of the line at the where it is never seen. It is lar way of doing business. saloon corner of Second aud in the shape of a magnificent That they will Morrison ; the little Dutchman bronze fountjin, and was brought We ask you to buy Good Goods at low SELL FOR CASH saying to the big one, “Fritz let’s : to this country to be exhibited prices, drop oud and get som? beer, at the Centennial Exhibition at VERY LOW. For they are cheaper in the long run, dey vill not miss us.,” Philadelphia. The government They also|have a SMALL|LOT of Look better, Hon. D. 1*. Thomson and other purchased it and it was sent to capitalists of Portland, have be­ Washington and stowed away Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc., Fit neater, come interested in the town of for several years in the basement That will also be sold , » And are|nicer in every way. Nampa, which they will endeav­ of the capitol. Finally some- Low for Cash» or to make the principal rail­ body discovered it, and it was It is for your interest and our interest. They[have a few road town in the Boise region. set upon the low ground, wdiere Economy for you, The railroad company have ex­ it now|stands, bidden by a great PLOWS, HARROWS, And makes you solid customers of pressed a determination of mak­ iron fence and out of harmony SEEDERS And ours. ing that place the shipping w ith its surroundings. The wa­ BAIN WAGONS point to both Boise and Silver, ter supply in that part of the We give you plain, honest talk and That will be sold in place of Kuna. city is so feeble that the foun­ Low for Cash.. let our competitors feed you on Executive clemency in this lat­ tain is never kept playing. The When you want anything in that line you will consult your own interest as well as taffy. ter day was illustrated last week dust has accumulated upon it, ours to call and see us. We think we can suit A, H. & O. O. HODSON. when President Cleveland par­ and the grand work is now in you. Try it. We show you the new and exclusive such a sad case of neglect that it doned an embezzler of $200,000, styles, is to be hoped that the liberty serving his sentence in the and American loving Bartholdi, Latest Novelties, Chester, Illinois, penitentiary. if he should chance to visi; The president pardoned him on Washington, may pass on with­ Finest qualities in Seasonable Goods account of statements in several out discovering its hiding place. for fall and Winter. petitions that prisoner had al Senator Mitchell has submit­ Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ Tailor-fit* ready suffered a sufficient penal­ ted resolutions calling on the ty. He has been in two years Secretary of war to answer the ting clothing. and a half. following : Is it true that Capt. Powell has reduced wages of the HENDERSON BROS., Our Specialties, R. G. Head, president of the employes at the Cascades to so Ample room to care for horses. Livery Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing and International Range association, lowr a figure that great numbers teams at aa reasonable ratee as any where in expresses himself in favor of ceased to work, and if said re­ Oregon. Newstable Third 8t., MoMinnville. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, F. J. MARTIN. eularaing the powers of the duction of wages has any effect W. T. BAXTER. Caps and Underwear. of reduction of work ? Whether bureau of animal industry. Colo­ Goods, New Prices The prices tell. rado cattlemen sustain Mr. Head. The Cascades of the Columbia, New Firm, At New the New Store of The quality sells. a steam vessel built by the gov­ Telegrams from numerous sect­ ernment by the United States The best assortment. ions of the range country to the engineers at a cost of $70,000, All the leading styles. Colorado association are to the for the use of the canal and locks, Successors to Al. HÜSSEY, same effect. Mr. Head has ad­ is being used on the jetty works Prices which startle everybody. Third street, MoMinnville, Oregon, dressed the secretary of the at St. Helens, eighty miles from People of taste and economy, now is the canal and locks ? Whether treasury, asking him to prohibit your chance. it is true, as alleged, that a steam the importation of cattle from launch built for use at the canal Our specialty—To please our cus­ all countries wdiere bovine dis­ and locks, by order of the United A new, neat and clean stock. Every article A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored tomers. eases exist. States engineers and paid for Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ bacco. Pipes and Cigars. Our Aims—To save money for our out of moneys appropriated for It is said that the tender of the construction of the canal Frsah Trait and Vegetables in B smm , patrons. me a call. Inspect my stock, and I the senatorship was made to and locks, is now in use as an will Give guarantee prices to suit you. Our Intentions—To do better by you Mackay by the Nevada Solons excursion boat for army officers Notice To Jly Patrons. because other candidates failed at Vancouver? And w'hether it In oonoequenee of d «dining health, which than anyone else. to put up the coin for it. An is true that the cost of main­ »revente me from making personal applica­ For your sake, for our sake, for good­ tion to parties inde ed, I am compelled to taining these boats is about 110,- thus pcoliely my th,,i all bills due and un­ agreement between the men who 000 per year, and if this sum is settled January lot 1U7 will bo ptoood in ness sake, come and let us save your would like the place, not to taken from the appropriation other hands for eolloetioa. money. Wu. H. BINGHAM. spend more than 1100,000 in for said canal and locks ? McMinnville, Qr„ Don. M. IMA A. J. ITflUOf. HEATING & COOK SlOVßS • MISCELLANEOUS.