MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS ¡he has residence and thereby adding to its general prosperity, A Splendid Suggestion. to assist in adding wealth to F urniture F actory Editor Reporter. ¡ h not the present muddy con­ some foreign community. Every dition of the streets of McMinn­ head of a family should take a W. H. BINGHAM, ville highly suggestive of a needpocal paper, Its cost is nothing Propr of h system of underdraining? I in comparison with the benefits A system of underdrains laid derived therefrom. The man Maaufecturer and Dealer In down at a depth of from three who neglects to take his home t<> tour feet and placed at proper paper for economical reasonsis FINE FURNITURE intervals would draw out all the a poor calculator, and if all his of all kinds. sub-oil water anti lower the other transactions are on the of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of al water line so that surface wuter [same basis he will find when the Just received an extra tine lot designs. < all and price my stook. could readily sink into the ground year rolls around that it has and leave the surface dry and brought anything but profit. solid for travel. Spinner, we had almost for­ The benefits that would be gotten him ; same as R. B. Hayes, derived from such an improve­ John Conness, Gorham, and PIONEER BOOT AND SHOE STORE. ment would not be confined to Frank Pixley; but his name Is the best place to get your the streets alone, it would greatly came up in a letter from Florida goods for the Holidays. Be­ improve the health of the town. last week. Twenty years ago he fore purchasing for yourself Stagnant water, and cesspools of was a conspicuous personage at or family, it will pay you to filth, has a tendency through the head of the United States CALL AND EXAMINE constant evaporation, to chill treasury. His white mustache, my goods which are warrant­ and poison the atmosphere. It his brusque manner, his loud ed as represented. Having would also prevent a great deal voice, his inimitable corkscrew Low Prices to Suit of impure water from getting signature, his fervent patriotism, into the wells. The origin of a and his equally fervent and Times, and where you won’t have to Pay large amount of sickness such picturesque language, all com­ for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and as malaria, typhoid-fever and bined to attract attention to him. repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, diptheria and many other dan­ He was one of Mr. Lincoln’s Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. Bl’OWIie. gerous diseases may be traced closest counsellors. Now he is to this source. Underdraining in Florida for his health. His THE GREAT in not expensive when a good daughter married the president -ROUTE outlet is already provided as is I of a bank in Jacksonville, but TRANSCONTINENTAL *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦ * w ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ the case in McMinnville and the general refuses to be cooped when drain tiles are used it is up in town. He lives alone in a iMM*M,iiiiir»ii»in BC •••»'•••»«•••••••'i,i.m.m.n I i •« i t a • i-a 11M • • • i-g permanent and will continue to I couple of tents on Pablo beach, preform its good work for gen­ sixteen miles off. One tent is SHORES'!! erations to come. The amount | his kitchen, and the other his BEST! QUICKEST! , of money necessary to carry out parlor and bed-room, and he m»g*O**OO**OO*OO*«O*O*ft*OO*X**»X«***ml llllllllllltllirTHE OININC CAR LINEjtf/MflARJMHf such a system would be very seems quite comfortable. I paid THE DIRECT ROUTE! NO DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! small indeed, when compared my respects to the venerable To CHICACO and all points EAST. to the great amount of good that camperout; says this letter writ­ Tickets «old to ail PROMINENT POINTS it would accomplish. It would er ; and he said that life had by Throughout the Earn and Southeast. increase the value of city prop­ no means lost its attractions for TO EAST BOUND PASSENGERS I erty more than ten times the him yet. A tent on the beach fl“ BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE ------ TO TAKE THE------- eoet of the improvement. P. w. in Florida furnishes his ideal headquarters for a rheumatic.” Poor Economy. AV here is Hannibal Hamlin ? He whose picture ornaments a Ynkitua Signal niche the sanctum of the Re­ And see that your ticket reads via Portland and Every once in a while the porter in editor. Signal runs against a man who ——St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS,; "takes so many papers” from Big land schemes still continue To avoid change« and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Train» Full abroad that he cannot afford to to be recorded.,. The latest is Line. Berthe Free. take his home paper, and yet from Colorado capitalists, inter­ LOWEST RATES! Length of the an-------- & QUICKEST TIME I -------- o ■ when he meets with misfortune ested with New York, Chicago GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, he looks at his home paper for and St.Louis parties, in a scheme No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent. consolatory notice, and when he to gobble up the Cherokee lands has a favor to ask, this same with the intention of opening MeMINNVILLI home paper is the one he goea. that country to settlement. The to it for its granting. Such men price mentioned is $3 per acre. drop out of a community and The scheme also includes the Cor. 3d and C Stivata. none know it or feel the loss but aoquision of four million acres FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., OVER TAM HILL COUNTY BANK, the immediate family. The in no man’s land, extending to Is A»w Opca. Bnoeeeeor to W. F. Bangaaaer. papers he doea take have no Mexico, claimed by the Chero­ Attention to r«»p»»t fully invited te thia knowledge of him, nor care for kees. It is asserted that 120,000 Bangaaaer’a building, Oor. B and Third Sta. BU8INE8S SCHOOL. Bera is ubare you ean get your money*» his interests beyond the amount has been spent already in look­ worth in Ito faailitiM for thorough pruteieal . • » ■ tion; estuai buaineeo department a gpeeteNy of the subscription, and vet he ing up records and negotiating Bsaf, Pari, Rittoa, Saaaafi, Tripa» where eunwey, bank «book, drafta. tee.. arv need. Claes. or private luMruetiou dayae goes along ignoring the paper with the Indians. It is a very Apd everything in the line of menta, of the evening. small "settlement” that will re* bate quality the country afforda. Alto the plication. College Journal seat flee on ap­ which is constantly endeavoring suit from the scheme, if it is, Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty. Bost of Bolo