Reporten, D. C. IRELAND 4 CO. PUBLISHERS. McMinnville, Or. - Dec. 31. 18S6 Wheat was 73 cents sacked yesterday. Miss Minnie Kerney goes to Independence after the holidays. The Lewiston jury failed to agree upon the last trial of Hibbs, this week. We were in error. The in­ stallation of the Grange officers to-morrow will not be public. G. E. Detmering was able to walk up to his store yesterday for the second time since Christ­ mas. Eugene Hannah, Esq., of Walla Walla, is spending the holidays at his old home near Carlton. No train has got through be­ tween The Dalles and Portland since Monday. Passengers are transferred by steamers as of old. Merss. Worprian at the First National! biyifc are surfeited with elegant -Calendars for their friends. Call and capture one. Frank Hauswirth, one of the live and energetic citizens of North Yamhill, was in the city yesterday, and he did not fail to call. The interior decorations of St. James church where photo­ graphed for the Rector Mr. Fair, by Price the artist. He secured a splendid negative. The roan gilding that strayed from A. K. Olds’ pasture has possibly gone over the moun­ tains in the direction of Astoria, as he was raised in the Nehalem settlement. Ira Hutchens, a lad of about fifteen years, lost the tips of two fingers on his right hand, in Fletcher’s feed mill yesterday. The surgery was attended to by Dr. Calbreath, and the little fel­ low stood the operation without a whimper. Mr. White's' illness, ha« pre­ vented distribution of the New Year Reporter. Will all who wish jt. oblige us by calling al the office for them. Those ordered by mail will be sent out to-morrow, or on Monday, if possible to do so. Messrs. Hodsons have too much to do to s|,and around and talk about what they are doing, but invite customers to call, and find out and see for themselves that they are selling as good goods * tyj ‘ An^bofly, Afid at a he^lt-l-e'the lowest prices, for a fact. , Farmers who may wish to get rid of squirrels or‘ gophers can do sd for a Very Small cost by purchasing of George Hanson, at the agricultural warehouse of Burrtfckoff & Co., Third itreot, New Year Calls. M arried .-— In Brownsville, on MISCELLANEOUS. The following named ladies Christinas Day, at the residence - have signified their intention of the brides parents Thomas of receiving calls from gentle­ Kay, by Rev. C. Sperry, O. P. First National Bank, men triends and acquaintances on Coshow. Jr., and Miss Libby Kay. —ornciM s---- New Year day : We extend hearty congratula- J acob W orth am ..................... Pivnidvnt Mrs. W. T. Booth and daugh­ i tions. D. P. T hompson , ......... . Viee-preaideut ter, at home. J ohn W ortman .........................Cashier MISCELLANEOUS. Mrs. Dr. Calbreath at her resi­ Tranaact» a Latterai Banknf buaineea. In terrai allowed i»n lini* deposita. dence, assisted by .Mrs. W. D. OrJleelion« madv on iatomblr termi. ST. CHARLES HOTEL. St Corne: XIVI 1.1.« . . OHrt.Oi and Miss Belle Johnson. New hoase.' New furniture? VnauruMned FIKE INS! RANCE. in the oonuiry Rates—41 to «2 per day as Mrs. E. B. Fellows and Mrs. A. oordmg JOH.X WORTW.O to room. Single nx-aU ?» cents J. Apperson, at the house of lexiging. 2f> t> O cent« according to rxiom. Represents the following sterling oomiuin- Board and Ixxlging. $4 to gt'. per week. Twc Mrs. Apperson, from 11 a. m. Fine Sample Room» for commercial men iea: laHidou A 14ver|*M'l A Glone. North British A Mercantile. (Vmnierolai Vuma M iss Lillie Ireland, at her Give rue a call and see for vonreelf. Fire Aaaooiation, German American, Fire­ man’» Fund, Hartford, Commercial. Anglo home, assisted by Miss F. E. Nevada. State 'nveMtui-ut Family Grocery Store. Russ, and Mrs. Geo. A. Wilcox. Wheat insurance a «i>ecially. Third Street, MoMinnville, Oregon. Miss Mary L. Johnson, at the BUY YOUR residence of C. D. Johnson, as­ J. Harv. Henderson, sisted by Miss Marv Carlin, Miss Tine Holiday Goods Nellie Dumphery, and Miss Ida (Suooesaor to L. ROOT.) Smith. OF US. Dealer in Miss Maggie Wright, at the residence of W. D. Wright,assist-' AH Freeh Jooda, Grocarits. Flour. Bacca. «e; We have a large and Complete ed by Miss Katie Nelson, and Slurrare tad Crocktry. stock consisting of: Miss Ellen Bangasser and Miss t-W~trooda delivered to purubeaer» in the nt Christmut Card«. Sarah Osborn; from 1 p. m. till Children« Books, 5 o,clock. Aiotlce oi Co-Parlnrrwhip. into (\> 1‘artnership with The Inland Empire is under Having entered D. M Caldwell, in the snow, but as the ground was not FEED AND FLOUK BUSINESS, frozen it will be of immense In Shobe’s building, opposite the Piiat oAce. the Arm will lw known iui COLLARD A benefit to the grass crops. ‘CALDWELL. .......... — Mr. Ualduell will h II cik I tu The Three Sisters gave the lite MHiil» of Ihr public. steamer Salem a lively chase up All Mien will be forcHaii at tied rock price«. Orders delivered to any part >>f the city free the river the other day, keeping «/^TtrachargT 1 J. J OOLLARD. D. M. CALDWELL. ahead of her several miles, al- j though the Salem is noted for McMinnville, Or., Dec. 27th, l|WK speed. The N. S. Bentley had TKI <’k. Ao already lowered the time be­ tween Corvallis ami Albany half an hour, before she sunk. The woman Ida Garrard mys­ teriously disappeared, has re­ turned to her home. The Oregonian intimates that there are several strange ¿ircupi- stances in this matter that would bear investigation, but if the twain go borne and “sin no more” the public should be sat­ isfied to let it rest. Having pnraliaaed the Strain property, and permanently located in McMinnville, am ready U1 do all kinds of Truck and Dsliw- ery Work at abort notice All goods en trusted to our care will be carefully handled, and promptly delivered. Al*> keep on hand Wood of all kinds as cheap as the cheapest. Orders left at the City I>r»J store will bo promptly attended to. JJ/COLLARD. Autograph, Photo Album«, Notion«, Band Mirren. Drew ng C om «, Odor CMOS, Poosu. Scrap Books, Ptrfumoi, Combs, Bruthas, Toilet Article«. We call Special Attention to our stock of Ladies Portmonna- ies in leather and plush, which are chen|>er than ever before offered. An elegant edition of Webster’s Unabridg­ ed Dictionary will be given away. Every purchaser buy­ ing One Dollars worth oi Holi­ day G< mm I s , gets a chance. Ten chances for every Ten Doi- lars. Come and learn particu lars of ROGERS A TODD, Druggists. obacrvUilona Ladies gold and silver watches at a big bargain at the McMinnville jew­ elry «tore. McMinnville, jewelery store is now the biggest and largest west of Port­ land and the cheapest in Oregon. Wm. Holl, proprietor. Miss Belle Johnson , teacher of music in McMinnville and at McMinnville college. Residence corner of Second and C Streets. Chas. (fawning has established a wood yard in thia citj^ and sells oak 16-inch cut at |400. per cord ; fir four feet, |2.25, and dlher qualities in like proportion. Why do you pay for inferior silver plated table ware big prices, if yon get at the McMinnville jewelry store, Wuy Holl, the best and finest can be had for the same Drice. AdVertfamenU, etc., "intehrfed Mr who has the sole agency for publication in Th« Wsekly Reporter YfcWlhlll cotthty1, fot the sale of must be handed ib Tuesday moralfig.' Smith's Exterminator which has We cannot in future deviate frf>ni this rale. only to hd seen to be tried. Yateh Thia Art «tilery. M. < < 1ML1 ya n vi 11 « INERT FEED AND SHE STABLES To Bishop & Kay» We fo with a wish to get first choice of Holiday Furnishing Goods. Neckware and Bttspendwr®, and Silk ^andtrerchfefi. bottom prices. BISHOP