Church Dedication. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS The McCabe M. E. church lo­ cated near Mr. Hemstobk’s resi­ dence in South Yamhill, will he dedicated Jan. 2d, 1887. Dr. Harrington, P. E. of Portland district, and Dr. Van Scoy Pres­ ident of Willamette University, will be present and conduct the services. The quarterly meeting of Mc­ Minnville charge will be held in connection with the dedication services. The first service will be on Saturday, Jan. 1st, at one p.m, sermon by Dr. Harrington, after which the quarterly con­ ference will be held. The Sunday services will con­ sist of preaching at 11a. m., by Dr. Harrington, after which the church will be consecrated. Dr. Van Scoy will preach in the evening. There may be some other services connected with the occasion, if the weather proves favorable. All are cordi­ ally invited to attend. H. P. H atch well . Sportsnai’s Euftriw, QUIT YOUR W. F. COLLARI). HOH S EN SE ! The Daily Reporter, D. C. IRELAND The Old and the New Year. o)------ Dealer in Guns, Ammunition, fishing tackle, cuttlery, &c. All kinds of gunsmith, locksmith and sewing machine work done with neatness and dispatch. Choke boring a Specialty and satisfaction guaranteed, Third street. McMinnville, Qr. * APl’EHSOV » This is the last issue for the Wants You to get right year 1881», and it is perhaps the best time for us all to pause in A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON down to business- the battle of life and reflect a Have a Few little. How many who com­ menced the last year with us, Because you feel that times are a lit- have passed over the River of tie hard is just the reason vou Death! How many bright hopes should take advantage of our popu­ we entertained at the commence­ ment of the old year have been lar way of doing business. That they will like the apples of Sodom, pleas­ We ask you to buy Good Goods at low ant to the eye, but full of better- prices, ness within!» How many great VERY LOW. and sore trials, some who read For they are cheaper in the long run this have experienced within They also have a SMALLfLOT of Look better, A Silver Ore Test. the past year ! How some hearts Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc •» Fit neater, have bled at the loss of loved Nevada City Herald. That will also be sold ones! How terribly some have And arejnicer in every way. An experienced silver miner suffered none knows but Him gives us the following simple It is for your interest and our interest. who knoweth “our down-sitting and reliable test for silver ore : They have a few Economy for you, ami our up-rising, and under- Pulverize the ore and roast in PLOWS, HARROWS, standeth our thoughts afar off.” salt over a slow fire. This will And makes you solid customers of SKEDllRS And And now, as we stand upon give chloride of silver. Take KAIN WAGONS ours. the threshold of another year, the roasted ore and put into a We give you plain, honest talk and most, if not all, will again cher­ strong solution of salt and let it That will be sold ish bright visions of the future. stand 24 hours. The result will Low for Cash.. let our competitors feed you on I There is a general desire ymong j be chloride of silver in solution, When you want anything in that line you will consult your own interest as well as taffy. mankind to pry into the future,; j Drain off the solution carefully, ours to call and see us. We think we can suit A, H. & O. O. HODSON. and ascertain what will be their evaporate and ¡dace the residue you. Try it. We show you the new and exclusive lot; but the future is a sealed in a test tube. Then add nitric styles, book, except as to those great acid and you obtain nitrate of Latest Novelties, and fundamental principles silver. - Put the mixture thus which are revealed in the Vol­ obtained into salt and water, and Finest qualities in Seasonable Goods umes of Nature and Revelation. the white precipitate is pure for fall and Winter. And it is well for us that it is so; choloride of silver ready for Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ Tailor-fit­ for, if each individual knew pre­ melting ting clothing. cisely what conflicts, temptation, trials, sorrows, bereavements, Our Specialties, losses, crosses and troubles, he HENDERSON BROS., Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing and or she will be called to endure Ample room to care for horses. Livery team- at as reasonable rates as any where in while sojourning upon earth, Oregon. New stable Third St., McMinnville. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, their lives would be inexpressi­ W. T. BAXTER. F. J. MARTIS. Caps and Underwear. bly miserable and unendurable; New Firm, New Goods; New Prices The prices tell. and self-murder would be ten Third St., Opposite At th» New Store of The quality sells. times more frequent than at YAMHILL CO. BANK. The best assortment. present. D on ’ t F orget the P lace , Did you, reader, during the AU the leading styles. .1 ,|<.»i . . past dead year, always observe Suooeeeorti to Al. HUSSEY, . —Where you will— Prices which startle everybody. Third street, McMinnville, Oregon, the goldeu rule; “Do unto others People of taste and economy, now is as ye would that others should your chance. J__ ; n do unto you?” Will you strive Our specialty—To please our cus­ to do so during the new year? A new, nest and de»n stock, Every artiste A No. I. Fruit Jara, Butter Croaks, Colored tomers. Will you try so to live that, I Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goode, To- i, bacco. Pipes and Cigars. should you be called to pass in- Our Aims—To save money for our Troth Fruit and ▼ofotablaa in •oasan. tQ the invisible world, you will Give me a anil. Inspect my* stock, and 1 patrons. will guarantee prices to suit you. be happy throughout the unend- , Our Intentions—To do better by yon ing ages of eternity? Are you - ^Gticc P«tr«n«. . than anyone else. In oonsequonoo of declining health, wLioh sure that you are prepared to . > me from making pessanal applies- For yrfur sake.Tor our sake, for good­ exchange worlds? Ponder these J ------ parties indebted, I am sompeued to tharpa . . _ jUioly say thabaUMl» dne and aa- questions well, and act as you j ness sake, come and let uu save yonr etsttled January 1st 1M7 will be plaoed in wilT wi»K you h*