The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 30, 1886, Image 4

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meadows, pastures and orchards, 21,-
Continued from lat page,
succession of undulating ridges, hills 077 acres ; number of farms, 1,008 ;
number of owners, 780; number rent­
and valleys, rising higher and higher ed
M c M innville F urniture F actory .
for money, 85; number rented on
into the chain of the coast range shares, 184; value of land, fence and
which forms an imposing background, buildings, $5,181,737 ; estimated value
in the Hhaj>e of a half circle northeast of all farm productions in 1880,$1,322-
and southeast. Looking eastward 785.
The town of McMinnville 1880, had
from the plain and from the hills, one but 700 inhabitants; it now contains
can see grand old snow capped Mt. 1,200, having a steady increase every
Hood rise up lofty and solitary, his year.
Manufacturer and Dealer In
We often hear of Californians going
venerable head glistening in the sun
through the blue ether—Nature’s home disgusted after prospecting in
eastern Oregon, the l’uget sound coun­
Tower of Babel, rising 11,025 feet, try and other ¡»laces. The reason is
of all kinds.
overlooking the vast empire from the plain enough, the above mentioned lo­
sea-washed shores of the Pacific to calities are greatly exaggerated, Just received an extra fine lot of Elack walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of al
the Rocky mountains. Countless whereas western Oregon is hardly
designs. ' all and price my stook.
generations of savages and dusky chil­ cnown abroad ; all who came here are
delighted at finding so fine a country,
dren of tin forest may have gazed and I know of none ever going away
upon him with awe and wonder, pass­ dissatisfied or disgusted with Yamhill.
ing one by one down the cycles of
Near McMinnville.
time into the valley beyond. The
whit«' man himself gazes upon this im­
Cornucopia Flouring Mills are in
mortal dome, God's grandest temple, what is called Happy Valley, on Baker
Is the best place to get your
with the same mysticai feeling of awe ' creek, six miles west of McMinnville.
goods for the Holidays. Be­
and wonder; and countless genera­ Three miles further up the same
purchasing for yourself
tions may again com«' and pass ere the
steam lumber mills.
or family, it will pay you to
elements crumble and roll to its base
One mile still further up Baker’s
the rocky, towering peak. To the creek is Louis Miller’s lumber mill.
northeast can be seen his modest sis­
On Panther creek Mr. Bailey has a
my goods which are warrant­
ter Mt. St. Helens, and to the south­ saw mill, about ten miles northwest
ed as represented. Having
east Mt. Jefferson.
of McMinnville.
The soil is well adapted for agricult­
Panther creek mill, late Morris’s saw
ure, being of the rich dark loam quali­ mill, is about two miles still further
ty ; different from that on the east aide up this creek.
of the Willamette,which is the so-called
On Deei* creek, about fifteen miles
white earth, and therefore not so well west of McMinnville, is what is known
for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and
adapted for cultivation. Wheat is the as Stow’s lumber mill.
principle article of production, as it
JoneB 4 Company, proprietors of
repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT,
grows abundantly, and pays best. Our the Nestucca saw mill, on the Nes
Opposite the Grange Store.
P. F. BrOWlie.
farmers begin to see that wheat grow­ tucca river, 18 miles northwest of Mc­
ing alone is no longer profitable, and Minnville, just over the divide, but
commence to pay some attention to said to be in this county. This river
mixed farming. Land is worth from is 35 miles long, flows through Tilla­
ten to fifty dollars per acre.
mook county, and empties into the
Our winters are never excessively Pacific ocean.
cold, and the summers never too
Buel chapel, a Methodist church, is
warm ; a cool and gentle sea breeze on Mill creek, about six miles south­
comes down into the valley, refreshing west of Sheridan.
m i
t r»« i »I • ■« h • • • a a i •» i » • i • • •
man and beast, fanning the heated
Pleasant Hill, M. E. church, is
earth, making life pleasant and tolera­ about four miles south of Sheridan.
ble; and then the gentle rain, “Oregon
Broadmead, about eight miles north­
mist ’’ that comes stoaling down upon east of Sheridan, on the W. V. R. R.,
us unawares, quickening all that lives is the great farm of Ladd and Reed,
and grows with never failing certainty. the wealthy capitalists of Portland.
It is the people that build cities and It is at the junction of the main track
♦owns ; it ¡8 the dauntless, horny-hand­ with the Smithfield and Perrydale
ed pioneer that goes out into the wil­ branch of the same road. The farm T
TJ a X r « To CHICACO and all points EAST.
derness and converts the virgin soil is perfectly level, and occupies the L j Q yy gSL X w O<L d S Tickets sold to all PROMINENT POINTS
Throughout the East and Soutlieawt.
and dismal forests into blooming beat portion of this rich valley. It is
wheat fields, patiently awaiting the three thousand acres in area, and is a
fruits of his labor, but which yields a magnificently kept farm. All the
thousandfnld to coming generations. fences and appurtenances are in splen­ CP BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—
Of such stuff are the |>eople of Yam­ did order.
------- TO TAKE THE-------
hill composed. The days of Argonauts
are past, but many of the Argonauts
A Happy New Year.
are still living, and no small number
of them ar«' in Yamhill. Several that
Let us now prepare to ring down
came herein 1843 are living in this the curtain upon the past, and turn
And see that your ticket reads via Portland and
town. These men. coming from every to the golden sun-beams, dickering
state beyond the Rockies, form the across the threshold of departing time.
bone and sinew of Yamhill, and some The publishers of the Reporter extend
of Oregon’s most gifted and most not­ to one and all of the grand old heroes To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned
casioneu by other routes. Through
1 nroi
ed point with pride to Yamhill as the of early days their heartfelt wishes,
Emigrant Sleeping
eeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full
Length of the Line. Berths Free.
cradle of their childhood—a commuitv and hope the coming holidays will
------- US'
than which there is none other in the draw around the festive board pleas­ LOWEST RATES!
------- o-------
country under the Stars and Stripes ant memories of long ago. Of course
more thrifty, moral and peaceable.
there are many dear ones absent, and
Our schools are numerous and well as we sit ourselves down to the well No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon.
D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent.
managed, and no child need go out­ spread New Years feast, let us unlock
side of Yamhill to receive a good edu­ fora moment the halls of memory;
M c M innville
cation, even scientific and classical. and glancing through them, note tne
McMinnville college is a magnificent happy fa<jes that once welcomed you,
four-story stone and brick structure. and listen to the loving prattle of the
Thia institution pnq»erly under the little ones, as clinging upon your knee
management of the Baptist denomi­ the sweet little lips would lisp, “Merry
Cor. 3d and C Mreeta,
nations, cost about $30,(MX).
Chistmas, papa.'* May the retrospec­ FREO. F. KELLER, Prop.,
The pnvapects are most favorable tion l»e pleasant, as you turn your
I k iWow Open.
•nd flattering. With • soil exceedingly thoughts to the dear ones who have
SuooMRor to W. F. Bangasser,
fertile, a salubrious climate, easy ship- halted upon life’s journey, and laid
Attention is respectful!} invited to this
Cing facilities, a ready market for all themselves down to rest in the green Bangaaeer'a building« Oûr. B and Third Sta.
inds of produce. Yamhill county is meadows, by the purling brooks; and
Here ta where you oan get your money*! Its facilities -.13
for thorough practical instrae
one of the moat desirable farming sec­ on the mountain sidee—Come, come, worth in
tion; aotutfl Business departn,«nt s specialty
tions on the coast. It is to Portland old friend, turn the key upon the past. Baaf, Pork, Mittel, Sauaga. Trip», where
currency, bank check, drafts, etc., are
ami Oregon what Santa Clara county Here's to you—"The pioneers of Ore­
used. Claes, or private instruetion day as
is to San Francisco and California.
gon : A long and happy time yet to and everything in the line of menta, of the evening. College Journal sent free on ap­
The population of Yamhill county thee,and as the curtain of life descends beet quality the country af orda. Aleo the plication.
in 1880 was T,9$0; the number of upon you, may your ending be as
Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty.
■••t of Bolo<nao.
acres tilled, 100,835;
permanent peaceful as ths closing of summer day.
P. O. Box 101.
G. B. BIGGINS, Prita
Give me a call and be aatiafled.
Low Prices to Suit
Times, and where you won't have to Pay
atlroad I
Business College,