The Daily Reporter, CURRENT THOUGHT. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. Mary Harper, a Cleveland ser­ vant girl, has inherited $250,000 QUIT YOUR Mubacripti*** Hate*. from a relative in Philadelphia. By Carrier per week.......................... 10 cents i Payable on Saturday.) The silver mills of Montana Single Copy............................... • • • • - By Mail 10 cents per Month In Advance.) represent an investment of $20,- W. F. COLLARD. Kate* for Id vert lai ng 000 and mining machinery as Will I m * made Mtiafactory to all applicant«. ------ (o)------ much more. Denier in Guns, Ammunition, fishing tackle, cnttlerv, . A sermon described as “ too People of taste and economy, now is W. S’. Lhdd proposes tô expend I. RH. * i ■■ ’ < IM indecent to be printed/ ’ was his money, and kindly advises your ehance. Hi ” preached in a Boston pulpj.t last , him to give it to the poor at • • * I Our specialty.—To please , our cus­ Sunday. The author of that dis ­ A new, neat and clean «lock. Every artiste home instead of to a San Fran­ nAKo. 1. Freit Jata, Butter Crock*, Colored ‘ tomers. CuUarjr, Owed Geode, >Te- > tn, cisco institution of charity. But course should bb appointed chap­ 1 Glamaare, bacco. Pipes and Cigare. ( Our Ainu —To save money for our lain to Lbrd Colin Campbell. Mr. I Add would there by get an mut and Vegetableo la Meneau. The lew public printer/ Bene­ ’ Fresh GiW me a «Mil. inspect tat* Week, and 1 •' patrons. equal »donation fbY a Portland dict, has made himself soodiaus wiM guaraaiae pnaaaito suit ¿a«..,. Our Intentions—To do better by you eharitÿ. We" Pa n’t see says a to both democrat« and republic Nbtice T« My Patron«. contertporarv/ why a philan­ cans by his removals and ap - .____ — LI -.2.. i-JLW .. IL J Ail than anyone else. thropist Fafthtt exercise his pointmeuts in the gov er« men I Mfr your sake, for our sake, for good- choice Of ‘Besides he Printing office, that his appoint- thna is ver/ liberal ’in other charities inent aspubliepninter wtH| wwth» ttett£I J. ww at home and seêrti to be 6ut much doubt, bw rejected *bv otb*T han money. entitled WheWt aTdne. “ Che senate» ’*•• ** •- *•’ * D J. AFPBMMHh' D. C. IKKI.AXI» • IK1I EKS. Sporimat’s Esjotha, KONSENSE! HEATING & COOK SELL FOR CASH ♦ City Stables. I n n>B s I I i — i ♦ V <1; t.« „ , _ l •’‘-»wroyf y xX .nW IM *