VOL. 1. NO. 98 Th® Daily Reporter. Entered in the Poetoffioe at McMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ ond Class Matter. M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , DECEMBER 30. 1886 PRICK TWO CENTS. while now it presents an im-! 1‘here wealth untold is bought and sold! PIONEERS OF ’42-3. , | >and, xirtant appearance in the progress of | And each may be |tartaker! he state. Daniel S. Holman was born in Lin- j \\ here fifty tnus of tinret gold Are dug from every acre! Across the street we find the com­ «join county. Tennesee, November 15. j At sound of gold, both young and old -------- o-------- fortable abode of Andrew J. Baker, or 1822. August 21, 1847 he married1 Forsook their occupation; D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. most familiarly known as "Andy.” Martha E. Burnett. Mr. Holman’s And wild confusion seemed to rule D. C. IRELAND Co., Mr. Baker was born in North Carolina present home is near Bellvue, where ; In every situation. in 1820, went to Tennesee at the age the latch string always hangs out, . An old cordwainer liears the news PlBI.ISHEIls, of twelve years, where he remained and a cordial welcome awaits the wav- j And though not lunch elated, The Duily Keporter. three years ; thence to Missouri, and I farer. He left his pile of l»oota and shoes. James Houck wa> born in Ohio in I And just evaporated. T he D aily R eportes is issued every day finally left for Oregon, in the year ‘43. in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered In ,47 he made a trip to California, re­ 1819. In the year 1857 he was mar­ The cooper left his tills« and (kails, in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 ried to Miss Mary Jones, who died a His buckets and his piggins; turning in ‘ 49. He participated in cents per month in advanoe. Kates for ad­ year later. His second wife was Misa The sailor left his yards and sails. the Mexican war. Was married in vertising same as for T he W eekly R eporter . '57 to Miss Mary Lake, bv whom he Francis E. Albert. This honest old i And started for the "dlggins.” pioneer’s life has been one ceaseless 1 The tanner left hi» plough and steers. Seek see Come leave the ragged vale and go the home of hie adoption grow and ex- With me to California. DR. I. C. TAYLOR, B. C. IBELANB A CB., Fine Job Printers, CONTINUED.