MISCELLANEOUS. A woman in Michigan visitet her son in jail, changed clothes with him anti remained in his cell while the bov,in his mother’s attire, passed out with his hands to his face, .sobbing piteously. T. B. Kent gets all sorts of insinuations thrown out that he is not just in his peculiar meth­ ods of endeavor to hold on to the attorneyship to which Colvig Third St., Opposite was chosen at the last election YAMHILL CO. BANK. in the second district. D on ’ t F orget the P lace , The poultry production of the United States reaches annually over $500,000,000. This includes $350,000,000 per annum for eggs alone. Poultry consumed $127,- 000,000. Stock carried over $27,- 000,000. The sale of fancy fowls andeggs $5,000,000. Fletcher, convicted of the se­ duction of Miss Byerly, of Ben­ ton county, was given an oppor­ —IM THE tunity to marry the girl. The judge suspended sentence while LATEST_STYLES. Fletcher was thinking about it. Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents He concluded that he would not nil for the save the girl by marrying her, and the judge gave him five years Brownsville Woolen Mill, Carrying a full line of all goods made by iu the penitentiary. Let him these oelebrated mills. stay there. F. J. MARTIN. The adoption of the Batten­ W. T. BAXTER. bergs into the royal family of England is hotly resented by New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of her children. The oldest daugh­ ter of her majesty, the crown princess of Prussia, refused to attend the wedding of Beatrice Successors to Al. HUSSEY, and Henry, and now the Prince Third street, McMinnville, Oregon, of Wales refuses to stand Spoil sor for little Ratt. at the baptis mal font. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. M c M innville W. H. BINCHAS, THE CLOTHIERS YAMHILL CO Propr Manufacturer and Dealer In FINE FURNITURE of all kinds. Just received an extra hne lot of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of al designs. Call and price my stook. M’MINNVILLE PIONEER BOOT ANO SHOE STORE. ObM'rvHiloiiN. 1| lbs. fresh home made mixt*« candy for 25c, and better yet, if you will C. Grissen at the Bakery. Ladies gold and silver watches at a big bargain at the McMinnville jew­ elry store. Mrs. H. I*. Stuarts' slock is going off rapidly at reduced rates till after the holidays. Call and inspect, opposite the Grange store. McMinnville jewelery store is now the biggest and largest west of Port­ land and the cheapest in Oregon. Wm. Holl, proprietor. Chas. Crooning has established a wood yard in this city, and sells oak 16-inch cut at $4.00 per cord ; Hr four feet. $2.25. and other qualities in like proportion. Why do you pay for inferior silver plated table ware big prices, if yoy get at the McMinnville jewelry store, Wm. Holl, the best and finest can be had for the same price. Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music in McMinnville and at McMinnville college. Residence comer of Second and C Streets. , * Au A cc OVNTS due us must be paid now. as we must settle with the mach­ inery house below. Hurry up. B ooth A W eight , McMinnville. A new, neat and clean stock. Every artiek A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ bacco. Pipes and Cigars. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season. Give me a call. Inspect rnv stock, and I will guarantee prices to suit you. FamMy Grocery Store. k ii Low Prices to Suit Times, and where you won’t have to Pay for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. Bl’OWlie. THE GREAT (Suooemor to L. ROOT.) Dealer in TJOUTE TRANSCONTINENTAL N ORTHERNnACincnAILROAI)l ........ r... .... ........ k .................... «.... J SHOREST! £ QUICKEST! w BEST! lllllllllllliniTHE DINING CAR I, IN THE DIRECT ROUTE! NO DELAYS! T 15 -1^« FASTEST TRAINS! To CHICAGO and all points EAST. W XwwWwS Tlcke*'i *o,. perweek. Twc Fine Sample Rooms for oommernial men. Give me a call and see for vonraelf. I CITY THICK No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. I». CHAHLTO5, General Western Pu»,eiiter Agent. CITY MARKET, FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., Snoceasor to W. F. Bangasser. Bangaseer's building. Cor. B and Third Sta, Here is where you can get your money** S trayed .—December 4th, from my Having purchased the Strain property, and worth in - picture,‘south of this city, an iron grey permanently located in McMinnville, am Beef. Pork, Mutton, Sausage. Tripe, ready to do all kinds of Truck and Deliv­ three year old gelding. A suitable re ery Work at short notice Al! goods en to our care will be carefully handled, and everything in the line of meets, of tbe ward will be paid for information that trusted and vromptlv delivered. Klao keep on band beet quality the country affords. Aleo the Wood of all kinds as cheap as tke oüeareet will lead to his recovery. Best of Bolognas. Order» left at tbe City Drag store will be 4 * A.' K. O lds , McMinnville, Or. promptly attended to. Give me a rail and be satisfied. J. J. COLLARD. M c M innville I Business College, Cor. 3d and C Streets. OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, Is Aow Open. Attention is respectfully Invited to this BUSINESS SCHOOL. Its facilities for thorough practical instru» tion: actual business department a specialty where ourrency, bank eneck, drafts, ete., are used. Claas, or private instruction day or evening. College Journal sent free on ap­ plication. I Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty. P. O. Box 101. G. B. BIGGINS, Fna.