The Daily Reporter. The County Press. On the morning of December MISCELLANEOUS. ! 30th, Mr. \\ hite will call upon the = D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, Mrs. Carrie Scott of Portland, bus?ne" house- of this city with copies of the New Year edition. First National Bank, McMinnville, Or. - Dec. 29. 1886 IS up to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0 H Its contents cover all topics, ——omcaaa»---- consisting ot able editorials and Adams. Rheumatic affections are pre- A new postoffice has been es­ current events, stories by well J acob W ortman ...................... Ih*«ident 1 valent. P. T hompson ............. Vicr-preudrnt tablished over in the Nestucca known writers, selected poems. J D. ohn W ortman ............................. Ua-hier i Another college building is country at the mouth of Slab Ï amhill county and its business going up in the city. tacmc U a G mm ««1 Baakiag huAsm. creek, called Burdick, with Mr. (interest, pioneer days, local and T Inter** »¡lowtd lit»« Aepoatu. A mosquito came buzzing Burdick as postmaster. miscellaneous news, making it a (VllcctKM»» tnaJe oa tavorwM» term*. aod Tatetrapbic Traaatat about our ears Christmas even­ The buckboard has been haul­ vehicle of public information ou New EAcbaupr York. Sau Frunciaro and IVrtlaiid. ing. How is that for a test of ed off the North Yamhill-Tilla­ unsurpassed in the history of Öfter hour»—fbMK * a. m. to 4 p. Ba. I climate? mook route. The mail will be country journalism in the north­ McMjnnville Grange P. of H., carried on horseback till spring west. It behoves our resident FIRE INS! RANCE. JOHN WOKTHAA will publicly install officers at opens and the reads get better. citizens to take one or more ex­ tra copies, and send to friends Born.—At North Yamhill, I Grange hall in this city on New Krumtetiu Ute following Mor mg coiupaa Oregon, December 21, 1886, to outside of the county. The taa London A Liverpool A Globe. Xortk | Year day. Hntiah A MeroautiU. Coaanaerctal Un mm I * 1 price has finally been placed at Fire the wife A of A * Hon. J» R. R. Laughlin. Aaauotauon, German American. Fire­ After the first of January ___ W V a • « * 10 cents per copy, owing to the man* Fund. Hartford. Cotutuereial. Angte representative from Yamhill ¡the mail will be again a daily increased cost of production, it is Nevada. Stale 'nveatatenl. i mail from Sheridan to Grand county, an eleven pound daugh­ no boast to state that the issuing Wheat maoran«* a apectalty. ter. Ronde. BUY YOUR Mr. Fred Williams living near of this New Years number will Multner has advanced the Petch cost the publishers over $300. ’s mill, has returned after i price of meals at the St. Charles. an absence of five months, visit­ Having had constantly employ­ Fine Holiday Goode I He now furnishes the best meal ing in England and Portugal, ed for the past month a force of OF US. in the city for 26 cents, and his old home. He says that Web­ five men and two ladies. throws in the odd cent. foot is the country for him. We have a large and Complete Geo. E. and John Pate, left Some one visited the pile of Notice ot <• Partnrrwhip for the mountains yesterday for wreckage from the »hip Carmar­ Having eutvrrd into Co Partnerahi? with stock consisting of. D. M < aldwail, ta the a week’s hunting. They will than Castle, and saw ed out all of Chriatsai Cards. make their headquarters at the the brass door locks and hinges. FEED AND FLOCK BUSINESS. place of J. E. Janssen, Pleasant The person that did it was in In Shobe’s building, opposite the Poet ofl&oe. ▲atafTsph. Pbitc Alboaa. th« firm will be known aa COL l AKD A hill. very low business, for they were CALDWELL. Notion*. H as ! Mlrrara We are informed that the first not only stealing the locks and Mr. (Mldwrll will Ml I end to D tmkb < C mm , (Mar brick in Portland was construct­ hinges, but ruined the doors the want* «»rthe public. C um , Paaaa*. All aalea wilt be for oaah al bed rook pnoaa ed long after the first brick in also. <>rder* dalirerad to ana part of the otty free Scrap B m H Register. of «lira charge. J. J. COLLARD. Yamhill county, which was the D. M. CALDWELL ParfuiM. Comb* Bnuhaa, Mlot Artic!**. A. P. Wilson, of Carlton, will residence of Geo. Gay, near McMinnnll«, Or.. Dec. -Tib. IS** hereafter reside in Hohsonville, Wheatland. We call Special Attention to where he has accepted a posi­ Notice To Vlj Patron». Pomona Grange held their tion as clerk for Sir. Leinen- our stock of luidies Portmonna­ In ooMeqaen«« of d«eitnin< health, » hioh election at Amitv last Saturday,' i weber. in leather and plush, prevent* me from making peramial ipplica- if* and had a splendid good time. lion to |M«nie<« indebted, 1 .ini compelled to which are cheaper than ever We hear that Dr. Littlefield thna paHiely *t that all bi'la doe and nn- State lecturer Hayes was present. will soon start for Murray, where ■ atettled January lat ItK will be placed in before offered. An elegant It ended with a grand Christ­ 1 he has secured one of the hospi­ other hand« for collection. WH H. BINGHAM edition of Webster’s Unabridg­ mas dinner. tals, and has the assurance of all j MoM inn villa. Or, Dee. M. l**k ed Dictionary will be given The storm night before last the county practice. away. Every purchaser buy. was a very severe one, for rain ingOne Dollars worth of Holi. And now Columbia county and wind. But it brought us day Goods, gets a chance. no snow, and yesterday was as has a murder case on hand. A Ten chances for every Ten Doi. clear and bright as the mildest worthless drunken vagabond lars. Come and learn particu kills a good man. This makes day in May. fifteen for Oregon for 1686. lars of Elsie Wright has purchased Oregon is exchanging canvas ROGERS & TODD, the lot next to Henderson Bros, back duck for Wisconsin wild stable on Third street, and will Druggist*. rice. It is suggested that some at once proceed with the con­ struction of a building for a chop wild celery be obtained also from the Chesapeake ; then with our mill, wood yard, etc. Wapato this would soon be the HENDERSON BROS., Fred Schwartz, an employe sportsmans elvsium. Ample mom to ear* for horara. Uv*rv teem« at "» raaaonabl* rataa *• ear *b*ra la on the farm of Jos. Watt, lost a Baltes & Co., are moving into Oragou. Nev atabl* Third 8U M«Mmnvilto. part of the thumb on his left their new quarters, Oak and hand on Monday, by a mislick Second streets, Portland. Where Dr. their facilities will be increased with his little hatchet. Smith dressed the wound. by the addition of new and im­ A good Band dance, such as proved machinery and printing every body enjoyed last winter, materials. No delay will be had will be given by Custer Post as uew and improved machinery Band Thursday evening, Dec­ will be in operation at both MoM in it villo ember 30th. Come and have a places until next week, when LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES good time, at Band hall. their new quarters will be open The wjiole story is out now : for the inspection of the public. Lady (?) Colin Campbell is a Why is it that certain of the daughter of the nortorious Mrs. Portland press insist upon Woodhull, formerly of the Wood­ stringing a lot of jackasses on hull