The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 29, 1886, Image 1

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    The Daily Reporter.
• • Some pushed right on. other* re- j tin spring of 1854 Mr. Newby started
mained for several «lays, and some a store, and in 1855, beliving thia to
Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for
> longer. Mr. Newby, with a party of l>e the proper point, he proceeded to
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­
seven families, came down to the (’as- ■ lay out a town, which he named after
ond Class Matter.
in canoes. And here they were , the city of his home in Tennesee. Mr.
strong it was entirely unmanageable
--------------------( I-------------------
and darkness coming on, they had-to I not without their dangers. Just at Newby was a man of intelligent judg­
let go and swim for their lives. They ; sunset one evening, while they were! ment and great public spirit, as may
». C. IRELAND A < o ,
reache«! the shore at different points, all gliding smoothly down the river,! lie learned bv the history of his efforts
so entirely exhausted as to be unable to the canoe that contained Mr. and Mrs to build up the town. He naturally
speak or call for some time. At last Newbv and one young man, struck a c«mclu<l«Hi that if he desired to make
The Daily Keporter.
by the feeble voices of one calling to hidden rock, throwing them out, while I the nucleus of an intelligent poputa*
T hb D aily R bpobteb is issued every day the other they got together and re­ the canoe floated on. Fortunately thy tion, he must establish a school of a
in the week except Sundays, and is delivered turned to camp, wheae they were re­ found just room enough for them to 1 high order; so he put forth effort«
in the oity at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40
,stand on the rock and wait for the ’ for the organisation of such an insti­
oents per month in advance. Rates for ad­ ceived as men returned from the : Otter« of the party to go to the short
tution simultaneously with the laying
vertising same as for T hb W ekklt R xpobtbb . grave. The next morning the wagon
of the town. As an additional in­
was found about three miles below,
he had a large family of his
and brought ashore and started on ’
with the rest of the train. This is ¡in delicate health, stood there knee own to educate, and he wished 40 giva
We beg leave to announce to the public
deep and afraid to stir, as dark net« | them the facilities lor liberal Culture
that we have just added a large stock of new mentioned as one among the many
had come on and they might slip off ; and at the same time keep them at
novelties to our business, and make a special­ hardships and dangers of that great
the rock. At last they were rescued | home. He made a large donation of
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads. Note Heads, journey.
their canoe found. They were. land for the establishment of a college,
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies Calling
“ August 4th the party camped on
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs* Pro­
top of the Rocky mountains, the great taken to the shore where a good fire and contributed liberally in money.
grammes. Posters, and all descriptions of
• • ’ .
" awaited them, and the next day they Other cilutens aide«!, and an academy
_ •
work. Terms favorable. Call and be oon- divide between the Mississippi valley ,
and the Pacific ocean, and from this Pr‘Kee^®^
€i»«ir journey. Arriv- or college was started. A large build­
,ii tt r-t » • n i’ r«’ ’.
on they felt that they were indeed ’?« “ the Clades they found that ing was erected and the institution
the generous Dr. McLaughlin had moved off prosperously. This gave
E. E. COUCHER. M. D. shut out from the world behind them. Sent up battaux to take the party to impetus to the town. Borne of the
Henceforward their eves couhl only-
best families came here to educate
look westward to the land of the set­ Fort Vancouver. There they found
Mr. Douglas, the second in command, their children, and soon quite a flour­
O moom . ting sun.
who gave the party a hearty recept ion ishing little village grew up around
“ After weary toils and dangers, the
Offioe and reeidenoe. oorner of Third and
Foo«l and fuel and every needed sup the college. Mr. Newby always took
immigrants arrived at Dr. Whitman’s.
D streets, next to the poetoffioe.
ply was furnished. Here they were' a deep interest in the welfare of the
Here the party began to divide. •
gladdened by the sight of fresh apples, i town, contributing liberally of his
Mr. Baker, who by the way has
time and money to forward any of its
most excellent, memory, and as viv­ which they had not neen since they
- -<>---------
J left their far distant homes. As soon I enterprises. His neighbors always
Late of New Orleans, La.,
idly recalls the trip as though it were !
as rested they were taken in battatix s|H*ak very kindly of him as a quiet,
Pile« and Fistula a Spe­ but a short time ago. says that the first to Oregon City, where they landed on unassuming, yet public spirited citi-
division of the party took place on the
ciality. Con«ultatioii
the 6th of November, 1843, and not a sen, who has even sacrificed his own
firee. Xo Cure
Big Blue river of Kansas, and not at
cent was charged for all that trouble pecuniary interests for the benefit of
No Pay.
Dr. Whitman’s as heretofore reported,
and splendid treatment at Fort Van- the community. The town is een­
f£T Offioe with H V. V. Johnson, M. D..
I cover. This was hospitality and gen­ trally located in the midst of a rich
California. At Fort Hall other divis­
Mo Minn rille, Oregon.
erosity of the highest order, and com­ farming country. It is on the south
ions took place. Our band of brave
ing as it did from the people of another fork of the Yamhill river, which ia
BAS. m ’ cain .
h . hvblby .
pioneers continued on until they
nation, cannot secure too high praise. navigable up to thia point for a short
reached Fort Wallula, where they tar­
McCain & Hurley,
And thia was not all. Borne of the time in the wet season of Hie year."
ried for awhile. The Barlow road was
In the spring of '44, Mr. N««wby fol­
party were very sick and worn out by
AND (VOTARIES PVBLIO, not at this time open across the moun­
the hardships of the long journey, and lowed John G. Baker to McMinnville,
Lafayette, Oregon,
tains. Mr. Baker and oompanions ar­
and was Mr. Baker’s guest during the
Especial attention paid to abstracts of title rived at Fort Wall a Walla afterwards remafhed in the hospital at Fort Van­
and settlement of estates in probate.
couver, receiving attention, nursing building of his cabin. Borne writers
known as Walula, sometime in the
Offioe -Jail buiding, up stairs.
and every attention, and no charge have given the honor of building the
fall of the year. Logs were gener­
first house at this point, and of being
was made for anything.
ously furnished them by the settlers
the first settler, to Mr. Newby. Thia
Of this number John O. Baker un­
at the fort,- that had been caught
if injustice to Mr. John Baker. Al
while drifting down the mighty river fortunately belonged. All that winter the completion of Mr. Newby’s cabin
Fashionable Drensmaker,
of the west, and towed ashore where he was detained al Vancouver, dan­ then* were but six families within a
gerously sick, but generously care«!
radius of twenty miles. Thia publie
py The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ they were regarded as a god send by
the occupants. Preparations were for, while to-day, as ye scribe sits by spirited gentleman lived long enough
ting employed.
his side, he speaks in glowing terms of
to see the town of McMinnville come
Third street. Next to Bishop & Kay’s store, at once made to to build I «oats to
MoMinnville. Or.
transport them to Vancouver. The the kindness he received at the hands forward into prominence among the
lumber was cut out with a whip saw. of the old Hudson Bay jieople.
live towns of this northwestern
“In the year 18.53 there were so country. •
This method of preparing lumber was
necessarily slow and tedious, but in many settlers here as to need the ac­
John G. Baker, and not Wm. T.
Hair Cutting, shaving and sham­ the end they hail good serviceable boats commodation of a mill at some suita­
Newby, was the first settler between
pooing Parlor.
that brought them in safety to Van­ ble central point. To meet that want, the two Yamhills, and built the first
Mr. Newby during that year erected log cabin on his donation claim, on«
Baker creek a grist mill that stands mile north of town. Mr. Baker was
Mr. Baker here speaks, by way of
C. H. FLEMING. Proprietor.
end of McMinnville’» principal bom in Hopkins county, Kentucky,
retrospection. and at a suggestion
(Bcocessor to A. C. Wyndham.)
from the wr»Ur, in the following business street. Long in 1880 John in 1818 At the agent nineteen he
Ladies and children’s work a specialty.
strain: “Ws left in the spring of ’43 J. Bax built a Urge and costly brick emigrated to Missouri. Two years
ry[ have just added to my parlor the
largest and fine»t stock of < igars ever m thi- and arrived at Vencover in the fall. mill across the ravine, and the old later he married Catharine Blevins.
eity. Try them
There * as no mckness to speak of f- no land mark was obUto rated. The old Thia brave, warm-henrtc«! lady still
accidents worthy of mention ; no suf­ mill Was located on a pretty ravine, site by the hearth stone, enjoying the
D C. IRELAND A CO.,. fering to food whatever m the party which, from the opposite side of town, company of her n«»ble hearted hue*
presents a picture worthy of an artist's band. wbo retains all the vitality of
men twenty years his junior.
Lto whatever with the mving band* pencil. This mill was the commence­
To be Csmtinaed.
ment of the town of McMinnville. In
of Indiana.
Bosk A Jet Priât!««.
Mrs. M. Shadden
15c SHAVING 15c.
Fine Job Printers,
JIcJI ina ville, Ore<««