A Confidence Scheme. Oregon < ity i durier. The committee in charge of I the ( hristmas tree report contri-; — D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, MISCELLANEOUS. Aii agreeable, bright young ,,u,ion9 ’7 75TiS‘p„~hf"! First National Bank, man on a crutch, visited our goods 7.75. __ _____ McMinnville, Or. - Dec. 28, 1886 —OF— little city last week. He was ed, as well as all contributed by ----- offickr * t------ hailing from McMinnville, and other parties, were marked and Another holidy is coinin’ had the winning ways of a book placed upon the tree by the com­ J acob W ortman ......................... President Miss Hunsaker won the dict­ agent. He represented himself mittee, Mrs. E. B. Fellows, and D. P. T hompson ............... Vice-president J ohn W ortman ............................. Cashier ionary at Hogel's & Todd. as engaged in organizing, and Mrs. A. J. Apperson. The teach­ a Goner» I Banking buaineaa. The Masons had a public in­ selling for, a new Portland cor­ ers, Prof. Price, Miss Mary Trautet* I nie reel allowed on time . Santa Claus’ remembrance of after him. This same cripple Droonng Caooi, Odor us at the opera house tree afford­ used to be connected with the Notice To .My Pnlrou«. C um , Poons. ed a rare treat. The walnuts in Wasco Sun, and is an adroit ì Ì A R/j A ■ .— J à Aa In cotrtequtuoe of dim lini or tiMlIb, »bioh Scrap Booh. that package resemble those dead beat. His stock scheme proverà* vm from making paramai «ppi ilio» , _ Portanot, Oomba, Brush»«, Toilet Articles. tion brought out from Ohio by Beech­ seems to be trying to get money ' “ on to to Darti?« p*rtiea indebted, indebted. fam I am oompeilèd oompeiin to j ~ . ■• ■■■=» o - ~~ j than paHioly nay that all bill* dne and an- er Walker. under false pretenses and may gtettied January 1st ia< will bo piaoed in We call Special Attention to land him in jail. He is urgently other handl ‘ ,or ®°iieotiom^ ---------- Services will be held at the W«. H. BINGHAM. our stock of Ladies Portmonna- Episcopal church this forenoon, asked to remit the money he MoMinnvtiio, Or., imo . ad, ìsàs. ies in leather and plush, Htdy Innocents day, at 10 o’clock. borrowed here from an old which are cheaper than ever The rector desires very much friend would he avoid more thor- ' before offered. An elegant that the children be present. All ough advertising. edition of Webster’s Unabridg­ are most cordially invited. New Year Calls. ed Dictionary will be given Once in a while a man from away. Every purchaser buy. Every business man in the the country straggles up into the city has signed the following ingOne Dollars worth of Holi­ Reporter office and pays his card ; and it is endorsed by day Goods, gets a chance. year’s subscription. These men nearly all the young men: Ten chances for every Ten Do(. are not tramps, we would have The undersigned business houses, lars. Come and learn particu you to know, but angels in dis­ will be closed from ten o'clock a. m. j lars of guise. until 4 p. m. on Saturday, New Year ROGERS & TODD, day 1887, as it is proposed to turn out It must have stormed furiously Druggist». M HENDERSON BROS., off the coast Saturday night, as one lonely sea gull passed over ble. As we shall only call on those Ample room to oar» for horaea. Livsry SAMUEL GOTT, this city Sunday, bound south. .1,0 .ignif, Heir «iUingne. U, re guests we should be pleased to __ _____ ____ __ ________ La tn of Independence, haviug purob>uwd th* It is not very often the case a cetve hear from them. Some of us are get­ bird of this species is seen*so far ting hungry—a year is a long time to W»tch IM» JW Qxilary. TEAM* ANO TRUCK!» fast; at all other times we shall be inland. Of Logan Bru* A Hendoraon, offer» bla pleased to receive frequent calls from Hr«M in that line to thn pabHo, and *Ui The Christmas tree exercises our many patrons. at the opera house were fine, re­ an ranter MatihiactlMn In response to the above the flecting much credit upon all publishers of the Reporter will To all who favor him with their pa Iron a**. Si will kae* a wmou afMOtally adapt »d tn the who in any way contributed to­ be pleased to print a list of the livery of paroela, trnnka aatohela ata., foe the accomodation of the poblic. Order» Wt ward the plans, or devoted at­ names of the ladies who will re­ at the «table will be promptly attended to aS tention to the arrangement of ceive. the same, and distribution of \ ♦ A X f Me Mlnnvllle As the gentleman will want J/to the gifts. All were happy, par­ cards, we have ordered one hun­ H Ö-SJI ticularly the younger people, LIVERY FEED MO SALE STABLES dred styles, from which selec- and the auditorium was crowded tions may made at the Reporter KO up stairs and down. ¿•o office Wednesday afternoon, from 2 o’clock till four. Public School Prixea. u-------- ■ ■ It is thought Gov. Pennoyer Prizes were awarded at the will set aside his Jeffersonian contest between pupils of the simplicity for the occasion, and public »chool Saturday evening, let the move proceed for a grand ERSM, LOGAN BROS. I —uBonurroM— as follows: inaugaration time at the capital First prizes, Daisy Young, of Holiday Purnishijog Good», Fi ae Carr Iacee» Mack« as* next month. Lizzie Jaehu, Gracie Stuart, and and 8uspend er a, Chas. Greening haa oatabliahad a Neck ware ■ • • _ nalr Maudie Washburn. wood yard in thn city, and sen« oak and j Silk Hondkarehlefa, 4 T* ^k! ili Sr"* *** Second Prizes, Nellie Gardner, 16-inch cut at $4-00 <400 P«r per owrd oord v ; fir f four ,_ ,°“r , feet, $2.25, and other qualities in like bottom price*, Becca Dumphrsy. Cyntilha Fel­ At Reaaaaable Batee. BISHOP A KAT. proportion. lows, and Pearl Kirkwood. City Stables.