The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 28, 1886, Image 2

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She looks as though, with prop­
er encouragement, she could en­
large the family to at least twenty-
Nubkcrtption Kate»«
By Carrier per week..........................
And now a women has mys­
(Pnvable on Saturday.)
teriously disappeared from Port­
land. Her name is Ida M.
Hate» for Advertl»lnx
Will l»e made Mtiafaotory to nil applicants. Garrard ; she was dressed in red
and wore a black jacket and Dealer in Gnns, Ammunition, fishing tackle,
McMinnville. Or. - I>»c. 28, 1886 black knit cap trimmed with red cuttlery, <tc
All kinds of gunsmith,
locksmith and sewing machine work done
and black tassels. She was of with neatness and diapatoh.
Hon. John A. Logan, the medium bight, about 20 years Choke boring a Specialty and satisfaction * ' AT’PEHsoy, J
great warrior statesman closed old, full round face, jet black
his earthly career in Washing­ hair, banged, and brown eyes.
Third street, MoMinnville, Or.
Wants You to get right
ton Sunday afternoon. His She wrote with her left hand.
death is a shock to his immedi­ She came into towm to buy A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
down to business-
ate friends ami a sorrowful sur­ Christmas presents for her four
prise to the nation.
Have a Few
children, and as she had not re­
The Jacksonville Sentinel is turned that night Mr. G. came
Because you feel that times are a lit­
to be continued under the pro- in next day and though he made
pritorship of Mrs. Krause, wid­ diligent search and inquiry, he
tle hard is just the reason you
ow of the late editor. Being could elicit no information con­
should take advantage of our popu­
conversant with the business, cerning her whereabouts. Mr.
there is no reason why she should Garrard stands w’ell at Columbia
lar way[of doing business.
not succeed, unless “probate con* slough, is a hardworking, indus­
That they will
We ask you to buy Good Goods at low
fiscation” overtakes her.
trious man, and this is a sac
In a suit under the Ready misfortune to be thus left on SELL FOR CASH prices,
liquor law, on appeal from Clat­ the eve of Christmas with his
sop, it is claimed that a fatal four children.
For they are cheaper inthe long run,
error has been discovered in the ’ The Telegram prints a mora
They also have a SMALL LOT of
Look better,
passage of the law. The journ­ to a tale thus : The story of olc
als show that the senate amend­ miser Paine, recently told before Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc., Fit neater,
ment to the house bill provided a New York court, should bear
That will also be sold
And are’nicer in every way.
the sale of liquors in less quanti­
Low for Casb-
ties than a quart while the house
It is for your interest and our interest.
journal fixes the quantity at a a miserable creature who draggec
They have a few
gallon. It is singular that this
Economy for you,
error had not been discovered leper, grabbing, scrimping, anc PLOWS, HARROWS,
living on husks, like the prodi­
And makes you solid customers of
long before this.
gal, that his relatives and friends
The Rural Spirit is putting in might quarrel over his wallet
its best lick for a scabby sheep and the lawyers made big fees.
That will be sold
We give you plain, honest talk and
law', and the Farmer is distrib­ If there is walking the streets o
uting Dolph’s tobacco and beet Portland to-day a miser of the
Low for Cash..
sugar.seed to “subscribersprefer- Paine stamp let him read and When you want anything in that line you let our competitors feed you on
will consult your own interest as well as
ed.” As the Rural Spirit says : learn. If he would taste a hap­ ours
think we can suit
The time has come when no one piness which he has never known yon. to Try call it. aiid see A, us. H. We
We show you the new and exclusive
gets anything unless he asks for let him seek out the first deserv­
it. The sheep-growing interest ing case he can find and give.
Here I Am.
is too big to be overlooked, and If he would save himself from
Latest Novelties,
if those who are directly engag­ living an eternal perdition, now
ed will put what they want in is his chance. Tears of grati­
Finest qualities in Seasonable Goods
the shape of a demand the as­ tude would be to him more preci­
for fall and Winter.
sembly will not deny it.
ous drops than all his gold.
Ministers of Roseburg have
Mens’, Youths’ 'and^ Boys’ Tailor-fit­
Corvallis papers are full of re­
dropped their belligerent style
ting clothing.
of dealing with saloon keepers, pots concerning the seduction
and last week issued an invita­ and abduction of a girl by a
Our Specialties,
tion to them to close their places couple of drummers who are a
of business and attend union disgrace to their profession, rep­
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing and
gospel service at 2:30 on Sun­ resenting respectfully the houses
Groceries, Boots and 8hoss,‘Hats,
day. The result has not been of Hegele, Crowell & Co. and
chronicled, but it is likely that Zan Bros. The Chronicle says
’ Caps and Underwear.
it will be at least as beneficial as the affair has created great ex­
if they had adopted the usual de­ citement. The young lady’s C. GRISSEN’8, The prices tell.
The quality sells.
nunciatory style, spoke of saloons father and relatives are greatly
Santa Claus
as “rum holes” instead of “places exercised over the matter, and
The best assortment.
of business,” and the proprietors if they succeed in getting their
thereof as venders of “liquid hands on either Donovan or HEADQUARTERS. All the leading styles.
damnation” instead of “saloon Friedman, it will go hard with
Prices which Btartle everybody.
keepers.” Vinegar never catches them. Donovan, it is said, was
Candy, Nuts, Toys and Pres­
People of taste and economy, now is
recently involved in a similar ents for every body. Persons
The rambling reporter of the escapade in McMinnville, while buying 5 lbs or over will be your chance.
Columbia Chronicle fell in with Friedman is well known as the
Our specialty—To please our cus­
the MoGibenys, in traveling a fellow of mashing proclivities. jiven wholesale rates.
With every $1 purchase will tomers.
few days ago, and in giving his The firms who employ these
given a chance on
impreeaion of the old fashoned scoundrels should discharge
Our Aims—To save money for our
family, he announced it the safe them at once. No respectable 3 Handsome Prizes. patrons.
and proper thing to say that the house can afford to be represent­
(Groceries Excepted.)
Our Intentions—To do better by you
good looks of the entire band ed by such fellows. The end of
was an inheritance from the this matter is not yet. Th«* Io the people of this county to than anyone else.
mother, and added : “She, not­ friends of this young lady are
come and examine my goods For your sake, for our sake, for food-
withstanding the wear and tear making every exertion to bring and compare prices.
iuuideut to bringing up so large her seducers to punishment.
lU M&e.'eviB. M>i U IU am
a family, io a handsome and a The affair is likely to have a
remarkably well preserved lady. tragic ending.**
a .' r. iW&bta.
The, Daily Reporter.
Sjirtau’i Eaporita,
HEATING Hl_ _ _ _
& cook ulOVES