MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. could see that there was quite a gtah- ■ ering. Approaching nearer, they heard t 'outinued from 1st page. laughing, and Maud Chamberlain was M c M innville F urniture F actory hung four small stockings as empty a» saying : the open air. Ernest drew near the “What in the world possessed these window ami listened. He heard the l»oys to do such a thing. Mr. Mason?” W. H. BINGHAM, father say : "Now Miss Maud, you have me cor ­ “It’s no use mother; I can’t get a Propr cent anywhere. I went to Mr. Mean nered. Charley ha> had many queer fur a little money till the mill started freaks but this is the queerest of all. ltMufecturer and Dealer In up, but he sai do all kmds of Truck and Deliv> Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Tripe, where currency, bank check, drafts, etc., ar® But what in th® world is she doing •TJL , •»•bort notice. All good® an need. Class, or private instruction day« trusted to our care will be oarefnlly handled, and everything in the line of meats, of tb< evening. College Journal sent free on ap­ here. I'm going to find out.” ^l*o keep on hand beat quality the country afford®. Al®o th® plication. As Charley started toward th« house wood of al] kinds as oheap as the cheapest ■eat of Bolognas. CityTJwg store wfilbe Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty. the door swung open, and th« boys I OUR BOYS, FINE FURNITURE M’MINNVILLE PIONEER BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Low Prices to Suit Times, and where you won’t have to Pay P. F. Browne. TRANSCONTINENTAL TLOUTE- JOHTHERHpACIFICnAILIlOAp! =St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS,= - CITY MARKET, promptly attended to. J. J/COLLARD. Giv® me ® mil and be satisfied. ¡usiness College, . P. O. Box 101. O. R. HIGGINS, PA