The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 25, 1886, Image 3

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    Th® Daily Reporter.
McMinnville, Or.
Dec. 25. 1886
officers on St. John’s day,the
miscellaneous .
‘27th in lodge: H. W. Lamson
”• M.; Lee Rowell S. W.; John
Bones J. W.; Dr. W. Tvler
Smith Treasurer; D. C. Coleman
Secretary; H. B. Sonunerville
C; Coleman, Esq. the Nas-
by of Sheridan, paid us a pleas­ Denier in Guns, Ammunition, ttahing tackle,
ant visit yesterday. Mr. Cole­ cuttlery, .to All kinds of gunsmith,
looksmith mid sewing machine work done
man is one of the steadfast pio­ with
neatness and dispatch.
neers of Oregon. The first brick Choke boring « Specialty and satisfaction
building put up in the state was
built by him at the corner of
Third street. McMinnville. Or.
Oak and Front streets, Portland,
and there it still stands, in all its
Mrs. M. Shaddeii
Jeffersonian simplicity ; just as
it did when the president of the
nation used to send his mes­ Fashionable Dressmaker.
sages to congress by mail. Then
I-dTThe Taylor Nyatrnu of Cutting and Fit­
Mr. Coleman used to pay $1.4(1 ting
for a letter from the states.
Merry Christmas.
Carol, brothers carol,
Christmas day has come again.
Take a look iuto all the show
windows about town.
Mrs. C. P. Bishop left for
Brownsville Thursday.
The boys expect to recover
their lost shot guns.
What did you get in your
stocking ? We found : a foot in
A fifty dollar dress for a dol­
lar is an elegant gift. At Mrs.
M. Shadden’s.
Leave your orders now for
the great edition, Next week
it will be too late.
In Portland, Dee. 23d. 1886
That mud flood item in an­ by Rev. T. L. Elliott, Hon. F. J.
other column should have been Taylor of Astoria, and Miss
credited to the Salem Statesman. Lizzie M. Anderson, of Portland.
Henderson Bros, are prepar­
Judge F. J. Taylor and wife
ing a lot of new box stalls for the
McMinnville a Hying trip
accommodation of their trade.
No paper will be issued Mon­ yesterday, and delighted us with
day morning from this office. a brief visit. They left for San
The printer must rest as well as Francisco last evening on a
bridal trip to California. The
wedding took place at the resi­
Hon. W. J. McConnell was in dence of the brides mother, Mrs.
the city yesterday bidding friends W. H. Anderson, 206 Eleventh
“good by.” His family move street, Thursday evening, Rev.
to Moscow next week.
T. L. Elliott officiating.
The list of presents, etc., at
Dr. Smith’s wedding did not
Remember the poor.
reach us in time for publication
Christmas services at St.
with the announcement.
James church at 10 o’clock a. m.
It seems to be settled that
The decorations for Christmas
Father McGlynn, of New York,
must go to Rome to answer to at the church and opera house
the Pope for supporting Henry last night were gorgeous.
The public schools closed yes­
at noon for a holiday va-
A new candidate for public
Monday, January 3d.
favor is the Aurora Borealis, a
family magazine, published by
Church Minier«.
Bacon & Co., San Francisco, for
only $1.50 per year.
Prof. Campbell will preach at the
The holiday number of the Christian church to-morrow morning
Eugene Register, comprising and evening.
twelve pages, has reached our ta­ Social meeting at 11 o'clock a. m. to­
ble. Hodson and Yoran are gen­ morrow, at the Christian church.
M. E. church, H. P. Satchwell pastor
tlemen from way back. Here’s
Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p.
Danger of the flood of mud m., Sunday school at 9:30. All are
has became so great that the cordially invited to a’tend. Seats free.
St. James (Catholic) church. Mass
committee on streets and public
10: 30 a. m. on the second and fourth
property yesterday started an­
other man to work cleaning the Sundays of each month. Sunday
school at 2: 30 p. m. every Sunday. J.
W. H. Warren is now purser 8. White, rector.
Services at St. James church, Rev.
of the ORN Co.’s steamer Chief,
on the Wallamet, the fastest and John C. Fair rector, at 11a. m. and
best passenger boat on the route 7;00 p. m. Sunday Bchool at 9:30 a.m.
between Corvallis and Portland. Friday evening service at 7:00. Seats
free; all are most cordially invited.
Take a ride with him.
Baptist Church, G. J. Burchett pas­
The number oi ems as given tor. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a
in the great edition of the news, m and 7=00 p m ; Sunday school at 9:30
was put a -240,000 for twenty a m, all are cordially invited to attend.
pages. There must be a mis­ C. P. Church, T. H Henderson pas­
take. The New Year edition of tor. Services Sunday forenoon and
the Reporter has only eight evening. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
pages, averaging 30,000 to the All are cordially invited to attend.
page, making a total 240,000 Subject for forenoon: “More about
ems for the edition.
that church.” Subject for evening:
Sheridan lodge No 64 A FA Some people who will be greatly «ur-
AM., will install the following priced ju«t after death.
Sportanu’s ¡ffljíriui,
First National Bank,
------ omcKRa:-------
J acob W ortman ......................... President
D. P. T homi * son , ......... t. Viee-preeideat
J ohn W ortman .........................Cashier
Transact.« a General Banking buteneaa.
lulcrcst allowed on time deposit«.
Collections made on favorable term«.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranatau
ou Sew York, Sau Franeiaco aud Portland.
Office hour»—from V a. m. to 4 p. ni.
RepreeenUi the following sterling oompen-
iea: London A Uverpool A Globe, North
British A Mercantile, Coiumeroiai Union
Fire Association, German Atuerioau, Fire-
man*« Fund. Hartford, ('-oniiueroial, Angle
Nevada. State Inveetiueut.
Wheat insurance a «pecialty.
Third street. Next to Bishop A Kay’« «tore,
MoMinnville. Or.
We have a large and Complete
stock consisting of:
Christmai Card*.
Children« Book«,
Autograph, Photo Album*.
Notion«. H«nd Mlrrora.
Fine Carriages, Hack* and
Saddle ll«r«en,
And everything in the Livery hire,
in good «hape
At Krawonnblr Kate«.
City Stables.
Drwing C* mi , Odor
Casas, Poemi.
Ccrap Bccka,
Ptrhuna«, Comb«. Brushes, Toilet Article«.
We call Special Attention to
our stock of Ladies Portmonna-
ies in leather and plush,
which are cheaper than ever
before ottered.
An elegant
edition of Webster’s Unahridg.
ed Dictionary will be given
away. Every purchaser buy­
ing One Dollars worth of Hoii-
day Goods, gets a chance.
Ten chances for every Ten Dol­
lars. Come and learn particu
lars of
Ample room to euro for horaec.
team« «t n« iwaaonable rntca n« «ny where in
Oregon. New «table ’1 bird Ht., McMinnville,
Late of Indvpwndene», bavin« purchased the
Witch Thia Art Qalluj.
Of Ix>«an Bros A Henderson, offers hie
aarvioaa in tbal lire to the publie, and will
Guaranfrr Natlafactiwa
To all who favor him with their patronage.
Ha will keep a wagon apeeially adapted to the
delivery of parcels, trunk« «atebel«, ate., fur
the accomodation of the public. Orders left
at the «table will be promptly attended to a*
O mbmu .
Oflto« and rateitene», corner at Third and
atrwta, nell to the poteofltee.
To Bishop & Kay » we go
with a wish to get first choice
of Holiday Furnishing Good«.
Neckware and Suspenders,
and Silk Handkerchiefs, at
bottom prices.