I VOL. 1. NO. 95. The Daily Reporter, M c M innville , O regon , S aturday . OUR BOYS. D ecember 20 iss« I PRICE TWO CENTS “ 1 hirty-seven dollars here," said audience; he asked blessing?. on the • Lawrence and nine more in our jKK'k- I poor as well as the rich; but one sen­ Entered in the Poatoffloe at MoMinnvillefor ets, making $46.00 all told. Gracious ! tence that struck deep in the hearts of Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ HOW CHRISTMAS EVE WAS EN­ ' I we can get the sleigh full.” ond Class Matter. I the young men, was, a* nearly as 1 can JOYED YEARS AGO The hoys all laughed at the com- remember, as follows: --------- o--------- ing fun as Lawrence put the money “And now, most heavenly Father 1 D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. BY E. L E. W. m his pocket. beseech you to install in the hearts oi Eighteen years ago Christmas eve, D. C. IRELAND & Co., “ 111 go now and get everything those present a kind remembrance oi in the city of N--------- a group of six ready so when you come down we’ll PUBLISHERS. the poor and lonely. Guide them thou young men might have been seen start. Shall I speak to your father, great Director, in the holy paths of The Daily Reporter. around the vestibule of Grace church. Charley, about what we propose to charity, for sweet charity’s sake, for Tu Daibx R bpobtu is issued every day There were services and a Christmas do. He might help us?” there are countless numbers in our city in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered tree afterwards, and the young men in the oity at 10 oents per weak. By mail, 40 “By all means, answered Charley to-night that look upon the coming of cents per month in advance. Bates for ad­ were making some plan to pass away Mason. the morrow with dread and fear, for vertising same as for T hb W kmxlt R efobtbb . the evening. They were all in the Just then the great organ in the loft their treasury is empty and poverty early flush of manhood, the eldest be­ began a low, solemn voluntary, and stands at the half shut door." Our Greeting ing about 20, while the youngest was the boys hastily entered and took their After the sermon the Chnstmaa tree in the neighborhood of 17 summers. places in the choral. was tendered to the children and oh» To one and all, we extend the As they talked in earnest conversation, The organist, a new player recently boys left the church and hastened to courtesies and compliments of the people began to arrive and they from New York, proved to be an ar­ Mason’s Bazaar, where they found the season, and wish vou a drew back from the door to finish their tist of more than ordinary ability. Iaiwrence with his sleigh loaded down, plans before entering. The rich melody rose and fell in ex­ looking like a veritable Santa Claus. Merry Christmas and a very “Then it is settled boys,” said Harry quisite harmony; now loud and deep, “Well here you are my saints,” cued Slater. “After the entertainment we then low and sweet, carrying one’s laiwrcnce in a hearty voice- “Rurry Happy New Year. are all to meet here and for the first thoughts way beyond the River of up and get in for we have no time tp time in our lives play Santa Claus and Life into that mysterious hence, where lose.*' The Old Homestead. “Hold on a minute you jolly old make the poor happy for one day at angelic voices steal softly o’er the When the skies are growing warm and least.” Saint ” said Ernest Inglewood, “here’s longing soul. During this voluntary bright, “Then we can’t go to the ball,” said the rector of Christ church entered my dollar and a half. I find that my And in the woodland bowers The Spring-time in her pale, faint Frank Hastings. the chancel and knealt at the altar. conscience will not permit of my keep* robes “Well, it is hard to give that up,” While the pastor was engaged in offer­ ing it.” and he gave the money to Is sailing up the flowers, When all with naked little feet replied Willie Blackwood, “but the ing up his silent praver, the organist laiwrence. The children in the morn "And here’s mine, too,’’chimed the tickets are $1.50 each. There are six played with soft pedals and the music Go forth and in the forrows drop boys one after another. The seeds of yellow corn; of us and that would be $9.00. Just came floating down from the organ What a beautiful embodiment “You see,’’ said Emeet by way ol think how many good * things we can loft as if it wtre ever so far away; low, Of ease devoid of pride, explanation, “we had a splendid ser­ Is the good old-fashioned homestead, get for that sum.” sad-like and dreamy. The sweet mon and the weed fell in good places.” With doors set open wide! “Now look here, fellers,” put in sounds grew fainter and fainter; only “Thanks, thanks, you dear fellows,*’ But when the happiest time is come Charly Mason ; “You know what we an echo remained. As the minister enthusiastically said Lawrence "I That to the year belongs. When all the vales are filled with gold, promised the girls and how are you arose from his kneeling position, the had to go in debt a little. I bought And all the air with songs; going to get around that? Why ! Miss organ opened forth in a grand, tri­ sixteen turkeys and ran short seven When fields of yet unripened grain And yet ungarnered stores Maud Chamberlain would not speak umphant burst of melody. The build­ dollars, but now we are all right, so Remind the thrifty husbandman to me again if I failed to put in ap­ ing seemed fairly to tremble as the jump in.” Of ampler threshing floors. ¡¿awrencehad provided a lot of l»ells, How pleasant from the din and dust pearance for her at the apjiointed great bass pipes sent forth their notes. Of the thoroughfare aloof, and as the boys left Mason’s Basaar, a It seemed as though this huge organ Stands the old-fashioned homestead. time.” With steep and mossy roof. “It is a bad fix,” remarked Lawrence was thundering forth " Remember the large crowd that had congregated to When home the woodsman plods with Sherman the eldest of all, a quiet poor, for on this day Christ, the Son watch them off, gave a grand cheer when Mr. Mason informed them what axe young man, but I u|>hold Blackwood of man was born.” Upon his shoulder swung, the boys had done, and several voices The boys stood ready with their And in the knotted apple tree in what he says. The money wasted in the crowd could he heard to say: Are scythe and sickle hung: jiarts as the soprano began Handels on the ball would be but a temporary When low about her clay built nest “God bless them, God bless them; The mother swallow trills. pleasure, while if put into a basket of lieautiful oratorio, the Creation -Glory hope they’ll find my house.” And decorously slow, the cows good things it would make so many- to God in the highest, peace on earth, A drive of two miles au