M c M innville . FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1886 The Children. \N hen the lessons and tasks are all ended, When the lessons and tasks are all And Death says. “The school is dis­ Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for missed,” ended, Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ And the school for the day is dis­ May the little ones gather around me, ond Class Matter. To bid me good night and be kissed. missed, --------- o--------- —Chart«» lockout. And the little ones gather around me, D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. To bid me good nir'ht and lie kissed ; D. C. IRELAND A Co., ObM'rvHlIoni. OboeriMlone. Oh, the little white arms that encircle PUBLISHERS. My neck in a tender embrace! lj lbs. fresh home made mixed The Daily Reporter. Oh, the smiles that are halos of heaven, candy for 25c, and better yet, if you Tan D ah . v R bpobtkb is issued every day Shedding the sunshine of love in my will C. Grissen at the Bakery. in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered face! in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 Ladies gold and silver watches at a eents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ vertising same as for T hs W uili R xpobtu . And when they are gone I sit dreaming big bargain at the McMinnville jew­ Of my childhood, too lovely to last; elry store. Of love that my heart will remember, Mrs. H. P. Stuarts’ stock is going off When it wakes to the love of the We beg leave to anuounoe to the public rapidly at reduced rates till after the past— that we have just added a large «took of new novelties to our business, and make a special­ Ere the world and wickedness made me holidays. Call and inspect, opposite ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, the Grange store. A partner of sorrow and sin ; Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling McMinnville jewelety store is now Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ When the glory of God was about me, grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of And the glory of gladness within. the biggest and largest west of Port­ work. Terms favorable. Call and be oon- land and the cheapest in Oregon. vinoed. D. C. IRELAND k CO. Ob, my heart grows as weak as Win. Holl, proprietor. woman’s, And the fountains will flow, E. E. COUCHER, M. D When I think of the paths deep and Why do you pay for inferior silver plated table ware big prices, if stony, you get at the McMinnville jewelry PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Where the feet of the dear ones must store, Wm. Holl, the best and finest MoMonmnu ... Onnoon. go; can be had for the same price. Of the fountains of sin hanging o’er Office and residence, oorner of Third and Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music D streets, next to the postoffioe. them, in McMinnville and at McMinnville Of the tempest of Fate blowing wild; college. Residence corner of Second Oh, there is nothing on earth half so and C Streets. holy .......... o--------- Wanted old rags, old iron of all Late of New Orleans, La., * As ths innocent heart of a child! kinds, bottles of all kinds, empty coal Pile« and Fistula a Spe­ They are idols of hearts and of house­ oil cans and cases at the Central Hotel, J. Holeberg, ciality. Consultation holds ; A ll A ccounts due us must l»e paid They are angels of God in disguise ; fTee. No Cure His sunlight still sleeps in their tresses. now, as we must Bettie with the mach­ No Fay. His glory still gleams in their eyes; inery house below. Hurry up. B ooth A W right , McMinnville. Offioe with H. Vs V. Johnson. M D„ Oh, those truants from home and from heaven, MoMinnville, Oregon. _________ S trayed .—December 4th, from my They have made me more manly and pasture, south of thia city, an iron grey pas . m ’ oain . mmLBY. mild, three year old gelding. A suitable re­ And I know how Jesus could liken ward will l>e paid for information that McCain & Hurley, will lead to his rocovery. The Kingdom of God to a child. ATTORNEYS.AT.L4W A. K. O lds , McMinnville, Or. AND NOTARIES PUBLIC, :; ask nota life for the dear ones, Lafayette, Oregon, All radiant as others have done’ Espeoial attention paid to abstracts of title But that life may have just enough and aettlement of estates in probate. shadow Offioe Jail buiding. up stairs.________ To temper the glare of the sun ; I would pray God to guard them from evil, Fashionable Dressmaker« But my prayer would bound back to myself, f^"The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ Ah! a seraph may pray for a sinner, ting employed. But a sinner must pray for himself. PRIVE TWO CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS or YAM HILL CO., Third St., Opposite YAMHILL CO. B»»k A M PriBtiK. * DR. I. C. TAYLOR, IVI oM in« v ilio LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES Mrs. M. Shadden. Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s «tore, MoMinnville. Or. The twig is so easily bended. Hair Cutting, Shaving and NMai pooing Parlor. 15c SHAVING 15c. C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. (Successor to A. 0. Wyndham.) —Where you will— ALWAYS FIND CLOTHING Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above all THE IXJWEHT PHICEH. Also agonia for the Brownavillr Woolen Hill, Carrying a full lino of all goods made by three oelobrated mills. W. T. BAXTER. F. J. MARTIN. New Finn, New Goods, New Prions At the Now Store of Iiiiir S Mirtii HuMMMtra to Al. HUHNHY, Third street, McMinnville, Oregon ta tai Din. A new, neat and dean stock. Every artiste A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Greeks, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Casa! Goods, To- bacoo. Pipes and Cigam. Treah Fruit and Vegetable« in SnaMMS. Give me a cal). Inspect nay stock, and I will KUHranteo priees to rail you. Family Grocery Store, third Htreet, McMinnville, Oregon. I have banished the rule and the rod, ----- PROPRI ETOBH----- i have taught them the goodness of knowledge, Fine Carriage«, Hack« and (Hucoemor to L. HOOT.) They have taught me the goodness Dealer in Ma (Itile Horne«, of God; And everything in the Livery hire, All Freeh Soods, Oroocrlsa. Fleur, B mm . and My heart is a dungeon of darkness, in good shape Q.aowaro and Crockery. Where I abut them for breaking a I At Reasonable Kale«. {.«TGooda delivered to purobaaon in the atey rule; My frown is sufficient correction, I (ITI TRKk CHARLEN HOTEL, My love is the law of the school. Ladies and children’s work a specialty. I shall leave the old house in the au­ gw-1 have just added to my parlor the tumn, , ,, largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this To travel its threshold no more; city. Try them. Ah! how I shall sigh for the dear ones That meet me each morn at the door; samvel cotf I shall miss the “goodnight«,” and the Late of Independence, having purchased the kisses And the gush of their innocent glee, TEAMS AID TRUCKS The group on the green, and the flowers That are brought every morning to me. Of Logan Bros k Henderson, offers hie , I OGAN BROS. S HENDERSON, BANK. DoîTTFORGKT^HÎrTLÂcB^ J. Harv. Henderson, T. KÜLTNBE, Prop^ Corner Third and B streets, H< MINNWII.I.P. • • OgROON New house! New furniture! UnrarpMMd — gl to |3 in ! the country Estes Katoo-ftl *3 per peri days». (wirdm« lo room. Huwl« 2f» Lodging, » to 5Ö cents aeeording to roost. Board and I-odgmg, Mto |fl, pes week. Tw» Fies Hample Boome for eommereUI MS. Give me a oall and see for youreslf._______ Rawing purchased the Btrainproperty, and «•rmanently located in McMinnviUs, am I shall miss them at morning and even­ ready to do all kinds of Truck and BsUw- ery Work at short notios All goods an Guarantee Satisfaction __ — ears *-411 will be «« ■■ Oos. 11« handled, thus publicly say that all billa doe and ing. trusted to our carefully Their song in the school and the and promptly delivered. delivered Mw> keep on hand Mettled January >at IA h 7 will be pía« To all who favor him with their cheapest - Wood of al) kinds as ehaa street; Be will keep a-------- —*° “• »re wfil be Orders left at tbs City ____ . ete., for I «hall miss the low hum of their voices, delivery o promptly attended to. .tion of promptly the publie. attended Order« to left And the tramp of their delicate feet. ^tbestabte"iriUbo at eervioee in that line to the publie, and will