MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. M c M innville First National Bank, ........ President Vice-president ............. Cashier Tru unset« a General Banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. * Collection« made on favorable terms. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transit! on New York, San Francisco and Portland. Office houre—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. W. H. BINCHAM, Propr NONSENSE! Manufacturer and Dealer In FINE FURNITURE M APPKHSOAn of all kinds. FIRE INSURANCE. Wants You to get right JOH\ WORTHAA down to business- Represents the following sterling oom pan iee: London A Liverpool A Globe, North British A Mercantile. Commercial Union Fire Association, German American, Fire­ man's Fund, Hartford, Commercial. Anglo Nevada. State Investment. Wheat insurance a specialty. Because you feel that times are a lit­ Jnst reoeived an extra fine lot of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of al designs, t all and price my »took. M’MINNVILLE tle hard is just the reason you PIONEER BOOT AND SHOE STORE. should take advantage of our popu­ BUY YOUR Is the best place to get your goods for the Holidays. Be­ fore purchasing for yourself or family, it will pay you to CALL AND EXAMINE iny goods which are warrant­ ed as represented. Having lar way of doing business. We ask you to buy Good Goods at low * prices, We have a large and Complete stock consisting of: ChriMmaa Cards, For they are cheaper in the long run, Look better, Autograph, Photo Albums, Notions, Band Mirrors. Dressing Cases, Odor Cases, Poems. Scrap Books, Perfumes, Combo, Brushes, Toilet Articles. And are nicer in every way. for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. Browne. It is for your interest and our interest. Economy for you, And makes you solid customers of THE GREAT ours. We call Special Attention to We give you plain, honest talk and our stock of Ladies Portmonna- let our competitors feed you on ies in leather and plush, which are cheaper than ever taffy. before offered. An elegant We show you the new and exclusive edition of Webster's Unabridg­ styles, ed Dictionary will be given away. Every purchaser buy-j Latest Novelties, ingOne Dollars worth of Holi­ Finest qualities in Seasonable Goods day Goods, gets a chance. Ten chances for every Ten Dol­ for fall and Winter. lars. Come and learn particu Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ Tailor-fit- lars of ting clothing. ROGERS & TODD, Druggists Our Specialties, Watch This Art Gallery. Low Prices to Suit Times, and where you won’t have to Pay i' Fit neater, Childrens Books, F actory quit YOUR ------ OFFICERS :------ J acoh W ortman . D. P. T hompson , J ohn W ortman F urniture TRANSCONTINENTAL t ? oute *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •• ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ OKTHEKHnACIFICnAILKOADI N i ■-> ! • »n » ■ B^ hihiiiiiii i in » ni h BC • i SHOREST! I hk Mi Mt W W **vv W W MZ MX W MX MX MX MZ MX MX MX MX MX ^R 3TZ ^R ^R ^R BEST! MX MX ^R UN ^R MX ^Z ^R ^R * I QUICKEST! g MX MX MX MX MX MZ MX MX MX MX MX M. MX ^R /R zfx zR zl^ 3T" ^R ^R W W ^R MX W Mt ^R IIIIHIUIIIIIIITHF DINING CAR LKNEHMNMUUMU THE DIRECT Lowest Kates TO NO DELAYS! ROUTE! BAST FASTEST TRAINS! To CHICACO and all points EAST. Tickets sold to all PROMINENT POINTS Throughout the East and Southeast. BOUND PASSEAGERS! S’* BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE ------ TO TAKE THE------ Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing and Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps and Underwear. The prices tell. The quality sells. The best assortment. All the leading styles. Prices which startle everybody, People of taste and economy, now is your chance. =i st. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS,=— And see that your ticket reads via Portland and To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! QUICKEST TIME! ------- o------- GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. D. CHARLTON, General Welters Pa««enger Agent. CITY MARKET, Our specialty—To please our eus- tamers. Our Aims—To save money for our Business College, FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., patrons. Successor to W F. Bangasser, To Bishop & Kay s we go Our Intentions—To do better by you RangaMer's building, Cor. B and Third Sts. with a wish to get first choice than anyone else. Here is where you oan get your money** of Holiday Furnishing Goods worth in Neckware and Suspenders, lor your sake, for oug sake, for good­ Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Tripe, and Silk Handkerchiefs, at ness sake, come and let us save your and everything in the line of meats, of the beat quality the ooontry affords. Also the money. bottom prices. BI8H0P A KAY. Best of Bolognas. A. J. APPER80N. McMINNVILLE Give me a call and be satisfied. Cor. 3d and C Streets. OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, Is Now Open. Attention is respectfully invited to this BUSINESS SCHOOL. Its facilities for thorough practical instruc­ tion; aotual business department a specialty where currency, bank check, drafts, etc., are used. Claw, or private instruction day os evening. College Journal sent free on ap­ plication. Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty. P. O. Box 101. G. B. HIGGINS, Pria.