The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 23, 1886, Image 2

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trade or business of his father. which the accident of birth had
We learn also that Theseus, the placed in a happier position
Athenian, decided that skillet than that enjoyed by their fel- A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
Nn b*<ri pl ion Kate*.
Have a Few
low-men, all the freedom that
By Carrier per week............................ 10 cents workmen should form a separate
(Payable on Saturday.)
class of citizens, ami upon those existed and all the power there
HngleOoDjr................................. -
By Mail U> oenta per Month (In Advance.) trades relating to war were con­ wits were lodged with the titled
Hille* for Advertising
ferred special rights and privi­ aristocracy, who guarded what
Will be made aatiafactory t<> all applicants.
leges. Merchants celebrated the they supposed was their well­
McMinnville, Or. - Dec. 23,
festival of Hermes ami the metal being by the virtual enslave­
That they will
workers the Chalkeion, or cop­ ment of the masses, and it was
New Year Edition.
per festivals. Etiuiologos pro­ not until these nations had de­ SELL FOR CASH
The stall'of the Reporter are now at nounces the latter as the most veloped an intellectual civiliza­
work upon the great edition for New esteemed and the oldest of all tion of grand magnitude that its
Year«. Each town in the county wil the trades. In Roman history benign rays penetrated the ranks
They also have a SMALL LOT of
be visited and its past, present ant we find much concerning this of the wagewinners and aroused
Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc.,
future outlook given to our readers in interesting subject; even her in them an inextinguishable de­
That will also be sold
readable form. Thia edition will sur- mythical history is marked by sire to secure certain rights and
panH anything yet attempted by the traces of the guilds. Numa privileges which belonged to
Low for Cash.
publishers. ,
Pompilius,who first secured real them as members of the family
They have a few
< !
orgonization, of man. When that time came
AKl> patrons .
divided the labor element into the laborer and the artisan found
Are informed that now' is the oppor­ collegia. The principal of these, it possible to stand up like men
tunity to send in your orders for copies
collegium pontificum, received its and make themselves felt in the
<1.1 Q1H
‘ l . :
of our great edition for New Years,
That will be sold
as this will be strictly a county pajier name from the fact that all mem­ political and social forces of the
Low for Cash.
for the benefit of the county, is is ex­ bers of it were capable of con­ nations. To-day we find these
' When yon want anythinrin that hne y»u
pected thaF liberal patronage will be structing bridges, which was an men organized and organizing will consult your own Interest ot well aa
«xtended. The ^ize of the weekly important knowledge in those to protect certain natural rights ours to call and see us. We think we can suit
you. Try it.
A. H. St O. 0. HODSON.
will be eight pagea, eight columns to days, as bridges were very nec­
which avarice disturbs and
thy page, just twice the present size.
If you do not leave your orders now, essary in warfare. The members sometimes attempts to repress.
jnou will not have a chance later on. of the collegium pontificum were It is the same old warfare waged
Ths price .will be aiugle copy 10 cents, called pontifices, bridge builders ; by the guilds all along the high­
or three for 25 cents. Now is your and ow'ing to their importance way of history, and so long as
chance to advertise old Yamhill to they exercised vast influence,
their purposes are noble and
the world by Bending to your friends
and fiar.,,v many of them assum­ their aims just they will fight a
in the east, an isnue of thia great
ed the position of priests, hence winning combat, for what is
the w’ord pontiff. So all along against avarice, oppression, and
The Guilds and Trade Unions.
the pathway of the past down to wrong is for mankind, and
Families take pride in the these days of industrial wonders what is for mankind is with God.
antiquity of a pedigree. Prince­ we find the guilds and trade un­
Ohio has adopted the plan of Come and See Me,
ly houses love to trace a lineage ions constantly developing until
back to the day of chivalry and '.hey have reached a position of lynching murderers.
John W. Mackay declines a C. GRISSEN’S,
of knighthood. The Church jower and influence of unques-
of Rome is proud because she ioned significance. All such seat in the United States Senate
Santa Claus
carries the mind back to the organizations have our sympa­ from Nevada.
Senator Mitchell had the HEADQUARTERS.
time when the smoke of the thy, for they owe their origin to
sacrifice arose from the Panthe­ the efforts of the masses to pro­ floor in the senate on the 20th,
Candy, Nuts, Toys and Pres­
on, and the camelopards and tect their interests against cer­ introducing several very im­ ents for every body. Persons
tigers bounded in the Flavian tain dangers. They have always portant resolutions for the bene­ buying 5 lbs or over will be
amphitheater. But what is the had a strong democratic charact­ fit of the country. The report given wholesale rates.
antiquity ol all these compared er, and their aim has ever been filled eight inches of space in
With every $1 purchase will
to the ancient history of the to secure to themselves and to the special dispatch to the be given a chance on
guilds or trade unions of t lit* their posterity the privileges of Oregonian.
Counter to the statement of 3 Handsome Prizes.
world? They are in truth, but citizenship, equality before the
(Groceries Excepted.)
the Hillsboro Independent that
yesterday when compared to the aw, and certain special rights 160 acres of wild
land near Gas­ I extend a cordial invitation
hoary record of these organiza­ : which to their respective trades ton recently sold for $000 that two to the people of this county to
tions, whose life extends back to arc inalienable. From time im- years ago was bought from the come and examine my goods
the early days of Egyptian great­ ! memorial gold, property, and government for $200, Mr. Mer­ and compare prices.
ness and far beyond that olden rank ; as they have been possess- chant of North Yamhill, tells us
time until it fades in the shad­ cd by the aristocratic minority ; of an improved farm • that re­ Garrison's Block, McMinnville, Oregon.
cently sold at $30 per acre, fori
ows of fable. Before the Chris­ have had far more power and which $45, was refused only a
tian era we hear, it is true, but influence than the work of the I short time previous to the sale.
meagre details concerning tin* great majority, who held the I Last Monday Victoria was ini
various trades ami peculiar feat­ secrets of t he workshops, brought telegraphic communication with
ures of the organisations which to light the treasures of the points 4,600 miles distant, in­
may have controlled them ; still mines, and sped the mighty cluding 1000 miles of cable, and
we know that in Egypt, at the wheel of industry, but there is messages were exchanged be­
tween Victoria and London,
time of the Ptolemies, the peo. no doubt that this condition of replies being received in forty-
pie were divided into priests, things is rapidly passing away. five seconds. Direct communi­
warriors, agriculturists, and In the days-of so-called Athenian cation was afterward established
workmen, and that in most of and Roman liberty there was with New Orleans over a circuit HENDERSON BROS.,
the employments the son was but very little freedom ; in fact, 6000 • miles long. The wires Ample room to Bare for home.
worked splendidly direct with team» at as reasonable
compelled by law to follow the except among the privileged few, London.
Oregon. New stable Third St.. McM
Th ft Daily Rftpontftr.
COOK ulovos
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C’ty Stables.