The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 22, 1886, Image 2

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' lows: The main part 40x24 ft,
- ----------
If it were satisfaction to seelft high, The audience room
a procession of coal speculators, is 18 ft. from floor to ceiling, A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
Subscription Hale«.
Have a Few
By < 'arrier per week.......................... I11 oenta r or kerosene dealers en route to cloth and nicely papered, and
(Payable on Saturday.)
the penitentiary for putting up seated with pewes; 18 feet of
Single Copy........................................ 2
By Mail lOoentn [»er Month (In Advance.)
folding doors unite the two
corners to check supplies and rooms. There is one acre and
Hate« for Idvertioiux
Will be made natiafactory t<» nil applicants. enhance prices, what may not a third of ground connected
be said of the Minnesota mill-j with the church which gives
ers who are disscussing a I ample room for future improve­
That they will
stupendous scheme to consoli­
Corporate Cunning Crushed.
date all the mills under one the most attractive, inside and
The strong point that .Judge management. It is a matter' out, in the valley. All who
Gresham made in his decision which has been talked of more! have contributed to this beauti­
ful house may well take delight
of the now famous Wabash re­ or less for the past three years, jn
They also have a SMALL LOT of
in it. Mr. Hemstock and his
ceivercase, was a surprise to trick­ but lately it has been considered excellent wife have labored in­
Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc.,
sters and cunning corporate law­
seriously, Active steps have cessantly to get the church com-
That will also be sold
yers. In the course of this decis­ been taken which »re expected! pleted for dedication. They,and
ion, Judge Gresham said that it to result in consolidation. The' i all who have had a hand in the
Low for Cash.
had been made plain that Solon cost of buying wheat £nd sell­
They have a few
ward. All are cordially invited
Humphreys, Russel Sage, Jay ing flour would of course amount to attend.
H. P. S atchwell . PLOWS, HARROWS,
Gould, Sydney Dillon, Charles to very little. Such a combina­
Yamhill county gained 2,274
Ridgley and Hopkins were the tion would make as much or as
owners of the stock of the Ells­ little flour as desired and it' in population from 1885 to ’86,
That will be sold
worth coal mines, and that it would control such product as it
assessor of 1885, and the poll
had been also made plain that placed upon the market. Its i books of 1886. The gain to
Low for Cash.
When yon want anything in that line yon
Humph reys, as receiver, had affect on the trade would be Oregon is said to be 36,000.
will consult your own interest as well aa
bought vast quantities of coal of enormous, and
ours to call and see us. We think we can suit
it would be an
you. Try it.
A. H. A O. 0. HODSON.
himself, as the Ellsworth com­ institution as powerful as the
pany, paying more than the Standard Oil company or the
Two yearlings from the farm
Here I Am.
market price. The Judge also coal combinations of Pennsyl­ of Albert Smith in Moore’s Val­
ley. Smith will pay two dollars
said that it was also plain that vania.
There are however, a head for notification as to
Humphreys,|as receiver of the
many difficulties to overcome in
Wabash system, had made a re­ forming the company, among their whereabouts. The cattle
bear a brand of the letter “S”
bate in freight charges to him­
which are the arriving at the on the right hip, with a smooth
self as the Ellsworth coal com­
property, value of brands, trade, crop off the right ear and end
pany ; amounting to nearly $90,-
bit in the left ear.
etc. If the combination was
A lbert S mith , North Yamhill.
000, or more than tin* total cap­
formed the company would have
—„ j
ital stock of the coal company.
Mrs. H. P. Stuarts’ stock is going off
a capital of $10,000,000 ; it would
rapidly at reduced rates till after the
The court said there is evidence
take in all the mills except the holidays. Call and inspect, opposite
tending to show that the price
Come and See Me.
Washburn, which, under the I the Grange store.
for coal purchased for use was
will of the late Gov. Wasliburn, A ll A ccounts due us must be paid
too high, and that the freight
connot become a party to such ; now, aa we must settle with the mach-
upon the coal was too low. The an organization. At a meeting I inery house below. Hurry up.
B ooth & W right , McMinnville.
The relations which these two of the millers held several days
Santa Claus
corporations sustained to each ago a committee was appointed
31 <‘ZVL i mi v i 11 e
other exposed the owners of the to consider and report on a feasi­
Candy, Nuts, Toys and Pres­
stock and directors of the coal ble plan for making the consoli­ LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES
ents for every body. Persons
company ton suspicion of intend­
Church Dedication.
buying 5 lbs or over will be
ing to benefit that company at
given wholesale rates.
the expense of tin* Wabash
I lie McCabe M. E. church lo­
With every $1 purchase will
company, and In* decided that cated near Mr. Hemstock’s resi­
be given a chance on
he had jurisdiction, for the rea­ dence, in South Yamhill will he
3 Handsome Prizes.
son that the bulk of the property dedicated Jan. 2d, 1887. Dr.
(Groceries Excepted.)
covered by tin1 mortgages in Harrington, P. E. of Portland I LOGAN BROS. £ HENDERSON,
I extend a cordial invitation
question was chiefly in his dis­
ident ot Willamette University,1 Fine Carriages, Hacks and to the people of this county to
trict, ami that proper showing will be present and conduct the j
come and examine my goods
Saddle II oixm ,
had been made on the mortgages services.
And everything in the Livery hire,
and compare prices.
for which foreclosure had been
Fhe quarterly meeting of Me-j
in good shape
asked. He held that they should Minnville charge will be held in
At Reasonable Rate««.
Garrison’s Block, McMinnville, Oregon.
be foreclosed, and the present connection with the dedication
services. The first service will
receivers removed. Leave was
be on Saturday, Jan. 1st, at one
therefore given to the mortgage p.m, sermon by Dr. Harrington,
bondholders of- 1867 and 1879 after which tin* quarterly con- !
to tile a bill in the I'nited States ference will be held.
I lie Sunday services will con­
district court of Springfield, ask-
for a receiver tortheir propertv. sist of preaching at 11 a. m., by1
... . ♦ »1-----
Dr. Harrington, after which the
Bishop Ireland, of Minnesota, church will be consecrated. Dr.
said rell whrn hr Nrttd,
la­ \ an Scoy will preach in the I Having purchased the Strain property, and j
permanently located in McMinnville, am
borer, earning $2.00 or $3.00 a evening. 1 here may be some j ready to do all kinds of Truck and Delir-
other services connected with ' ery Work at short notice. AH goods en
day, cannot support lus family, | the occasion, if the . weather < and
trusted to our oare will be oarefullv handled, i HI? VHFRSOX BROS.»
promptly delivered. Also keep on hand
his chtfrch and a saloon at the proves favorable,
Wood of all kinds as oheapas the cheapest, j Ample room to
for horam.
. l/rders left at the City Drug store will be. tMm« nt as reasorsble ratesWiny where m
same time.'*
attended to.
New Stobli ThS St.. McM .nnville.
The church edifice is as fol- promptly
Speculation Vile.
Th® Daily Reporter,
• lit
i k>*<ru 11 i
A 4
Imuan knlnur
1--I u »<vir i1
CTty Stables.