The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 22, 1886, Image 1

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    M c M innville , O regon , W ednesday . D ecember
Selling the Farm.
VN ell, why don’t yon say it, husband!
Entered in the Poetoffioe at McMinnville for
I know what you want to say ;
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­
You want to talk about selling the farm,
ond Class Matter.
.... o--------------
for the mortgage we cauuot pay.
E. L. E. WHITE. I know that we cannot pay it, 1 have
ever so early or lute.
He was always »whistling Hom»* Sweet
Home, as he opened the garden gate.
Aud many and many a moment, since
that night when the ship «elit down.
Have I started up at a whistle like his,
out there on the road from town;
And in many s night of sorrow, in the
silence early and late.
- OF
Have I held my breath at a footstep,
that seemed to pause at the gate.
I hope that lit* cannot see us, wherever
his soul may lie;
Third Ht.. Opponi t*
It would grieve him to know the trouble
that’s come to father and me.
Out there is the tree he planted, the
D on ’ t F orget the P i ace ,
day he was twelve years old;
The sunlight is glinting through it,and
turning its leaves to gold;
— Where yon will—
And often when 1 was lonely, and no
one near at hand,
1 have talked to it, hours together, as
if it could uuderstand;
And sometimes I used to faucy, when­
ever 1 spoke of my boy,
It was waving its leaves together, like
clapping its hands for joy.
It may be the man that will own it,
that’s coming to buv to day,
Will be choppiug it down, or digging
it up, and burning it out of the way.
And there art* the pansies yonder, and
the roses he used to tend:
Furiiisbing (T mm I r of all kind, and nbov»
Why, every bush on the dear old place
all THE LO WES T PIllCES. Alee agente
is as dear as a tried old friend.
for thè
And uow we must go and leave them—
Brownsvllle Woolcn Hill,
but there they come from town ;
a full line of ali gooda tuadc by
1 haven't had time to smooth my hair,
ttiene oelebrated lutile.
or even change my gown.
I can see them I mi H i quite plainly, al­
though it is getting late,
And the stranger’s a whistling Home, ,
Sweet Home, as lie comes up ftom
At the New Htore of
the gate.
I’ll go into the kitchen now, fur 1 don't
waut to look ou his face.
What right has he to I m * whistling that,
unless he has bought the place!
Suoottaont to Al. HUGHEY,
Third street, McMinnville, Oregon
Why, can that be Thomas coming! lie !
usually steps so slow;
There's something come tuto Ins foot­
steps like twenty-six years ago.
There’s something that sounds like
neat and dean stark. Kverv artial.
gladness, and the man that lie used A A new.
No. 1. Fruit Jara, Butter Crock», (’»»lorad
to lie
dataware, Cutlery, ('«awl Goods, To­
bacco Piper and Cigar»
Before our Willie went out from home
t and Vegetable« in B aaataU
to die on the stormy sen.
Give me a mil
ln»|>ect mv stock, and I
What, Thomas! Why are you smiling
will guarantee price* to »uil you.
and hold my hand so tight!
And why don't you tell me quickly—
Family Grocery Store.
must we go from the farm to-night !
What's that ! “ You bl ing tue tidings,
Third Street. McMinnville, Oregon.
and tidings of wonderful joy;
It cannot I m * very joyous, unless it is
news of my boy.
Oh. Thomas! You cannot UM it! Here
let me look in your face.
Now, tell me again it is Willie, that’s
wanting to buy the place.”
—.Selected. |
thought of it o’er and o'er;
For the wheat has failed on the corner
lot, where wheat never failed before.
The Daily Reporter.
And everything here’s gone backward
T ee D ailt R epost .ta is issued every day
since Willie went oft’to sea,
in the week exoe^t Bundays, sad is delivered
pay the mortgage and save the farm,
in the city at 10 cents per week. By mail, 40
cents per month in advanoe. Kates for ad­
the homestead for you and me.
vertising same as for T he W eekly K epobteb . I know it was best to give it; it was
right that the debts be paid—
The debts that our thoughtless Willie,
We beg leave to anDonnoe to the public
in the hour of his weakness made;
that we have just added a large stock of new And Will would have paid it
novelties to our business, and makes special­
know it as well as I,
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads,
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling If the ship had not gone down that
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­
night when no other ship was nigh.
grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of
somehow, I didn’t quit hoping,
work. Terms favorable. Call and be oon-
and ever I’ve tried to pray—
(But I know if our Will was alive on
E. E. COUCHER, M. D. earth, he’d surely be here to-dav.)
I thought that the merciful Father
would somehow care for the lad,
he was trying to better the
O begon .
past, and because he was all we hath
Offioe and residence, corner of Third and But now I am well nigh hopeless, since
D streets, next to the postoffice.
hope for my boy has tied,
For selling the farm means giving him
up, and knowing for sure he’s dead.
•---- 0----------
Oh! Thomas, how can we leave it, the
L j T s of New (Means, La.,
home we have always known!
Piles and Fistula a Sp< - We won it away from the forest, and
made it so much our owu.
ciality. Consultation
First day that we kept house together
free. No Cure
was the day you brought me here;
IWo Pay.
And no other place in the wide, wide
world will ever l»e half so dear.
Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson. M D,
Of course you remem her it, Thomas—
McMinnville, Oregon.
I need not ask you, I know,
For this is the month and this is the I
day—it was twenty-six years ago.
McCain & Hurley,
And don’t you remember it, Thomas,
the winter the barn was made,
AND NOTARIES PTBLIC, How we were so proud and happy, for
Lafayette, Oregon,
all our debts were paid!
Especial attention paid to abstracts of title The crops were good that summer, and
and settlement of estates in probate.
everything worked like a charm.
Office -Jail buiding. up stairs.
And we felt so rich and contented to
think we had paid for the farm..
And now to think we must leave it,
when here 1 was hoping to die;
Fashion a Me Dressmaker.
It seems as if it was breaking my heart
Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­
but the font of my tears is dry.
ting employed.
There’s a man up there in the village
Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s store
that’s wauting to buy. you say,
MoMinnville. Or.
Well, Thomas, he ’ll have to have it;
but why does he eome to-day!
But there, it is wrong to grieve you, for
you have enough to bear,
Hair Cutting, Nhavin» and Miam- And in all our petty trouble, you have
pooing Parlor.
al way b born your share ;
I am but a sorry helpmeet since I have
. so childish grown :
There, there, go to the village ; and let
C. H. FLEMING. Proprietor.
me have it out alone.
(Snooessor to A. 0. Wyndham.)
Poor Thomas, he’s grown feeble, he
Ladies and children’s work a specialty.
steps so weary and slow;
D €. 1 RELAMI 4k ('<>.,
d^I have just added to my parlor the
largest and finest stock of cigars ever in tni^
like twenty-six years ago.
city. Try them.
But I know that his heart is youthful
as it was when we first were wed,
And his love is as stroDg as ever for me.
VlrWlMHYille, Ore*»*.
Late of Independence, having purchased the
and for Willie, our boy that * dead.
TEAMS AND TRACKS Oh, Willie, my baby Willie! I never
shall see him more;
A »tier T» D j P«tr»n«.
Of Logan Bros A Henderson, offers hie I never shall hear hie footsteps, a* he
■emoee in that line to the public, and will
•onas'i”-nw of deelHrtmr hesita. « bwb
comes through the open door.
prévenu vw frowi utakina personal »pplic*
ftuarnntee Satimlactiou “ How are you, dear little mother!” I tion to pam** indebted, f .*w ootnpeOed U»
words he
the* pai llely ssy taut all bfk da* end an
were always the words
he’ d
d say
say ; ;
onld wive the world -***“*1
’■» ’•** •*“ ** f4*®-
To ail who favor him with their patronage
f «plleetwia
He will keep a
«r>®«i*llv adapted to the It seems as if I « oulrt give ine worin
to hear it again to-day.
- ------
I kDew when my boy was coming, be it MeMiaavilto, Or., Dta. N. 1M6.
New Firm, New Goods, New Prices
Mrs. M. Shadden.
15c SHAVING 15c.
Basier i Mariia
ta te tais
J. Harv. Henderson,
Fine Job Printers,
at the stable will be promptly attended to at
new l-a.ui.e.w,
in the country Hslcc—11 u>
cording to room
Hingh ium I s &>
Lodging » to N> «mia accordi’>g to
Hoard and Uxtaihg |4U>p paretai