MISCELLANEOUS BUSINES8. MISCELLANEOUS. ObsertHtions. A Yale safe lock key found on the street, awaits an owner at thia office. M c M innville F urniture F actory All adults, but no children, will be quit YOUR expected to pay admission to the Christmas tree at the opera house. W. H. BINGHAM, Ij lbs. fresh homemade mixed candy for 25c, and better yet, if you Propr will C. Grisaen at the Bakery. Manu&cturer and Dealer In Ladies gold and silver watches at a big bargain at the McMinnville jew­ elry store. appi hs i Wanted old rags, old iron of all of all kinds. kinds, bottles of all kinds, empty coal Wants You to get right oil cans and cases at the Central Jnst received an extra fine lot of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of al designs. Call and price my stook. Hotel, J. Holeberg, down to business* McMinnville jewelery store is now the biggest and largest west of Port­ land and the cheapest in Oregon. Because you feel that times are a lit- Wm. Holl, proprietor. tie hard is just the reason you All are cordially invited to put presents on the Christmas tree for should take advantage of our popu­ their children, parents and friends, at Is the best place to get your lar way of doing business. the opera house. goods for the Holidays. Be­ 0Why do you pay for inferior silver We ask you to buy Good Goods at low fore purchasing for yourself plated table ware big prices, if or family, it will pay you to prices, you get at the McMinnville jewelry * CALL AND EXAMINE •tore, Wm. Holl, the best and finest For they are cheaper in the long run, my goods which are warrant, can be had for the same price. Bring on your job work. We are Look better, ed as represented. Having now prepared to do job work in the latest and most approved style of the Fit neater, art. And are nicer in every way. The McMinnville Business College is open every evening at 7 o’clock for It is for your interest and our interest. for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and students in writing, drawing and book­ Economy for you, repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, keeping. Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. Browne. Can you do better than this. The And makes you solid customers of Reporter weekly, and the Cottage ours. THE GREAT Hearth monthly, one year, 1887, for 92.25. Call and see us. We give you plain, honest talk and M ibb Belle Johnson, teacher of music let our competitors feed you on in McMinnville and at McMinnville college. Residence corner of Second taffy. and C Streets. rtmtrix tin 1« MiitiiiHi 111111 BF BC iuiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I The Weekly Reporter, a faithful We show you the new and exclusive and complete compendium of the »HOBEST! BEST! QUICKEST! , styles, week’s news, is furnished for 12| cents a month. Latest Novelties, The Scientific American, is the lllimimilllllTHE DINING CAR LINEMMUfNHft/H very best publication in this country Finest qualities in Seasonable Goods THE DIRECT ROUTE! NO DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! for those interested in science, en­ for fall and Winter. T .- lytta .- i L E a X axn T o CHICAGO and ail points EAST. gineering, mechanics, inventions, etc. ¿JU VY CSw XwZLwOS Tickets sold to all PROMINENT POINTS A copy of the Scientific American Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ Tailor-fit- Throughout the East and Southeast. may be seen at the office of this pa­ ting clothing. TO EAST BOUND PASSENGERS! per. where subscriptions will be re IV BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE ceived. ------ TO TAKE THE------ All parties knowing themselves in­ Our Specialties, debted to me are requested to please Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing and come forward, shake hands, settle up old accounts, make me happy, and Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, yourself to. 1 have labored for you And see that your ticket reads via Portland and Caps and Underwear. in the past, aqd shall continue to do I so in the future. My work always The prices tell. gives satisfaction. Money 1 must I The quality sells. To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through have to meet my obligations and if I Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full you want to hear me smile, just come I The best assortment. Length of the Line. Berths Free. . LOWEST RATES! ------- 13T QUICKEST TIME I and drop a few ducats into my out I ------- o stretched palm. Respectfully yours, I All the leading styles. GENERAI. OFFICE OF THE COUPANT, W.T. Booth. Prices which startle everybody, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. NOH SEN SE ! * : <>\ FINE FURNITURE M’MINNVILLE PIONEER BOOT ANO SHOE STORE. Low Prices to Suit Times, and where you won’t have to Pay TRANSCONTINENTAL N 'ROUTE- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ORTHEORACIFICnAILROAD! J iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii —^=St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS,==— AGENTS WANTED People of taste and economy, now is We want a thoroughly reliable man your chance. at every poetoffice in Yamhill, Polk and Washington counties. We will Our specialty—To please our cus- make it an object for those willing to tomers. work, who can show results. Write to us for particulars. We want no dudes Our Aims—To save money for our nor tricksters to apply. patrons. HOW TO REMIT. A, D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent- CITY MARKET, FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., Successor to W. F. Bsngasser. _____ M c M innville ■ ■ business College, Cor. 3d and C Streets. OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, 1« Now Open. Attention is respectfully invited to this Our Intentions—To do better by you Bangaseer’s building, Cor B and Third Sta. BUSINE8S SCHOOL. Our agents are advised that we can­ than anyone else. not pay commissions upon reduced Here ia where you oan get your money’» Its facilities for thorough practical instrs* worth is prices. The Reporter for all of 1H87 tion; aotual business department a apemany will be 11.50 (to Jan. 1, 1888), but the For your sake, for our sake, for good­ Beef, Pork, Mnttoi, S&ia&ge. Tript. where ourrency, bank cheek, drafts, ets., are need. Class, or private instruction day es subscriber must remit us the full ness sake, come and let us save your and everything in the line of meats, of th» evening. College Journal sent free on amount. Remit money by Postal best quality the country affords. Abo the plieation. Order, Registered letter or express, at money. Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty. Best of Bolo