The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 21, 1886, Image 3

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    The Pally Reporter.
The Phantom Hunter.
“Here in this forest", will I roam at my lmsure;
Leaving to others the search after treasure.
111 be oontent with my dog and my guu.
Having no care how the world may be run.”
First National Bank,
Uncle Reub Harris has been
—OFFICER« :------
very low for the past week. It
McMinnville, Or. - Dec. 21, 1886
J acob W ortman ......................Prvaidrni
^°alo8P°^e 'k® huntsman, and plodded is not expected that he can re­ D. P. T hompson .......... . Vict'-president
J ohn W ortman .........................Unahicr
New Year Edition.
Humming as he went hia favorite song.
Hon. E. C. Bradshaw has been Transacts a (.eneral Hau king buxinoM.
Soon he espied through the foliage uear.
The staff' of the Reporter are now at Something that looked like a fleet footed in Lafayette for the past few
Intereat allowed on tune <le|x>aila.
OolleeUoM made on tavorabl« term*.
work upon the great edition for New
■ xchange and Telegraphic Tran »fare
It seems quite natural to on Sjht
Up with a bound it was goue from his sight, days.
New York, San Francisco aud Portland.
Years. Each town in the county will Crackling and rustling through the woods in see him on our streets again.
Otboe hour*—from V a. m. to 4 p. m.
its night.
be visited and its past, present and
Instead of a Christmas tree,
Up with a bound followed the hound in the
future outlook given to our readers in
the committee have decided to 1'IRE INSURANCE.
readable form. This edition will sur­ Giving the huntsman an uneveu raoe.
have a Christmas sleigh, driven Reureneiita
the following atarliiiR camipan-
and onward, through valley and
pass anything yet attempted by the Onward
A Liverpool A Glob'S North
Britiah A Mercantile, Commercial Union
Onward and onward, through thioket and presents. There will l>e a pro­ Fira Aaaoaialioii, German American. Fire
luan’n Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Angle
OUR MERCHANTS, LAWYERS, DOCTORS By day and by night, o’er mountain and hill. gram in connection with it, con­ Nevada, State înveelment.
Chasing went hound and huntsman still.
sisting of a few songs, recitations Wheat inauranoe a apeoialty.
Are informed that now is the oppor­ But as the roaring of the ooean oame near. and speeches. A good time is
tunity to send in your orders for copies Suddenly stopped the fleet footed deer,
And to a huntsman himself was transformed,
of our great edition for New Years, Who thus addressing his pursuer informed: held in Littlefield’s hall, Christ­ Fine Holiday Good«
as this Will be strictly a county paper “I am the spirit of a hunter ill fated.
» Oa
mas eve.
for the benefit of the county, is is ex­ Chasing like you, when one evening belated,
We neglected last week to re-
pected that liberal patronage will be Weary and tired I had pitohed my tent
1port the success of our school
extended. The size of the weekly Under this oak here with perfect oontent.
entertainment, held on Friday
will be . eight pages, eight columns to “Here, on thia spot, where before you I stand.
We have a large and Complete
evening the 10th. Believing in
the’pagie, just twice the present size. Lying in ambush, a murderous hand
Flung, while I slumbered, the treaoherous
stock consisting of:
the old adage that it is “better
If you, do not leave your orders now,
you will not have a chance later otu Pieroing my body, and piercing tny heart. late than never,” we make men­ Christm«« Cards,
The price will be single copy 10 cents, “Bleaohed lie the bones, that oooe were mine, tion of it this week. Every
Children« Books,
or three for 25 cents. Now is your Go, and return, or a like fate be thine.
Autograph, Photo Albums.
thing went off nicely. Recitations
in tramping you have wasted your
chance to advertise old Yamhill to Idly youth;
Notions, Sand Nlrrort,
land declamations by the little
the world by sending to your friends Mark and observe, I have told you the truth.”
Dressing Cassi, Odor
in the east, an issue of this great Shadow like vanished the speotre from ones were well rendered, some
Cuss, Poems.
of which could not be excelled
Scrap Books,
Leaving the hunter still trembling with fright. anywhere.
There were no plays Perfumes, Combs, Brushes, Toilet Articles.
Now is the time to subscribe.
Slowly retracing his footsteps he saw,
Changes, that struck him with wouder and, or acted pieces of any kind, the
managers of the school believ­
, Newell Edson, returned from
We call Special Attention to
’’California yesterday to again The iron horse glides ’oroea the track of the ing that such performances, our stock of Ladies Portmonna-
take up his residence in old , And bear,
though proper and enjoyable in ies in leather and plush,
where the forest, the reaper is there
Friendless and homeless, there is no one he their place, distract the atten­
which are cheaper than ever
A party of three persons on Old and forgotten, still tramping he goes. tion of pupils from their studies, before offered.
An elegant
—Charles Griesen. [ besides taking so much of their edition of Webster’s Unabridg­
the 19th, narrowly escaped
drowning in the south Yamhill, MoMinnvile, Or., Deo. 20, 18.S6.
time for ¡»reparation and rehear­ ed Dictionary will be given
which is now a torrent. They
Dime Entertainment.
sal. The singing was of a high away. Every purchaser buy­
were Walter and James Durham,
following is the programme of order, and merited the. applause ing One Dollars worth of Holi­
and Mr. Reynolds, coming down the The
entertainment to be given by the it received. The oratorical con­ day Goods, gets a chance.
from back of Bellevue in a boat, Young
Peoples’ Guild at the Baptist (
when they ran upon a lodged tree. church Wednesday evening Dec. 22d. test in which twelve of the boys Ten chances for every Ten l)ol-
ars. Coine and learn particu
They lost their guns, but feel Admission 10 cts. Children free.
and girls or the grammar grade
thankful that they escaped with Overture,.................... By the choir, participated, was a satisfactory lars of
Recitation “The closing year,’’ Miss
their lives.
test to the audience that the
Fannie Baxter.
Miss F. E. Russ will be pleased to Song, Merry Christmas Bell, By the study of elocution in our schoo
decorate her store windows with hand Reading, Christmas Snowflakes, Miss is being persued w ith advantage.
Willie Carey received the high- W&tch Th!« Art Gallery.
work for the holidays, made by ladies
Mattie Martin.
number of votes as lies’;
of this city. The display to consist
The proceeds of the
of Kensington embroidery, Lustre and
ders and W. Gwinn.
Kensington painting, Chenille, Ar- Recitation................. Pearly Campbell entertainment netted about $30.
rasene, Ribbosene, cyazy patch work, Instrumental music, Mrs. G. J. Bur­ which will go a good way towarr
buying necessary articles for the
Crochet, and other articles are de­
" iii \\
sired for this purpose. Ladies should
Duet,. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Chandler.
leave their work at the store this p. Recitation,............. Helen Galbreath.
Judge and Mrs. Lougliary
m. and to-morrow a. m., in order to Recitation, Christmas is coming. Eva were in the city yesterday.
arrange the window for the exhibit
Prof. Campbell returned to
to-morrow p. m. and Friday and Sat­ Quartette, Mrs. A. C. Chandler and
Mattie Marlin, Messrs. A. C. Chan­ his home in Monmouth yester­
dler and J. R. Sanders.
A ll A ccounts due us must be paid Declamation, Is there no God? F. J.
Hon. C. Leinenweber passed
now, as we must settle with the mach­ Jubilee
song....... ’. By the little folks. through yesterday, from Nss-
inery house below. Hurry up.
Reading, ;............. ....... Alta Porter.
B ooth A W right , McMinnville. Farmer’s song, Myrtle and Robert tucca.
Doc. Sitton was in town!yes­
Advertlsments, etc., intended for Quartette, Mesdames, Campigli and
pulication in The Weekly Reporter Tucker, Messrs. Chandler and Ma­ terday with a double team, load­
To Bishop A Kay s we go
ing up for the holidays.
» g______ •
this week,must be handed in Tuesday.
A double wedding took place with a wish to get first choice
We cannot in future deviate from thia
The ladies Guild of the Episcopal
Church will meet to-morrow p. m. al at Carlton on Sunday. Geo. W. of Holidav Furnishing Goods.
Oldham and Miss Martha Fouts, Neck ware and Suspenders,
8 trayed .—December 4th, from my the residence of Miss Ireland.
pasture, south of this city, an iron grey
Mrs. H. P Stuarts’ stock is going off J. W. Hutchcroft and Miw and Silk Handkerchiefs, at
three year old gelding. A suitable re­ rapidly at reduced rates till after the
ward will be paid for information that holidays. Call and inspect, opposite Emma Routs were married by bottom prices.
will lead to hia recovery.
Rev. J. A. Campbell.
the Grange store.
A. K. O lds , McMinnville, Or.
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