MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS MISCELLANEOUS. Produce Price Current. Wheat per cental in Portland *1 33 0 1 37 ek’d 70 72 Wheat per bushel in MoM . 0 40 Oats . 18 2o Wool per lb 4 20 4 00 Flour per barrel 8 7 Bacon Hides 10 9 Hams 6 7 Shoulders 6 7 Lard 50 Batter, fresh rolls .... 40 30 Eggs per doz Apples, green per box Dried apples, Plummer.. “ " san Plums, pities« ........... Chickens per doz Hides, dry flint 6 *• green .50 15 Potatoes 8 ixt 6 00 Geese, tame, per d> >z...., I (X) Ducks, “ * *• .f .. 3 00 Hogs, dressed .......... A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON F urniture F actory . Have a Few HEATING Stoves W. H. BINGHAM, SELL FOR CASH FINE FURNITURE 4 cook VERY LOW. Propr Manu&cturer and Dealer In of all kinds. Just received an extra fine lot of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of tl designs. Call and price my stook. ’ They alBo have a SMALL LOT of OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Hardware, VIA Tinware, The Oregon and California R. R. That will also be sold And Connections. Low for Cash. TIME, 2$ DAYS. Fare from Portland to San Francisoo $32 to Sacramento, $30. Close connections made at Ashland with stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho stage company. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Nlde Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND 4c ANHLANI Hall Train. LBAVB. ABBIVB. M’lVlINNVILLE Etc. PIONEER BOOT AND SHOE STORE. They have a few Is the best place to get your goods for the Holidays. Be. fore purchasing for yourself or family, it will pay you to CALL AND EXAMINE my goods which are warrant­ ed as represented. Having PLOWS, HARROWS SEEDER* And BAIX WAGON* That will be sold Low for Cash. Portland... .8^0 a . m . ¡Ashland . 4.00 A. M. Ashland ... 8:45 f . u.l Portland.........I 3:45 p. w. When you want anything in that line you will oonsult your own interest as well as Albany Express Train ours to call and see us. We think we can snit UUVB. ABBTVK. A, H. AO. O. HODSON. Portland... 4:00 r. m . Lebanon....9:20 r. ■. you. Try it. Lebanon .. .4:45 a . M. Portland... 10:05 a . Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars Low Prices to Suit Times, and where you won’t have to Pay daily tietween Portland and Ashland. The (). A 0. K. R. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on the east aide division from foot of F street. West Wide Divisiee. ■KT. PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Wall Train. I USAVK. for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. Browne. ABBIVB. THE GREAT Portland... 7:80 a . m . MoM’nville. 10:12 a . b MoM'nville 10:18 a . if. Corvallis.. . 12:25 p. a Corvallis... 1:80 p. a. MoM'nville. 8:43 r. a. MoM’nville 3:44p. m .¡Portland.. . 6:15 P. M At Corvallis oonneot with trainH of the Oregon Pacific for VhqHina Bay. Express Train. Llin. _______ ABBIVB. Portland....4:50 p. m .| MoM’nville. .8:00 p. m . MoM'nville .5:45 a . m .¡Portland ... .9:00 a . n . Ixical tickets for sale and baggage checked at the company’s up town office, oorner of Pine and Second streets. Tickets for prin oipal points in California oan only be pro­ cored at company’s offloe. Corner F and Front streets Portland, Or. Frieght will not be received for shipment after live o’olock p. m. on either the east or west side divisions. E. P ROGERS, R. KOEHLER, Manager. G. FA P. Agent acific nailroad, Route, P opular icturesque anges. Fast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment 225 Miles Shortest 20 Hours Less Time. Aooommooationa unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fsres and Freights MUCH LESS than by any other route between all in Willamette valley and San Francisoo Only Route via Yaquina Bay To San Francisoo. DAILY PANNENGKH TRAIN®, TRANSCONTINENTAL ■ROUTE Come and See Me, —AT— C. GRISSEN’S, Santa Claus headquarters . SHOREST! £ I « 11 I 11 I I I I I I I I I I • 11 I I BC llllllllllllllll HINIIIIIIIII I BEST! || QUICKEST! , CAR linem NWNWMWZ DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! IIIIIIIHIIIIIIITHE dining THE DIRECT ROUTE! NO T a *** am 4 T5 a1 am T o CHICAGO and all points EAST. dJU VV vS W wCS Tlcket* *®»d «® aH PROMINENT POINTS 3 Handsome Prizes. And see that your ticket reads via Portland and • (Groceries Excepted.) ------- St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS. Z2ZZ— I extend a cordial invitation to the people of this county to To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Train« Full come and examine my goods Length of the Line. Berths Free. and compare prices. LOWEST RATES! ------- IV QUICKEST TIME! Leave Corvallis at 2 p. in. Leave Ya­ Otrrisoa’s quina at 7: 10 a. nt. 1 be Oregon Development Coqipanv’s FINE Al lllililMIIIIHl III4IIIIHIIIIII Throughout the East and Southeast. Candy, Nuts, Toys and Pres­ TO EAST BOl’.'WD~PA*SEliGERS! ents for every body. Persons buying 5 lbs or over will be IV BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE ------ TO TAKE THE------ given wholesale rates. With every $1 purchase will be given a chance on (Exoept Sundays.) Oregon and California, West aid®, trains oonneot at Corvallis. N ORTHERNnACIFICnAILROAI! C. CRISSEN, Block. McMinnville, Oregon. CITY MARKET, ------- o—- - GENERAL OFFICE OF THE CORPANY, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Pa»*enyer Agent, City Stables. SUamahip Ynquin« City HAIL® FRED. F. KELLER, Prop. From Yaquina, T ___ __ From San Francisco, Saturday ... Nov. 27 Saturday.... Successor to W F. Bangasser, Dec. 4 Thursday Dec. 9 Thursday ... " 16 Bangasser's building, Cor B and Third H r . Tneeday •• 21 Tuesday » » Sunday........ Jan. 2 Sunday Jan 9 Here is where you oan get your money's Friday................ •• 14 Friday •• 21 worth in Tbs Company reserves C the n■ *v plioation. Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty* P. O. Box 101. G. R. HIGGINS, Pna.