— — Ä ' Reporter I he Scientific American, is the ‘ Observai lona. very best publication in this country ' All adults, but no children, will be for those interested in science, en­ p. c. IRELAND à CO. PUBLISHERS. expected to pay admission to the ------ OFFlt'KKB :------ gineering, mechanics, inventions, etc. ( hristmas tree at the opera house. McMinnville, Or. Dec. 20, 1886 ( A copy of the Scientific American J acob W ortman ......................... President If you want buy a gun. go to W F. D. I’. 1' homi ' son , Vic«' po'-idi nt may be seen at the office of this pa­ J ohn W ortman ........................ Cashier Collard. Remember he will sell them Mrs. Am Shadden has returnee per. where subscriptions will be re at Portland prices. ceived. Transact.« a General Banking businesa. from her visit to Portland. Ladies gold and silver watches at a Intero»! allowed <>n time < ìo ; m »» ìu . A mutilated mule passed through A Yale safe lock key found on the Collection* mad. ou tavornble lerin*. big bargain at the McMinnville jew ­ With its Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Ti andata street, awaits an owner at this office. the city a few days since. elry store. on New York, San Francisco and IVrtland. tail so closely shaven as to make the E. B. Fellows’ new hearse has ar- Ottico hour*—t¥oin V a. tn. to 4 p. in. M anted old rags, old iron of all rived, and is at Logan Bros. & Hen- dumb beast disgusting to look upon, we hoped its owner might fall into kinds, bottles of all kinds, empty coal derson’s stables. oil cans and eases at the Central 1} lbs. fresh homemade mixed the hands of the police when he gets JOII\ WORTMAN Hotel, J. Holeberg, candy for 25c, and better yet, if you to Portland and be turned over to the Kenreaenta the following sterling oom pan- McMinnville jewelery store is now tea: London A Liverpool A Globe, North society for the prevention of cruelty will C. Grissen at the Bakery. the biggest and largest west of Port­ British A Mercantile. Commercial Union Fire Association, German Amerioan, Fire Bring on your job work. We are to animals. land and the cheapest in Oregon., man’s Fund, Hartford, Uoiuiueroial, Anglo All parties knowing themselves in ­ now prepared to do job work in the Nevada, State Investment. Wm. Holl, proprietor. Wheat manranee a speoially. latest and most approved style of thei debted to me are requested to please All are cordially invited to put come forward, shake hands, settle up art. presents on the Christmas tree for BUY YOUR old accounts, make me happy, and Mr. Ralston took a band of cattle their children, parents and friends, at through the city Friday, and 280 yourself to. I have labored for you the opera house. head of fine sheep Saturday, for the in the past, and shall continue to do Why do you pay for inferior silver so in the future. My work always Portland market. plated table ware big prices, if gives satisfaction. Money I must Wavne Carlin surprised his folks you get at the McMinnville jewelry by suddenly appearing in the home have to meet my obligations and if store, Wm. Holl, thy best aud finest circle Friday evening. Re will re­ you w'ant to hear me smile, just come can be had for the same price. and drop a few ducats into my out main until after the holidays. We have a large and Completa stretched palm. Respectfully yours, A Big Bargain The tyUr «'clock M. m, conaet is stock consisting of ; W. T. Booth. rapidly disappearing in the distance. A superb home is offered for sale in Chrlstmo Cardi, Comm^ncipg Jan. 1st., tl^ North­ It has been observed a little; ^prth of this city, consisting pi half a block of ern Pacific railroad, will reduce its Childrens Books, east for about a week, just before day land, a neat and convenient six room local rates of fare in Montana, Idaho Autograph, Photo Albums. cottage, in a high, dry and healthy lo­ light. and Washington territory, on all its cation. Going J?' iLKM), ' upon easy Notion«. Hand Mirror«. OPR Co’« new steamer Bently made main lines and branches to a uniform terms. Apply at tin« j office. Droning Caws, Odor the trip from Salem to Independence jasis of 5 cents per mile. The man­ --------- O mm , P omm . AGENTS WANTED. in one hour and twenty-five minutes. agement consider that in the interests f crap Beota, She will carry 150 tons on 30 inches of the people along the line, and in We want a thoroughly reliablefnian atievery postofficc in Yamhill, Polk Pertanto«, Comb«, Bruthos, Toilet Article«. draught. view .of the increased earnings and and Washington counties. We will Christmas trees and the decorations development of loçql travel, they can make it an object for those willing to thereof are beginning to show up. It consistently make the reduction to a wqgk, who can show results. Write to We call Special Attention to is a pretty custom to have a family^ cent ba^is. The reduction is about us for particulars. We want no dudes our stock of Ladies Portmonna» Christinas tree brilliantly lighted and 20 per cent in Washington and 30 nor tricksters to apply. ies in leather and plinth, bearing acceptable fruit on Christmas per cent in Idaho and Montana. which are cheaper than ever HOW TO REMIT. eve. Back-handed “favors" are too fre­ An elegant Our agents are advised that we can­ before offered. Miss Kearney has a fine wreath of < quent in this part of Oregon. If an not pay commissions upon reduced edition of Webster’« Unabridg­ flowers which iR to be raftled for. The individual company or corporation prices. The Reporter for all of 1887 ed Dictionary will be given liberality of our young people is mani- undertake an enterprise for the pub­ will be $1.50 (to Jan. 1, 1888), but the away. Every purchaser buy­ ifest in the readiness w’ith which lic, give it your hearty endorsement subscriber must remit us the full ing One Dollar« worth of Holi­ chances are taken. It is up for by approval. L. H. Cook is an illus­ amopnj.. Remit money l»y Postal Order, Registered letter or express, at day Good«, gets a chance. 122.50. tration of the priuciple as it should be our risk, but not at our expense. Ten chances for every Ten DoL Palmer & Ray have so nicely taken applied to this town ; the OPRCo. lar«. Coine and learn particu the gloss off Dauchy rng «tore will be promptly attended to. J J. COLLARD. Neckware and Suspendera, and Silk Handkerchiefs, at bottom prices. BISHOP A KAY. • *¡ IT* s r h *□2 - >. rw*