The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 20, 1886, Image 2

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The Dally Reporter.
Nubkcriplioii Hate»«
By Carrier per week........................... 10 cents
(Payable on Saturday.)
2 4«
Hi ligie Copy.................. ..
ByVf ailWoent» per Month ( In Advance.)
ItHtc» for Advertising
Will be iiisde satisfactory to all applicants.
McMinnville. Or.
Dec. 20, IHM
New Year Edition.
The staff of the Reporter are now at
work upon the great edition for New
Years. Each town in the county will
be visited and its pant, present and
future outlook given to our readers in
readable form. This edition will sur­
pass anything yet attempted by the
Are informed that now ia the oppor­
tunity to send in your orders for copies
of our great edition for New Years,
’as this will be strictly a county paper
lor the benefit of the county, is is ex­
pected that liberal patronage will be
extended. The size of the weekly
will l»e eight pages, eight columns to
the page, just twice the present size.
If you do not leave your orders now,
you will not have a chance later on.
The price will be single copy 10 cents,
or three for 25 cents. Now is your
chance to advertise old Yamhill to
the world by sending to your friends
in the east, an issue of this great
America for Americans.''
there had been a vast change
for the worse in the character of
immigrants. In 1900, he said,
fourteen years from now, there
will be, at the present rate of
immigration. 19,000,000 persons
of foreign birth in this land, and
counting their children of the
first generation, the number will
reach 43,000,000. He wanted
to know what the country will
do with them. As a remedy for
the danger he would recommend
that the naturalization laws be
changed so as to require a resi­
dence of fifteen years before a
foreigner can vote ; also that no
foreign language l>e taught in
the schools and that no law’ be
printed anywhere, in any lan­
guage except the English. He
vigorously protested against the
“Irish vote,” the “German vote,”
etc., and denounced the politi­
cian who appeals to such dis­
tinctions. All we want, he de­
clared, is the American vote.
At the close of the address the
congregation decided to have it
---------------- ww
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, t •
» ,
Idaho wants to be annexed to
something, it isn’t particular
what, so that geographical re­
quirements are observed. South­
ern Idaho thinks that Nevada
would be a good state to form a
part of; eastern Idaho leans to-
ward Montana; northern and
western Idaho is inclined to join
with Washington.
The territory contains 60,000 peo­
ple, ami would have its best in­
terest promoted by annexation
to Washington,
N. Dolph
United States Senators .... j Jos.
J. H. Mitchell
Representative in Congress.. ..B. Hermann
.. Z. F. Moody
Governor’s Secretary........... . .0. B. Moores
Secretary of State............ .. . ,R. P. Earhart
Assistant Secretary............. . F. E. Hodgkin
State Treasurer..................... ... Ed. Hirsch
A. F. Wheeler
Assistant Treasurer.............
Supt. of Public Instruction E. B. MoElroy
W. H. Byars
State Printer..........................
Olerk School Land Board E. P. McCornack
........ Dr. Josephi
Supt. Insane Asylum...,
... Geo. Collins
Supt. Penitentiary
Geo. K. Jackson
Warden Penitentiary...
I W. P Lord
■< R. S. Strahan
Supreme Judges.............
I W W. Thayer
» < A PPE1ISOVit
Wants You to get right
down to business*
First Distriot............................ L. R. Webster
Second District............................. Robert Bean
Third District.............................. . R. P. Boise
Fourth District.....................E. D. Shattuck
Fifth District.....................
Frank J. Taylor
Sixth District.....................
M. L. Olmsteac
Because you feel that times are a lit­
Mayor.............................. . ...Jacob Wortman
....J. J. Spenoer
Treasurer......................... ........... J. L. Rogers
..................... ... Geo. Kauffman
Street Commissioner... ........ C. A. Wallaoe
Wm. Campbell,
D. C. Narver,
Chas. Palmer,
Geo. W. Jones,
C. D. Johnson,
Wm. Holl.
tle hard is just the reason you
should take advantage of our popu­
lar way of doing business.
We aBk you to buy Good Goods at low
JR. P. Bird
•••I’ I J. W. Watts t '
" k
■ !
|R. R. Laughlin
For they are cheaper in the
¿F.tN. Little
(Chas. Lafolleti
.................... 4..
L. Loughary Look better,
........................ .Geo. W. Briedwefl
T. J; Harris
Treasurer ................................. W.W. Nelson Fit neater,
Wyatt Harris
.................. {utef.Do^ And are nicer in every way.
School Supt
J< A.
Jeff. D. Fenton
D. C. Narver
Sheep Inspector
............. A J. Nelson
,i.- v-
...i i
long run,
It is for your interest and our interest.
^Economy for you,
Mo Minn vilie to Sheridan daily, via Belle­
vue; Sheridan to Willamina and Grand
Ronde Mon. Wed. and Sat ; Grand I’onde
to Oretown Tuas, and Sat..
Carlton via North Yamhill to Nestockton,
Hebo, Netarts, Trask and Tillamook, Mon.
Wed. and Fri. at 6:30 a. m.
Parker to Buena Vista, daily at JJ#O a.m.
Corvallis to Albany daily, connecting
with OCR: to Monroe andJunotion Tues.
Thur. Sat. at 6 a. m.
Derry to Dallas daily, 3:30 p. m. To Salem
daily, 8 a. m.
Forest Grove to Mountain Dale and In­
gles, Saturday 7 a. m To Greenville Mon­
day, Wednesday and Friday, 11 a. m. To
Gale’s oreek Saturday, 7 a. m.
MoCoys to Linooln and Zena, daily, at 2:30
p. m.
And makes you solid customers of
A .. .
i 3 ’ Ì
We give you plain, honest talk and
let our competitors feed you on
In his thanksgiving sermon
We show you the new and exclusive
at Metropolitan church, Rev. Dr.
Newman while disclaiming anv
dcMre to reviVe know-nothing-
Latest Novelties,
ism or any sympathy with that
Finest qualities in Seasonable Goods
defunct party, declared that this
country is for Americans, not for
voted to advertisers, and it contains the sum
for fall and Winter.
and total of the art:
Germans, nor I rishihen, nor Eng­
What is advertising? The art of exciting
Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ Tailor-fit­
A cable message says the curiosity,
lishmen, nor Frenchmen, nor
What isouriosity? A feeling of inqnistive-
any others of foreign birth; but Queen of England lias decorated ness, whioh nothing short of an investigation ting clothing
will satisfy.
for intellectual, moral, industri­ Prince Alexander with the order What is the result of creating this feeling?
and riches to the advertiser.
Our Specialties,
ous, upright man, whencesoever ofthe Baths. No doubt he need- Prosperity
Who are the most inquisitive people in the
world? Americans. Therefore, if yon would
he comes. Tin* doctor defined mi it badly, and the old lady shod succeed
in advertising, excite onriosity, and Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing and
hit the mark every time.
any man, no matter where born, be highly commended for inoth-
Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats,
as an American who embraces rly forethought in her old age; ii
Free Trade.
the ideas and principles which is a pity says the East Oregonian, The reduction of internal revenue Caps and Underwear.
distinguish this countrv from that Lord Colin Campbell had and the taking oil’ revenue stamps The prices tell.
all others. An Ainorican citizen, I not had some good old woman I from Proprietary Medicines, no doubt The quality sells.
he said, must believe in person­ to look alter him and decorate] has largely benefited the consumers, The best assortment.
al liberty, renounce all alliance him with a bath when he need- I 1 as well as relieving the burden of All the leading styles.
to every foreign prince ami po­ ed it. Probably then he would home manufacturers. Especially is
this the case with Green’s August
tentate ; must oppose all alliance not have been guilty of such i j Flower and Boschee’a German Syrup, Prices which startle
of church and state, be ready to nastiness as lias been developed , , as the reduction of thirty-six cents ’eople of taste and economy, now is
sacrifice to maintain the govern­ against him in the divorce ease i per dozen, has been added to increase your chance.
ment what the forefathers did between himself and wife, reports the size of the bottles containing these Our specialty—To please our cus-
to establish it ; must lielieve in ii which are now tilling the pu li­ remedies, thereby giving one-fifth tomers.
more medicine in the 75 cent size.
Christianity and th»*
h lie prints, and shocking the The August Flower for Dyspepsia Our Aims—To save money for our
day. Every priest, m /Ilk and people of both England and and Liver Complaint, and the German
A meriea.
friar, he said, might be, ci
Syrup for Cough and Lung troubles,
American citizen, but he
King Hubert, of Italy, lias have perhaps, the largest sale of any Our Intentions—To do better by you
ent to President ('leveland a medicines in the world. The advan­ than anyone else.
renounce all allegiance t<
tage of increased size of the bottles
pope. The reverend dooU
the edition of Dante re- will be greatly appreciated by the sick ’’or your sake, for our sake, for good­
gnrds immigration as th« i Hl • 'inh printed for Victor Em- and afflicted, in every town and vil­ ness sake, come and let us save your
which threatens the future I anuei, Italian prince royal. A lage in civilized countries. Sample money.
bottles for 10 cents remain the same
of our country. He declared | very suggestive gift.