The Daily Reporter. Clmi'cli ^fuller*. Seasonable Suggestions. First National Bank, Band of Hope meeting thii s after- It may he fun. friend A. B. < noon at two o’clock. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. For belles and beaux to stay out late. ------ OFFtCNM :------ And ki-s and court clandestinely Prof. Campbell will preach at the Across the Rarden Rate. McMinnville, Or ........1‘rvaideut Dec. 18. 1886 ( hiistian church to-morrow morning J acob W ortman . Vice-president D. I*. T hompson , But they should well discern one siqn. and evening. ............ Cashier J ohn W ortman . Which always will oome true: Uncle Ezra’s picture has arrived by M., H P. Satchwell pastor The frost that wilts the "putukiu vine" Transact* n General Banking business. the PMSBee Line. Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. Wilts other green thinRs too. Intereel allowed on time eiu. J. R. Caldwell is spoken of the con­ m., Sunday school at 9:30. All are l'be quails in Rrass. the squir’ls in holos, Collection-» made on favorable term«. Sight Exchar.,* and Telegraphie Tran»f«rs nection with the Carlton Post-office. cordially invited to attend. Seats free. Well know when to retire; on New York, Siu Francisco anil Portland. Wheat is reported having advance- St. James (Catholic) church. Mass The sheep in flocks, the hens on (Hiles, Office hour —iront V a. nt. to 4 p. nt. ad five cents per cental in Portland at 10: 30 a. m. on the second and fourth Keep warm without a Are. yesterday under a very strong market. Sundays of each month. Sunday But yomiR folks have so little wit They kill themselves by soorea, Lew Johnsons colored combination, school at 2: 30 p. m. even’ Sunday. J. Because WeSMTMAN they don't know when to quit Reurwiita '»e following sterlina Oimip»«. to be at Garrison opera house Mon­ S. White, rector. A-courtiu' out of doors. iee: London X Liverpool A Gioia'. North day evening comes well recommended. Services at St. James church. Rev. The thought of greybeard don't oome in British .t Mercantile, Ooruiuercial Vliloa Fire Association, German Amerioan, Fir*- Go. John C. Fair rector, at 11 a. m. and About the gifts of fate; tnan’a Fund. Hartford, Commercial. Aitalo The kiss of tuem ’ ry is too thin Wanted old rags, old iron of all 7.00 p. m. Sunday schoql at 9:30 a.m. Nevada. State ’n vestment. Wheal inaurane* a specialty. kinds, bottles of all kinds, empty coal Friday evening service at 7:00. Seats And sadly out of date. All love-aiok folks should ponder well oil cans and cases at the Central free; all are most cordially invited That midnight is too late. BUY YOUR Hotel, J. Holeberg, There will be no services in the Epis­ I To risk the power of Cupid's spell W. VV. Saunders, convicted of the copal church to-morrow evening. Down at the garden gate. Fine Holiday Good* murder of Chas. Campbell, upon an Baptist Church, G. J. Burchett pas­ ObxervHt Ion». appeal from Linn county, has been tor. Preaching every Sabbath at 11a OF U8 A Mistake is a thing to which you granted a newjtrial by the Supreme ni and 7 00 p in ; Sunday school at 9:30 court. a m, all are cordially invited to attend. are liable. Blunders and made by the The Telegram predicts high water C. P. Church, T. H. Henderson pas­ other fellow. Astorian. All adults, hut no children, will be as a result of heavy rains. Also hot tor. Services Sunday forenoon and We have a large and Complete expected to pay admission to the weather in July, as a result of an evening. Sunday school at 9 :30 a. m. stock consisting of: abundance of caloric in the atmos­ All are cordially invited to attend. Christmas tree at the opera house. If you want buy a gun, go to W. F. Christmas Cards. phere. Subject for forenoon: “That New Childrens Books, A 20-page edition of the Dayton Church.” Subject for evening : “The Collard. Remember he will sell them Autograph, Photo Albums, Herald reached us yesterday, ft is a deep Mysteries in Most Familiar at Portland prices. Ladies gold and silver watches at a Notions. Hand Mirrors. credit to its publisher, and speaks Things.” big bargain at the McMinnville jew­ Dressing Cases, Odor well for those who became identified It is barely possible that Prof. Camp­ elry store. Cases, Poems. with its pages. bell, who has been giving a series of McMinnville jewelerv store is now Scrap Books, The suit of W. S. Powell, respon­ lectures at the Christian church in the biggest and largest west of Port ­ dent, vs. the Dayton, Sheridan A this city, may be secured to remain Perfumes, Combo. Brushes, Toilet Articles. Grand Ronde Railroad company ; ap with the congregation until he arri­ land and the cheapest in Oregon. pealed from Yamhill county, has been val of the minister who has accepted Win. Holl, proprietor. We call Special Attention to At Baxter A Martins von will find argued and submitted in the Supreme a call and will leave Missouri early hi a fresh stock of holiday candies just our stock of Ladies Portmonna- court. January to take charge of the church ies in leather and plush, the thing for Santa Claus children. It is related that the maddest wom­ work here for the ensuing year. All are cordially invited to put I which are cheaper than ever an in Portland, the other day was one presents on the Christmas tree for before offered. An elegant Bear this in Mind. "who had endured long and vexatious their children, parents ami friends, at edition of Webster’s Vnabridg- ligitation to obtain a divorce from her By way of explanation we wish to shiftless husband, on the plea of non­ digress once more toeay that the man the opera house. ed Dictionary will he given Why do you pay for inferior silver away. Every purchaser buy. support, and the next day he fell heir or woman who asserts that wo are to an estate of $30,000 by the death of pejudiced in favor of thia or that j plated table ware big prices, if ingOne Dollars worth of Holi­ an aunt in France. church to the extent that we will not you get at the McMinnville jewelry day Goods. gets a 0 at^ce. The NPR has voluntarily reduced be impartial in publication of church store, Wm. lloll, the best and finest Ten chances for every Ten Doi. local rates on its line through Wash­ notices, is either a fool or a knave. i can be had for the same price. The McMinnville Business College lars. Come and learn particu ington, Idaho and Montana territory Certainly not a Christian; and we to five cents per mile. This is enough, write this with a full understanding of is open every evening al 7 o'clock for I lars of ROGERS & TODD, students in writing, drawing and Imok- in all conscience, but the spectacle of the purport, of the remark. keeping. Druggists a voluntary reduction of rates by a Baxter A Martin have a novelty in Orders are coming in for the New railroad company is so absolutely now in the northwest as to he astonishing. Year edition of the Weekly Reporter their cup and saucer coffee. You get a five pound can of nice coffee with a Watch This Art Gall try. Dr. Taylor, an agent of the Credit ' quite satisfactory to the publishers. cup and saucer worth nt least .»Gets., Foncier of Sinaloa, is in Port In ml. North Yamhill takes the lead so tar. W. F. Collard has a soup ladle, all for one dollar. His work is in the interest of a colony Can you do better than this. The at Gomzalez Mexico, situated at the 1 wrought in a most artistic fashion by l the Indians of Maska. It was brought, Reporter weekly, ami the Cottage mouth of the Rio Del Fuerte river that trains the Linaloa valley and from those distant regions by W. V. Hearth monthly, one year, 1KH7, for empties into the Topolobampo bay. Price. The carving is very artistic: $2.25. Call ami see us. The images arc of the class which may Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music All those who signed the call for in McMinnville ami at McMinnville be traced back for ages. the Choral Union, which Mrs. Camp­ Mrs. Na i cy Duncan, a sister to college. Residence corner of Second bell and Mrs. Dr. Tucker circulated, ami (' Streets. are requested to sign the constitution. Uncle Caleb Woods, rather of Hon The Weekly Reporter, a Geo. L. Wood«, is spending the winter Bevy Apperson is secretaiyof the I n- with her daughter, Mis A. D. Run­ ami complete compendium ion. The initiation feeis but $2, as nels, at North Yamhill, having return­ week's news,is furnished for 1 agreed upon at that time. All were ed with Mr. and Mrs. Runnels last a month. then willing, why not come forward) Renders of the detail of society wed­ October when they were east on a visit. now ? dings will be pleased to learn that the A party from this city will meet a She is an invalid, 68 years of age, and monotony of the sentence. “The party from North Yamhill on the 22d, when she left home for Oregon was bridal pair stood under n magnificent for the purpose of slaying ducks at unable to »it Up very long at a time. wedding l>ell of chrysanthemums,” To Bishop & Kay's we go Wapatoo. The ducks are there by They left at 12 o’clock at night, to etc., etc., is to Be varied. A “wishbone with a wish to gpf first choice meet the train for this distant west, millions. Last Thursday Messrs. Sap- of roses" is the latest. The next swell she has steadily improved in of Holiday Furnishing Goods. pingtbn, Howe and Thos. Laughlin and health ever since siariing. White on couple who turn the simple and killed seventy-six. They have chal­ a visit to her daughter near Amity. sacred ceremony of marriage into a Neck ware and Suspenders, lenged the “crack” sportsman of this Mrs. A. M. Hoffman, Mrs. Duncan society pageant will please take no­ and Silk Handkerchiefs, at city to meet them at the lake next made nine trips, of four miles, to tice and give us “hymer’s floral wish­ bottom prices. Wednesday, and our folk will try to Amity, to church. She is greatly pleas bone” for a change, says the Telegram. BISHOP A KAY. ed with Oregon. get there. FIRE 1NSI HANCE.