Stir constantly for two or three miscellaneous . minutes, when remove from the Pork and Beans. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. Who does not relish an occa- stove, and add flavoring of lemon ----- o----- Nubkcrlptiwn Kale*. sional dish of baked pork ami or vanilla. QUIT YOUR By Carrier per week .......................... 1° cents Cream Cake. (Payable on Saturday.) beans. For the benefit of young Hinkle Copy.......................................... - Four eggs, one cup sugar, one By Mail Ml cents per Month In Advance. I housekeepers, will give mv wav half cup milk, one and one-half of preparing them. Select a Hate* for Ad» erlioinir Will !.<• made s itkfactory to all applicants. piece of pork that is not too fat.. cups Hour, two tablespoons but­ Wash clean and place in the: ter. This will make five layers. For the cream: Let a pint of middle of a large dripping pan. New Year Edition. Look the beans over carefully i milk just come to aboil, add im­ ami after washing them, put mediately two well beaten eggs, The stRff of the Reporter sre n-w one tablespoon cornstarch dis­ Wants You to get right work upon the great edition for New them in the pan around the solved in milk, and two table­ down to business. Ya»n>. Each town in the county will pork, allowing plenty of room for spoons sugar. Stir until suffi ­ be visited and its past, present and them to “swell” in cooking. Cut ciently thick. Flavor with va- future outlook given to our readers in several gashes in the upper side nilla. Spread between the layers, Because you feel that times are a lit- readable form. This edition will sur­ of the pork. Sprinkle on both and you will have a delicious tie hard is just the reason you pass anything yet attempted by the pork and beans sufficient salt cake, nice enough for any occa ­ and pepper to render it palatable. should take advantage of our popu- publishers. sion. Lastly, pour on enough boiling Ol'R MERCHANTS, LAWYERS, DOCTORS lar way of doing business. Hot Bread. water to almost fill the pan, AND PATRONS. It is not generally known that We ask you to buy Good Goods at low Are informed that now is the oppor- place in a moderate oven and hot bread can be cut as easily as tunity to send in your orders for copies bake about three hours. As the prices, cold if the knife be first heated of our great edition for New Years, water evaporates, or is absorbed or warmed. T always dip it in For they are cheaper in the long run, as thjs will he strictly a county paper by the beans, add more from the hot water for an instant, wipe it Look better, for the benefit of the county, is is ex­ tea-kettle until they are tender. dry, and use it immediately. pected that liberal patronage will be When about half done, turn the C C ousin S allie . Fit neater, extended. The size of the weekly pork over, so that the other And are nicer in every way. will be eight pages, eight columns to Household Affairs. side may become brown. When the page, just twice the present size. Tradescantia makes a charm­ It is for your interest and our interest. If you do not leave your orders now, done, the beans should be of a delicate brown, and not too dry. you will not have a chance later on. ing decoration for the winter. Economy for you, The price will be single copy 10 cents, Bean soup is also very nice, Put it in any pretty vessel filled And makes you solid customers of or three for 25 cents. Now is your whether flavored with boiled with water, in which is a bit of chance to advertise old Yamhill to ours. ham or beef, though in our fam­ charcoal, taking care to keep the world by sending to your friends in the east, an issue of this great ily the latter has the preference. the vessel full, and luxuriant, We give you plain, honest talk and Boston Brown Bread. edition. healthy vines will be a delight let our competitors feed you on will always “relish” with pork to the eye. This method of cul­ Indications show that ahother and beans. The recipe is in the taffy. ture will succeed in sunlight or transcontinental rail road war is Buckeye cook book, (an excellent shadow. We show you the new and exclusive imminent. Let all who wish to work;) but I have used it so often Potatoes and eggs.—Put a take a trip across the continent that I have it at my tongue’s lump of butter into a frying-pan ; styles, and return, hoard their pennies, end and will reproduce it for when it boils, brown in it a fine­ Latest Novelties, and be in readiness to start be­ your readers: ly chopped small onion. Cut fore the ire of railroad companies Two and one-half cups sour some cold boiled potatoes into Finest qualities in Seasonable Goods has time to cool. milk, and one-half cup molasses. slices, put them in the pan, pour for fall and Winter. Into this put one heaping tea­ over them the well-beaten yolks Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ Tailor-fit­ spoonful soda and two cups corn I of two eggs, seasoned with pep- ting’ clothing. meal, one cup graham flour and] per and salt ; fry a nice golden one teaspoon salt, (use coffee i brown on both sides. Our Specialties, Holes in stone ware may be cups;) and steam three hours and afterwards brown in the oven. 1 stopped with shellac and powder­ Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing and always pour the baiter into a two- ed stone. Beat up some of the Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, quart bucket or pail, first greas­ same kind of stone you wish to' Caps and Underwear. ing it well, and stand it in a kel- fiill up to a fine powder, mix it The p» ices tell. tie of boiling water, in the bot- with shellac ; before filling brush The quality sells. tom of which 1 first in vert a the holes out with liquid shellac ; saucer or small plate, Let the fill the holes a little more than The best assortment. water come about half way up evdn or flush with the surface, All the leading stales. the sides of the pail, amt as it so as to leave some to be rubbed I*i ices which startle i everybody, boils away, add more from the off; it is always best to have! them too full than not full People of taste and economy, now i» tea-kettle “over the kettlecloselv, enough. Maj. Park reai s somewhat upon your chance. and be sure it boils three hours. his dignity to sav, in answer to please our cus- Cottage PuiWing. An order will shortly be is­ Our specialty—To mii official call from the Senate turners. regarding internal improvement One egg,one cup sugar, half a cup sued by tin? President adding delay in this state, that “he milk, halt a cup butter, one and southern California to the de­ Our Aims—To save money for our greatly regretted the action of a half cups Hour. Pour in a shal­ partment of Arizona, under the patrons. the people of Oregon; that they low pan and bake. When done, command of Gen. Nelson A. Our Intentions—To do better by you were unreasonably hasty with- cut in squares and serve with Miles, an