EIEPORTE1? VOL. 1. Th@ Dacly Reporter McMINNA ILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17. 188« PRICE TWO CENTS. HOME NEWS AND NOTES year now drawing to a close. MISCELLANEOUS. Leading eastern politicans de­ We can think of no spectacle Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ clare the birth of a presiden­ than would be more wholesome ond Class Matter. tial heir in the White House that a procession of those con­ -------------- 0------------- 0. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. should greatly increase the pres­ spirators on the way to the peni­ ent incumbent’s chances of re­ tentiary. D. C. IRELAND & Co.. PUBLISHERS. nomination. Chauiucey M. De­ In discussing the report of The Daily Reporter. pew was father to the thought. the engineer bureau, Secretary Tan D aily R bpobtkb ia issued every day The recent competitive drill Whitney calls attention to the in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered in the oity at 10 cents per week. By mail, 40 at the Mechanics pavilion in utter defenceless condition of cents per month in advance. Rates for ad­ Thud St., Opp trai t* vertising same as for T h » W ekkly K kpobtkb . Portland had a value outside of seacoast and frontier. He urges YAMHILL CO BANK. the mere triumph of skill in the that appropriations should be Beak A Job Feinting. science D om ’ t F obokt thb P lace , of arms. It was the made and work began at once We beg leave to announce to the public that we have just added a large stock of new beginning of the development of to fortify the principal seaboard novelties to our business, and make a special­ tv of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, a public military spirit on the cities against attacks by water. — Where you will— Statements. Business Cards, Ladies’ Calling Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs* Pro Pacific coast that is very desira­ The report says we have a single grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of The glory and safety of it problem to solve in defending work. Terms favorable. Call and be oon- ble. yinoed. D. C. IRELAND A CO. free state is in free and disci­ our cities, how to best resist and silence the armored ships E. E. COUCHER, M. D. plined citizen-soldiers. A well and steal guns and mortars of trained state militia is alike the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. safety of the rights of the indi­ modern construction. It can JioMimrrau ... O bbqob . vidual and the protection of the only be accomplished by guns Offioe and residence, oorner of Third and common-wealth in the enjoy­ of equal force to those which any D street*, next to the postoffioe. ment of its ancient and God-giv­ enemy can bring against us, en liberties. The\exhibition at and by torpedoes or submarine DR. I. C. TAYLOR, Portland^was /important dnLgtir. mines laid in navigable channels, o----------- Late of New Orleans, La., ringjthe martiar spirit of our both so guarded that they can Piles and Fistula a Spe­ young men and the excellent do efficient service when requir­ ciality. Consultation character of the members as well ed. We have no guns now firee. IWo Cure as-their very fair training, will which can stop the progress or W. T. BAXTXR. F. J. MABTIN. No Pay. mark an era in the renasiance do any material injury to a well The manufact­ New Firm, New Goods, New Prices Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson, M. D., of that sort of public spirit now armored ship. MoMinnville, Oregon. At the New Store of much lacking in this moist and ure of the guns is a work of JA8. U’OAIN. H. HUBLBY. enervating climate. No one can a long time, and they cannot be McCain & Hurley, say when foes within, or armed extemporized when wanted. Tor­ ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW enemies without, may necessi­ pedoes may be more quickly Huoceaaora to Al. HUS8KY, AND NOTARIES PUBLIC, Third atreet, MoMinnville, D'egea. created, but still time and tate the use of their skill and Lafayette, Oregon, money are needed for their con­ Especial attention paid to abstracts of title courage. Ita Fimi tan HX'.IIXi struction. and settlement of estates in probate. An up country paper seizes Offioe—Jail buiding, up stairs. upon the occasion of the death of Broken lloaca. A new, nest and clean »lock. Every artist* No. I. Fruit Jars, Butler Crock*. Colored Mrs. M. Sliadden. a man’s wife to recount his (the The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, A Glaeaware, Cutlery, Caead Goode, To­ Ind., Bays: “Both myself mid wife owe our bacco, Pi|aw »nd Cigar*. husband’s) services to the state liven to Shiloh ’ » ’ 'onsumption Cure. ’ ’ Fashionable Dressmaker* and extol the family connections Are you made miaerable by indigestion, Pretti» Trait and Vego tn blow in leena, fjgThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ Give me » call Inspect my rtock, and I oonatipation. dlzzineHtt, loaa of appetite, yel­ ting employed. of the deceased lady generally. low Hkiu? Shiloh’s Vitaliaer la a positive cure. will guarantee price» tn ouit you. Why will you oough when Shiloh's Cure Third street, Next to Bishop & Kay’s store, This reminds the Telegram of will give yon immediate relief. Price 1<> ota. MoMinnville, Or. F«mlly Grocery Store ots., and *1. the notice of a wedding publish­ 80 Shiloh ’s Catarrh Remedy, a tioaitive cure Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. ed in the Columbian, a St. Hel­ for Catarrh, biptheria and Causer Mouth. “ llaokmetank” a lasting and fragrant per ens paper, a few years ago, fume. Prioe 23 and 5" oents. Hair Cutting, Shaving and sham- Shiloh’s < ure will immediately relieve J. Harv. Henderson wherein slight mention was Croup, Whooping (kingh and Bronchitis. pooing Parlor. made of the groom beyond the For Dyspepsia aud Liver Complaint, yon have a printed guarantee on every bottle of 15c SHAVING 15c. fact that his father had a large Shiloh ’s Vitalizer. If never falls to cure. C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. A Nasal Injector free with eaoh bottle of herd of cattle in eastern Oregon. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedv. Price flfl oente. (Suooesaor to A. C. Wyndham.) When the convicted anarchists For sale by Rogers A Todd. Ladies and children’s work a specialty. Nature's own remedy. Oregon Kidney Tea. have just added to my parlor the of Chicago shall have been hang­ Nature's own remedy. Oregon Kidney tea. largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this ed for murder, the National Oregon Kidney Tea, for sale by all drug­ MT. (HARLEN HOTEL •ity. Try them. gists. Republican hopes the civil O. K. T. stands for the l*st kidney remedy r. DLTM1M. Frwp- SAJiTTSL COPT, authorities of various states will known Oorner Third »nd H ctrwta, Late of Independence, having purchased the see if there is not law enough to <•11 and Arc We. RCRiNNVILLR TEAMS AND TRUCKS punish, as felons, the heartless About the first day of January I ex­ Nev boo*».' New pect to pay up all my debts, but in in the country •** Of Logan Bros. A Henderson, offers hie monopolist who have conspired to room. Mingle meals 2» order to do so I must call uixin all •ording 3R lo flfl cent» Meording to •arvioea in that line to the public, and will to restrict the output of coal and who are owing me to come forward Lodging, Board and Lodging. |4to per week Guarantee Satisfaction thereby enchance its cost. This and pay their accounts. So if you are Fine Sample Rooms for eommereial indebted to me this ia a notice to pay Give me a call and aae for yonr—tf. To all who favor him with their patronage. is one of the greatest crimes up and save costs. I mean busineea. will keep a wagon specially adaptedto the F. D bilbchsidbr , 1 against society that has been Opposition Boot and Shoe House. to* aceo tion of the publio. Orders left i perpetrated during the eventful *t th* stable will be promptly attended to at YAM HILL CO Is e -«i y r 3 ? K S ALWAYS FIND CLOTHING Buter i Martin kl—- À' • ;