aciflc opular icturesque MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. y-------- nailroad, noute. M c M innville A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON anget. HEATING & COOK Accommocationa unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH LESS than by any Other route between all in Willamette valley and San Francisco W. H. BINCHAN". Stas Propr. Manufacturer and Dealer In Only Route via Yaquina Bay To FINE FURNITURE « of all kinds. SELL FOR CASH San Francisco. DAILY PAMSENGEH TRAIN*, (Except ’-undays. ) VERY LOW Leave Corvallis at 2 p. in. Leave Ya­ quina at 7: 10 a. ni. Just reoeived an extra fine lot of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of al designs. < all and price my stook. They also have a SMALL LOT of Oregon and < alifornia. West side, trains oouneot at ' orvallis. Hardware. Tinware, Etc., Etc., The • ’regon Development Company’s FINE Al That will also be sold Steamship Yaquina City «AILS M’MINNVILLE PIONEER BOOT ANO SHOE STORE. Low for Cash.. From San Francisco, From Yaquina, They have a few Dee. 4 Saturday ... Nov. 27 Saturday....... “ 1« Dec. 9 Thursday.... Thursday *• 28 PLOWS, HARROWS, “ 21 Tuesday Tneaday Jan 9 Jan. 2 Sunday. Sunday... SI EDI RS And •• 21 •• J4) Friday Friday.... The Company reserves the right to change BAIN WAGONS Bailing days. Fares, between Corvallis and Ban Francisco. Kail and Cabin, $14; Rail That will be sold and Steerage, $9.88. For information apply to CH AB. C. HOGUE. When yon want anything in that line yon Acting Gen. F. and Paas. Agent. Corvallis, Oregon will consult yonr own interest as well as ours to call and see us. We think we can suit you. Try it. A. H. & O. 0. HODSON. Is the best place to get your goods for the Holidays. Be. fore purchasing for yourself or family, it will pay you to CALL AND EXAMINE iny goods which are warrant­ ed as represented. Having Low for Cash. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Here I Am VIA The Oregon and California R. R. Low Prices to Suit Times, and where you won’t have to Pay for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. Browne. And Connections. TIME, 2$ DAYS. Fare from Portland to Ban Francisco $32; to Sacramento, $30. Close connections made at Ashland with stages of ttie California. Oregon and Idaho stage company. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) THE GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTE Inal Side Division. ■El'WEKM »■«»!< ri. 4\ D A AMIEANO Hail Trnin. ABBIVK. LBAVB. Portland .. .8:01*a. m . Ashland. Alhland . 8:45p. m J Portland 4.-O0A.M. 3:45 p. M. AI bauy Ex press Train. LKAVK. i ABBIVI. Portland.... 4;o0 p . m . Lebanon I....9:20 p. M. 4:45 _ a . ~ M Portland. Lebanon... .<.17 2__7 .. 10:05 a . ». Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily between Portland and Ashland, The O. A 0. K. It. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on the east side «11 viaion from foot of F street West Side Division. ■ KT. FDR ILAND AND (ORV tl.l lR, Unii Train. IdUVK. AKBIVB. Portland .. 7:3o a. m . MoM’nville. 10:12«. n MoM’nville 10:13 a. M. Corvallis.. . 12:26 p. ■ Corvallis... 1:30 p . m . MoM’nville. 3:43 P. M. MoM’nville 3:44 p m . Portland.. . At Corvallis oouneot with trains of the Oregon Paoific for May Hina Hay. Express Trnin. Uin. ______ ÀIUUVB. Portland ...4:50p. m MoM’nville. .8:00 r. w . MoM’nville .5:46 a. m . Portland ...9KM1 a. ». L>cal tickets for sale and baggage checked at the oompany'a up-town offloe. aimer of Pine and Beoond streets. Ticket« for prin­ cipal points in California oan only be pro- cured at ooiupany'a offioe. Corner F and Front streets Portland, Or. Fright will not bt n'oeived for shipment after five o’clock p. m. on either the east or weal side division«. E. P ROGERS. R KOEHLER. G F A P. Agent. Come and See Me, —AT— C. GRISSEN’S, Santa Claus HEADQUARTERS. Candy, Nuts, Toys and Pres­ ents for every body. Persons buying 5 lbs or over will be given wholesale rates. With every $1 purchase will be given a chance on (Groceries Excepted.) I extend a cordial invitation to the people of this county to come and examine my goods and compare prices. C. CRISSEN, Oirriscn’i I CITY TRI(k I OETHEHHDACIFICnAILHOADJ .. .... ............ K............ K............... I N I Block. McMinnville, Oregon. SHOREST! T a —T o CHICAGO and all points EAST. OS Ll X w O iug S Tickets sold to all PHO.VIINENT POINT! Throughout the East and Southeast. TO «AST P ANNEWRItf! BOIAD BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE-BUT BE SURE TO TAKE THE And see that your ticket reads via Portland and —St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other route«. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains r tin Length of the Line. Berths Free. tim F! LOWEST RATES! -------- IV= QUICKEST TIME! --------o-------- GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. CITY MARKET, BEST! H QUICKEST! g ***M*****************M****o****;*M******************** HllllimilllirTHE DINING CAR LINE// /////////{/If/l THE DIRECT ROITE! NO DELAYS» FASTEST TRAINS! 3 Handsome Prizes. Manager. W F actory Have a Few Tast Tim«. Sure Co*&cctua, New Equijrent 225 Miles Shortest 20 Hours Less Time. F urniture D. CHARLTOM, General Wentern Passenger Agent. City Stables. ___ M c M innville ■ ¡usiness College, Cor. 3d and C Streets. OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BA>K, FRED. F. KELLER, Prop. It Aow Open. Successor to W F. Bangasaer, KangHseer'» budding. Cor. B and Third Sta. Attention is respectfully invited to th» BUSINESS SCHOOL. Here is where you oan get vonr money*» Having purchased the Strain property. and worth in permanently looated in McMinnville, am Its facilities for thoro.n«h tion; aotual bn9ine88.^ePsrlIsîraMo*2hr, ara ready to do all kinds of Truck and Dalip. B*«f, Pork. Mutton. Sausage. Tripe, •ry Work at abort notice All goods en and everything in the line of meat«, of tbt where currency, bank cheekydr . trusted to our «are will be oarcfully handled, beet quality the country affords. Also the and promptly delivered, \lso keep on hand Wood of all kinds as cheap ss the oheatMwt Best of Bolognas. Orders left at tbs City Drug store will be Ample room to care for horeea. Livery Crayon Portrait Work a SPecJ*^ promptly attended to. J. J. COLLARD. teams at as reasonable rate« as any where in P.O. Bo. 101 O. B.BI0Ol«S.r>*J Give ma a oal) and ba satisfied. Oregon. New stable Third St., McMinnville. HENDERSON BROS.,