«», Th® Daily Reporter Dr. G. F. Tucker and son Carl made Observation». a trip below yesterday. Frauds are daily «kipping out. The First National Bank Miss Coleman of St. Paul. Marion I), C. IRELAND JI CO. PUBLISHERS. county, sang at the Catholic church latest are the Rea brothers,foot racers, ------ OFFICERS :------ etc., from Astoria. McMinnville, Or. Dec. 16. 1886 last Sunday evening. She possesses W ortman ......................President I.adies gold and silver watches at a J D. acob a most beautiful voice. I». T hompson ............. Vice-president big bargain at the McMinnville jew­ J ohn W ortman ......................... Cashier A. H. Hodson went to Portland on Can you do better than thia. The elry store. business yesterday. Reporter weekly, and the Cottage * General Banking bnaineaa A tine stock of holiday crockery, TrauiMk'te Intereat allow«xi ou tune depoaita. It rained delightfully yesterday, Hearth monthly, one year. 1887, for tine hanging lamps etc., etc., at Baxter Collection, made ou favorable term«. which gave the farmers a rest. $2.25. Call ami see us. Sipht Exchange and Telegraphic Tranafon A’ Martins. on New York. San Fraueta^o and Portland. Thanks to Chas. L. Fay. Portland, Mrs. E. L. E. White left on Wed At Baxter A Martins you will find Office )tour>—from V a. m.tot p. m. for an elegant calender for 1887 nesday morning, to spend the holidays a fresh stock of holiday candies just If you want buy a gun. go to W. F. with the old folks at home. She will the thing for Santa flails children. Collard. Remember he will sell them be absent about ten days. .10115 WORTMAN rhe McMinnville Business College at Portland prices. A fashion journal say there is a is open every evening at 7 o'clock for Represents the following aterltng ootupan- London <1 Liverpool A Globe. North The Presbyterian Sunday school knack in putting on gloves. Come students in writing, drawing and book- iMi Brtttali A Mercantile, (fommeroiai Union have joined with the Christmas tree to think of it, that's so. You have to keeping. Fire Association, German American, Ft ra­ men's Fund. Hartford, Comtuertital, A agio get your hand in. So to speak. for the public school. Baxter A Martin have a novelty in Nevada, State Investment. The cornice, sashes, doors and or­ their cup and saucer coflee. You get Wheat inauranoe a spacially. All are cordially invited to put presents on the Christmas tree for namental carvings for Hon. W. J. a five pound can of nice coffee with a BUY YOUR their children, parents and friends, at McConnell’s Moscow residence were cup and saucer worth at least SOcts., manufactured in Forest Grove. the opera house. all for one dollar. The latest edition of Oregon As it Chas. Greening has established a Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music Fine Holiday Goods Is, reads well, but it is a blacksmith wood yard in this city, and sells oak in McMinnville and at McMinnville OF US 16-inch cut at $4.00 per cord ; fir four of a job so far as printing is concerned. college. Residence corner of Second The contents are the best yet given. feet,$2.25, and other qualities in like and C Streets. Mickel’s valise has been found cut proportion. The next Life Insurance agent who open under Couch wharf. That he comes monkeying around here in The Columbia Bicycle Calendar for We have a large and Complete '87, just isiued by the Pope Manufac­ has been foully dealt with is now al­ search of a policy had best llMVe Ä stock consisting of: turing Co., of Boston, is a truly artis­ most positive. The Knights Templar good one for himself. The Weekly Reporter, a faithful Christmas Cards, tic and elegant work in chromo-litho- offer $200 for the recovery of his body: Six hundred dollars are offered for and complete compendium of the Chlldrsas Books, graphy and letterpress. the arrest of the perpetrator of the week's news, ia furnished for 16} cent« Autograph, Photo Albums, Pupils of St James Episcopal Sun­ crime. a month. day school, are requested to meet at Notions, Hand Mirrors. Occasionally a queer customer pre­ McMinnville jewelery store is now the chursh Friday afternoon at 4:15 sents himself at the stamp window of Drossing C oms , Odor to practice singing. Rev. Mr. Fair the post-oftice. Yesterday an old coon the biggest and largest west of Port- Casos, Poem«. land and the cheapest in 0 re gon. and others will be present. forap Books, from New Philadelphia, called at the The F. W. Baltes Co., Portland, turn window, and in a voice of much earn­ Wm. Holl, proprietor. Psrfumos, Combs, Brushes, Toilet Articles. The Time« «ay« that an Autocrat out the most elegant, handsome and estness inquired : “Got any poMig- convenient calendar of any publishing keerds for Shipley?” “Yes, uncle. stallion owned in Yamhill county, We call Special Attention to house in Oregon. But it is only a How many will you have?’’ asked the managed by J. F. Middleton last sea­ fair sample, after all, of their daily polite clerk. “A quart, boss,” came a son, has been attached by Thompson our stock of Ladies Portmonna- work. and plush, A Stephenson of Ashland, on account ies in leather prompt answer. Frank laughed and Why do you pay for inferior silver which are cheaper than ever informed his customer that they were of a stable bill. plated table ware big prices, if Robert C. Gardner is in the bands of before offered. An elegant not selling “postig keerds’’ by the you get at the McMinnville jewelry the YMCA of San Francisco, but he edition of Webster’s Unabridg­ quart this week, and he left, appar- store, Wm. Holl, the best and finest rntly vexed with the post master that doesn’t get very encouraging respon­ ed Dictionary will be given can be had for the same price. ses to his calls upon people of this away. Every purchaser buy- he could not Ire accomodated. The young men of this city have Subscribe for the Reporter, and pay city for favorable recommendation«. ingOne Dollars worth of Holi­ established an Athletic club. The for it when you subscribe, and we will If anybody has a kind word to say for day Goods, gets a oliauce. officers are: John Clark president; pledge ourselves to give you more him, address M. M. Myers, 23*2 Sutter Ten chances for every Ten Dol­ Henry Beevy secretary ; and Ed. W. news, for less money, than any other «treet San Francisco. lars. Come and learn particu Fuller treasurer. Mohawk hall has paper in the Willamette valley. The A Big Bargain. lars of been secured. Daily will help the weekly 100 per cent. A superb home ia ottered for wale in ROGERS & TODD, We acknowledge calls yesterday’ Christmas eve., at Garrison opera from several of the stalwart citizens of house, is the time fixed for the chil­ this city, consisting of half a block of Druggists land, a neat and convenient six room North Yamhill, including Messrs. dren’s Christmas tree. There will be cottage, in a high, dry and healthy lo­ Win. and Warren Merchant, and A. a nice programme of exercises by the cation. Going at $900, upon easy j D. Runnels. This is the first call of children, all who are not member« of terms. Apply at this office. Mr. Runnels since his return from a j the school, will pay an admission fee WitnU'd visit to the cyclone regions beyond of ten cents, thus creating a fund to All persons indebted to me to cull and meet expenses. the Rockies. settle their account immediately. It is said by two prominent Port­ F. W. R edmond . A writer in the Statesman thinks land Irishmen that McCafferty, the that instead of a reform school for recently appointed collector of cus- hoodlums of both sexes, a reservation Wanted. tome at Sitka, claims to be the mys­ should be created for the purpose of A few cords of dry woo«’ I in exchange terious No. 1, connected with the! colonizing parents of ungovernable for work at the new c ipposition wagon W. H. H ouston . assassination in Phienix Park, Dub­ children of Oregon ; and that all chil­ shop. lin. Where will he get his $50,000 dren at weaning time to be taken from bonds? the reservation and placed in the The water committee of the Port-. reformatory school fora term of years, land city council have bought the where they may l>e properly reared. plant and works of the Portland water Already people in Portland are be­ company for $450,000. The income of the company’ for the year closing ginning to observe that it is easier to will amount to $86,000. No more leg­ ride over a ferry than to walk over a Call and Ace We. To Bishop & Kay s WA go islative blood sucking from that bridge.” They can soon have the About the first day of January I ex ­ satisfaction of paying their money source, John we congratulate you; with a wish to get first choice pect to pay up n»y d®hta, but *n you can now learn what it is to be “an and taking their choice If it was a order to do ao I must call upon all of Holiday Furnishing Good». humble civilian.” The legislature free bridge such as unite« Polk and who are owing me to come forward Suspendere, will be asked, however, to grant Marion, then might they a^stro- and pay their account«. Ho if you are Neck ware and indebted to me this is * notice to pay and Silk Handkerchiefs, at authority to issue additional bonds to phize to Stark street: up and save costa. I mean buaineu. the amount of $300,000 to permit the bottom prices. F. D kilachnidbr , BISHOP A KAY. waters of Bull Run to flow through Opposition Boot and Shoe Hou«e. the main« and pipes. Í FIRE INSURANCE. Witch This Art Gallery. H I r 4 l I I r 4 1 S'