t MISCELLANEOUS The East Oregonian thinks Abram H. Hewitt declares • the Catholic church doubtless is D. C. IRF.I.AN!» * CO. PUBLISHERS. that the present conflict is not right in standing bv one of its QUIT YOUR Nutoscripti«» «Mir». priests, but will have a hard job By Carrier per week.......................... 1" oents between labor and capital, but (Payable on Saturday.) on its hands whitewashing Con- between labor and laziness. Single Copy........................................ 2 By Mail 10 oents per Month iln Advance.) Queen Victoria has forbidden rardy. Kates far Advertising In all the eastern ship yards Wil) lie made utisfaetory t«» all applicants. admission into the household of Windsor castle, or within the there is not a single ship in ----- (o)----- McM ' ’ I ’■ • 1 ' 1886 frame, nor is there a wooden ship castle precinct of newspapers New Year Edition. 'containing reports of the Camp­ frame so far as we can learn, be­ t > appi : hso \, , ing got out anywhere, for the The staff of the Reporter are now at bell divorce case. Lieut. Greely believes that first time in the history of this Wants You to get right work upon the great edition for New there is an open sea some 1,500 country. Years. Each town in the county wil The UPR Co is cutting up miles in diameter, round about down to business* be visited and its past, present aYid didoes with the NPR Co. N owt the pole, that never freezes, the future outlook given toour readers in the pole i since it has control of the ORN readable form. This edition will sur- conjecture being that ice-cap- Co. They intend to cover pretty Because you feel that times are a lit­ piiss anything yet attempted by the itself is in the center of tle hard is just the reason you ped land, covered with ice from much every valley in the entire publishers. territory of Montana w r hether 1000 to 4000 feet thick. should take advantage of our popu­ Ol'R MERCHANTS. LAWYERS, IXX'TORS now occupied or not by railway Congressional favor come liigl AN!» CATRONS. », lines, including a parallel line to lar way of doing business. Are informed that now is the oppor- but Mormons get them. The the NPR all the way from Garri­ We ask you to buy Good Goods at low tunity toeend in your orders for copies Mormon church pays out $250,- son to lake Pend d’Oreille, and of our great edition for New Years, 000 annually to preventunfavor- prices, one down the Yellowstone valley. as this will be strictly a county paper able legislation in congress There is more social boycot­ For they are cheaper in the long run, for the benefit of the county, is is ex­ against their institutions. Evi­ ting done to the square inch in Look better, pected that liberal patronage will be dently railroads are not the only Washington than there is to the extended. The size of the weekly corporation that pay big divi­ Fit neater, square mile in any other part of will be eight ¡»ages, eight columns to dends. And are nicer in every way. In niilway building this year the country, and it isn’t so much the page, just twice the present size. If you do not leave your orders now, Kansas takes the lead. No less after the style of the lady of It is for your interest and our interest. you will not have a chance later on. than 957 mlies of new track have Thebes, nor either that of the Economy for you, The price will be single copy cents, been laid within her limits, on Antheian matron. Shoddy will or three for 25 cents. Now is your twenty-seven lines. Dakota tell; the tendency among million­ And makes you solid customers of ours. chance to advertise old Yamhill to comes next with 536 miles on aires to boycott their poor re­ lationsis proverbial, and has per ­ the world by sending to your friends thirteen lines ; and yet congress We give you plain, honest talk and in the east, an issue of this great last spring declared that this haps proven more distressingly edition. territory was not yet fit to be let successful, than any other form. let our competitors feed you on taffy. Concerning the New Year Edition. into the Union as a state. Fol­ Produce Price Current. lowing closely behind are Nebras­ Wheat j>er oental in Portland We show you the new and exclusive We are not soliciting adver­ ak’d .... } ka, Texas, Wisconsin and Wheat per bushel in MoM . 72 tisements for the New Year edi­ styles, . throughout the western and Oats 40 Wool per lb tion of the Weekly Reporter. But 20 the middle states, to New York, Flour per barrel 4 4 20 Latest Novelties, Bacon sides do solicit valuable information 8 which has built twenty-nine Hams ................................ 10 Finest .qualities in Seasonable Goode of any kind concerning this Shoulders........................... 8 miles, and to six New England Lard ................................ 7 county. Mr. White is devoting for fall and Winter. Butter, fresh rolls .... 80 states in which, altogether, only Eggs per doz .... his entire attention to the sub­ Apples, green per box 50 Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ Tailor-fit­ six miles of new road were put Dried apples, Plummer.. ject, and we bespeak for him a 7 “ sun down. The inactivity of the Plums, pitless 4 ting clothing. ____ proper recognition at the hands 8 sou»hern states is remarkable. Chickens per doz 1 2 50 of the public generally. It would Hides, dry flint 15 Our Specialties, Rreen .......... Judge Jacob B. Blair of the 7 be a pleasure to us to publish a Potatoes 50 Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing and tame, per doz...., 4 5 00 good business card for every United States district court, Geese, Ducks. “ “ “ 4 5 00 Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, business man in the county, and Utah, in the suit against J. B. Hogs, dressed.................. Simpson, indicted for swearing we would do so if request is Caps and Underwear. Notice To II% Patrons. (hat I ic had never made a prior made, at the regular rates estab­ In consequence of declining health, which The prices tell. prevents me from making personal applica­ homestead entry, after he had lished by us, which are from tion io parties indebted, I ;nu compelled to The quality sells. thus publicly say that all bills due and un- taken up a homestead in Wis ­ fifty to 209 per cent, lower than stettled January 'st 1887 will be placed in The best assortment. Lands for collection. 4,990 cities of the same size of consin, then commuted it to a other „ „ W m . H. BINGHAM. All the leading styles. this pay, as showu hv newspaper cash entry, moved to Utah ami McMinnville, Or., Dec. 2d, 1886. directories of the United States. entered a homestead there, in­ Prices which startle everybody, 31 <*31 in it vi Ilo structed the jury that Simpson ’ s If any person wishes a business People of taste and economy, now is entry in \\ isconsin did not ex ­ LIVERY FEED ANO SALE STABLES your chance. card in the paper it will be haust his rights under the home ­ gratefully received, but under­ Our specialty—To please our cus- stand, we do not make a spe­ stead law, and in re-entering in tomers. cialty of soliciting such for the I tab he did not commit perjury. Our Aims—To save nioney for our proposed issue. All regular ad­ This is the first time the ques-; vertisers will appear the same as tion was ever raised. The case! patrons. attracted much attention. Judge for the regular issue, to which Our Intentions—To do better by you Blair’s opinion is long and ex­ LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, they are entitled. than anyone else. haustive. The rights of settlers, ----- PROPRIETORS----- under the various land laws, is Fine Carriages, Hacks and For your sake, for our sake, for good A deep significance attaches tully discussed. The decision Saddle Horses, to the telegraphic dispatch that meets with general approval, ness sake, come and let ussa't y ur And everything in the Livery hire, the wife of President Cleveland the members ot the bar especi­ in good shape money. was out shopping last week. ally expressing satisfaction. A. J. APPER80N. At Reasonable Rates. The Deify Reporter. CURRENT THOUGHT NONSENSE!