The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 15, 1886, Image 3

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    Our Public School».
li •
The McOibeny Family.
First National Bank,
Foilwing is the roll of honor of pu­ Garrison Opera house was filled to
pils in attendance in the class of Mrs. its utmost capacity last night to greet
—OFFICKK* !-------
Mathieu: Kate Gorman. Elon Wai-'the moat remarkable musical fandiy
McMinnville, Or.. - Deç. 15, 1886 lace, Chas Howe, Cyntitha Fellows of the times. It is about 12 vears J acob W ortman ......................President
P. T hompson ............. Vice-president
Sammie Symons, John Duniphrev . | since their funner appearance in Ore-1 J D. ohn
W ortman .........................Cashier
Seasonable Suggestions.
Maggie Powell, Ina Cooper, Gracie gon, since which time the family has
» (tenera! Hanking busiUM*
ffhen the air is cold,
Stuart, Leia Vanatta, Mabie Town­ been pleasantly added m. as evidenced TrMiisaeU
Interest allowed on tune deposita.
Ind the winds grow bold,
send, Inez Eccleston, Gertie Pound, by the bright pretty children. When Collections made on favorable term*.
And the robes of snow do the earth enfold ;
Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers
Lena Baker, Lena Groening, Ida the curtain was rung up the entire ou Si^ht
New York. San Francisco and Portland.
When the home lights glow
Groening, Nellie Satchwell, Ambie family of fifteen (lemons were seated Office hour*—Ihun V a. in. to I p. tn.
And the bright flames throw
V\ right, Lilly Adams, May Gaunt, on the stage in various position*.
Their mellow gleam in a golden flow,
And winter’s oharm again you know;
Forrest Naiver, Stellie Patty. Eva One could not but feel sure that FIRE INSURANCE.
Baxter, Minnie Hamnett,. Morris father and mother, who were in the
Where are the roses then ?
Not in field or fen,
Sweet, Annie Townsend, Walter back ground, each with a little one Represents the following »terhug oouipaa-
tee: London A Liverpool d Globe, North
Nor with violets sweet in the old farm glen ; Baker, Josie Gardner. Copy for other
on their lap, looked around with pride British A Mercantile. Uotumeroial Uuioa
No, alas! they bloom
AsaociHtton, German Amenoan, Firw
classes has not been handed in.
and satisfaction at so interesting and Fire
man's Fund. Hartford, (\>n>m«roial, Augto
flat in hothouse room,
Following exhibits the scholarship talented a family of children. They Nevada. State tnveatnient.
And your best girl’s mad if yon do not doom
deportment of the Gopher Valley were all dressed in good taste, were Wheat inaarano* a apeoialty.
A ten-dollar bid to an early tomb.
In Portland.
school for the month ending Dec. 3d. graceful in their movements, and as a
Here I Am
»»'■------------ ■ *
Those marked with a star are on the whole presented a handsome picture.
We understand that Hon. Wm. roll of honor.
They were received with ringing ap­
Galloway is learning to sing Old Dog
plause. The opening overture, was a
Maggie Cronin*..
masterly effort by the whole family,
. 99
The Choral union will meet again Charles Gregory*
lead by Master Jamie. We cannot
this (Wednesday)
epitomise the programme with satis­
Minnie Potter....
7 o’clock sharp, at Grange hall.
faction nor have we space for a review
Ella Casey.........
Miss If. A. Wilson is recovering J.ois Gregory*
of it. To l»e appreciated the music of
from a very severe attack of that Francis Stow ...
this family must be listened to; then
dreadful throat disease so prevalent Lydia Murphy*..
iudeed it it one of rare enjoyment.
Joseph Casey ...
among the people.
The music was exquisite ; the pieces
Flora Potter.......
Lew Johnson’s minstrels, the best Mary Stow .......
' are all of a high character, given with
company on the road of genuine Carrie Murphy...
correct expression and interpretation.
Etheopians, will appear at Garrison Ella Cronin.........
The family are truly each one an artist
Willie Gregory*..
opera house on the 20th.
and know how to exhibit their varied
Eddie Murphy*
Price Kaufman, Talmage and Josie Casey.........
gifts in a natural and taking way.
Willis got home safe yesterday. The Willie Evans.......
So delighted were the audience that
Santa Claus
first three were hunted by wild boars, Milton Potter . ..
some could not restrain their genuine
treed, lost their guns, and as Mr.
97 applause until theiik selections were
Lafayett Willet .
Willis says : Had a h— of a time. James Reed .....
finished. They form a company of
St. James (Episcopal) Sunday- Willie Gregory*
artists worthy of the highest praise,
96 and in their concert tour would no
Candy, Nuts, Toys and Pres-
school while commencing under many .Dajsv Poster*....
disadvantages, has now the appear­
doubt be received by even a cuts for every body.
ance of marked, success. A lady ’’rank Gregory . ..
greater audience upon a second eve­ buying 5 lbs or over will be
< el lie Agee .......
friend of new York city has presented >ona Agee .......
ning. We regret that they could not
given wholesale rates.
the school with new hymnals and Effie Agee ..........
i remain with us one more evening.
With every *1 purchase will
service books, also Bible lessons, and Ida Small............................... 87 100
be given h chance on
Kill the Squirrels.
a handsome illustrated monthly paper Charles Casey............................ 95 96
Olive Lambright........................ 90 97
for each
K, ate C asf . y , teacher. I The Polk county Itemizeris inform­ 3 Handsome Prizes.
' V J * •* scholar.
-V ■ •
(Groceries Excepted.)
I ed by Hon. B. B. Branson, that the
One of our patrons ordered a lot of
neighbors down his way have a recipe
cards “at 50 cents per hundred" from
1 extend a cordial invitation
another conoern in the county, and G street,south of Fifth for needed side i for exterminating rats and mice, that to the people of this county to
if applied thoroughly he thought come and examine my goods
was V...-gusted to find out that we walks.
Ladies gold and silver watches at a would be worth $10,(MM) to the farm­ and compare prices.
never have charged but 40 cents per
bargain at the McMinnville jew­ ers of Polk county. It is this : Take
hundred for that identical class of
equal of plaster of paris and flour, mix,
work. The moral to this item is, that elry store.
Miss Katie Thornton, expects to and place in a pan near where the Garriwn’i Block. McMinnvlll*, Oregon.
it doesnot pay to order your printing
away from home, even on a presumed spend her Christinas at home, in varmints are, and alongside this pan
basis of economy.
Washington territory, leaving here on place another pan of water. The ex­ Watch This Art Gilliry.
act modus operandi of the varmints’
The history going the rounds of the the 23d.
press about the first printing press in
The grandest curiosity in the world death is not known, but it has been
Oregon is slightually mixed. The is now on exibition at Aurora, Illinois. demonstrated that the work is done
first printing press that was ever It is a Sucker editor building a house well.
brought to the northwest is not at to live in. People about the town
Bunday December L9th, Rev. John
Eugene city, never was at Corvallis or are more or less interested, because C. Fair will officiate at Gopher valley.
Roseburg, but is now stored at the the idea of an editor putting up a Service will be held in the school
state capitol in Salem. There are ranch was so novel. He says be has house at 3 :30 p. in.
other errors in this same history answered the inquiry, “How is that
Elsewhere will l>e found an adver­
which ought to be corrected.
house of yours getting along?" more
of Demorest’s magaiine,
N;m Payne writes to the Herald than a thousand times in the last two
71 V
that his horses got lost in a fog in the months. And the question, “have by which, combining with the Re-
Cascade mountains. On arriving at you moved yet ?” has l>een fired at porter. the two can be had for *3.50.
the summit., the fog became so dense him five hundred times during the Demorest’s Monthly is the lending
ladies' magazine of the country. It
that in spite of all they could do the last fortnight.
He has answered
horses scattered and the men who these questions without once showing contains stories, poems and other lit­
had them in charge could do nothing a grain of irritation, but the other day erary attractions, with scientific and
more than to go into camp and wait Ike Phillips said something that made household matter*. It is illustrated
To Bishop & Kav's we go
with original steel engravings, photo-
lor the fog to disappear. People who
him mad. “Are you moved yet ?” gravings, oil pictures, etc.; and, what with a wish to get first choice
have never been in the Cascade
asked Ike. “Began this morning.
mountains during one of those fogs We carried a salt-cellar and a chair, will suit the ladies, each number con­ of Holiday Furnishing Goods.
cannot imagine how helpless man is and coaxed the dog over,” we ejacula­ tains an order entitling the holder to Neckware and
to control or keep stock together. Mr. ted in delight. “Is thM so?” said Ike to the selection of any pattern illus­
and Silk Handkerchiefs, at
bwank remained on the summit four­ in a tone of congratulation. “I am trated in the fashion department for
teen days, during which time it snowed glad to hear that yon are so near the mouth, making twelve patterns of bottom prioes.
*n<i the horses took bad colds,
colde, which
your own selection for the year.
through with the job."
*as the chief cause of the deaths,
—•- - — - ■ - —'
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