The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 15, 1886, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 86.
Th« ®sily Reporter.
M c M innville , O regon , W ednesday , D ecember
Assessment and Taxation.
1 he farmers of Marion county
Entered in the Poatoffioe at MoMinnville for
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ will present the following peti­
ond Class Matter.
tion to the legislative assembly:
“We, the undersigned citizens
D. C. IRELAND A Co., and taxpayers of Marion county,
would respectfully petition your
honorable body for a change in
The Daily Reporter.
Tm Dainx R bpobtbb is issued every day the constitution of the state of
in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered
in the city at 10 oenta per week. By mail, 40 Oregon, so as to give the legis­
cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­
vertising same aa for T hb W bbblt K bpobtbb . lature thereof full pow’er to ex­
empt all credits from assess­
PriatiBffs ments and taxation, and allow
We beg leave to announoe to the public
that we have just added a large «took of new the state and each county there­
novelties to our business, and make a special­
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, in to obtain revenue from the
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ taxation of all real and tangible
grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of
work. Terms favorable. Call and be oon- personal property, railroads, in­
surance, express and kindred
corporations, and banking and
E. E. COUCHER, M. D other corporate capital; allowing
no deduction for indebtedness
O bboom . or exemptions.
Such a system
Offioe and residenoe, oorner of Third and would simplify the listing and
D streets, next to the poatoffioe.
assessment of property, and re­
move the vexed question con­
DB. I. C. TAYLOR, nected with deduction of in­
debtedness. It would prevent
Late of New Orleans, La.,
Piles and Fistula a Spe­ the great fraud now practiced
ciality. Consultation
on the taxpayers of the state of
free. Ao Cure
We would recom­
No Pay.
mend your honorable body to
Offioe with H V. V. Johnson, M. D.; amend the present law of assess­
MoMinnville, Oregon.
ment and not allow any deduc­
ata. m ’ cain .
h . httbuby .
tion for indebtedness. We ask
your honorable body for the en­
McCain & Hurley,
actment of a law providing for
the election of precinct assessors.
Lafayette, Oregon,
Eapeoial attention paid to abstracts of title We also petition your honorable
and settlement of estates in probate.
body for the repeal of all laws
Offioe—Jail buiding, up stairs.
exempting firemen and members
the state militia companies
Mrs. M. Shadden. of
from paying poll and road tax.
Fashionable Dressmaker«
^TThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­
A physician was recently in­
dicted in St. Paul for practicing
Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s store, without a license.
It appears
McMinnville, Or.
that he is a graduate of one of
the oldest and best medical col­
leges in the east, and was refused
Hair Cutting, Miaving and sham­ a license by the state board be­
pooing Parlor.
cause he advertises to cure dis­
15c SHAVING 15c. eases. The punctilious doctors
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
of the board hold that it is un­
(Suooessor to A. C. Wyndham.)
professional for a physician to in­
Ladies and children’s work a specialty.
form the public that he can effect
£***1 have just added to my parlor the
largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this cures ; he should only advertise
city. Try them.
that he treats diseases. Ordin­
S«A3TU*SB cory, ary mortals suppose that the
Late of Independence. having purchased the business of doctors is to cure
TEAMS AID TRUCKS sick people, but this, it seems, is
Medicine has been
Of Logan Bros. A Hendereon, offers his a mistake.
•arvioee in that line to the public, and will
a science for 3,000 years, yet, ac-
Guarantee Satisfaction cording to this board it is an
indictable offense for a doctor to
To all who favor him with their
Ha wlllkee
, eta, for ’ announce that he can cure any
«•Uvery of
The next
bded to at i complaint whatever.
tt the stable will be promptly
ting employed.
is . 1886
legislature will do well to curb
the arbitrary power of the ex- !
amining board to say who shall
practice medicine in the state of
Minnesota and who shall not.
No other qualification should1
be imposed than evidence of,
graduation at a well-known
medical school. When other
tests are set up professional jeal­
ously will be much more potent
with the members of the board
than concern for the public
well tre.
Third St. Opposite
D on ’ t F ohukt thk P lacb ,
— Where you will—
A tew days since the queen of
Spain entered the roval nursery
and found the young nurse weep­
ing piteously. Upon inquiry
as to her trouble she replied that
his majesty, Alphonso XIII,
while nursing had given her a
painful bite. A lady in waiting
was called, who was dispatched
to the chamberlain, who sent for
the family physician, and upon
examination it was discovered
that the royal infant had cut a
tooth. A well-tilled purse fell
into the lap of the nurse from
the queenly fingers for having
first been made aware of the
happy event.
Furnishing O» hhì » of all kind, and above
all THE IXjWEHT PRICES. Also agosto
for the
New Firm. New Goods, New Prices
At th* New Store of
A fine stock of holiday crockery,
fine hanging lamps etc., etc., at Baxter
Hn oceano re to Al. HI1H8EY,
A Martins.
Third street, McMinnville, Oregon,
At Baxter A Martina you will find
ta ta:
a fresh stock of holiday candies just
the thing for Santa Claus children.
The McMinnville Business College
is open every evening at 7 o’clock for A new, neat and clean stock. Every Article
A No. 1. Fruit.Jara, Butter Crock«, Colored
students in writing, drawing and book­
Glassware, Cutlery, Caaed Goods, To­
bacco. Pipe« and Cigar».
Freeh Fruit and Tegetabiee in tests«».
Baxter A Martin have a novelty in
Give me a cal), Inspect mv stock, and I
their cup and saucer coffee. You get will guarantee price« to «uit you.
a five pound can of nice coffee with a
cup and saucer worth at least 50cts., F«mily Groeery
all for one dollar.
Third Htreet, Me Minorili*, Oregon.
Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music
in McMinnville and at McMinnville
college. Residence comer of Second
and C Streets.
McMinnville jewelery store is now
the biggest and largest west of Port­
land and the cheapest in Oreijon.
Wm. Holl, proprietor.
Why do you pay for inferior silver
plated table ware big prices, if
you get at the McMinnville jewelry
store, Wm. Holl, the best and finest
can be had for the same price.
Built Ü Martin
J. Harv. Henderson
A Bif BarfRin.
A superb home is offered for sale in
this city, consisting of half a block o
land, a neat and convenient six room
cottage, in a high, dry and healthy lo­
cation. Going at 1900, upon
terms. Apply al this office.