NEWS AND NOTES MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. MI SC E LL A N EO U S Prohibiton is billed to plow a ’/Zh A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON wide furrow in l..~ Li -------- Have a Few in ’88. Details of the Campbell di­ PIONEER BOOT ANO SHOE STORE. vorce trial which have been about Is the best place to get your as refreshing as a walk through goods for the Holidays. Be. a sewer are nearly ended. 1 rulv fore purchasing tor yourself the Campbell affair compelled ♦—---- —______ LZ2-. That they will or family, it will pay you to the sewer snipes to “grab their CALL AND EXAMINE nasal knobs.” SELL FOR CASH my goods which are warrant- If Mr. Morrison would gooff“ ed as rePresented- Having I the stage with Hying colors and VERY LOW. Low Prices to Suit’ carry into his retirement the They also have a SMALL LOT of prestige of victory, let him bring in a little bill, it need n’t be Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc., Times, and where you won't have to Pay That will ajfw be sold more than one line in length ; tor rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and repealing all imposts on sugar. Low for Cash,. repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, He can get enough republican They have a few Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. B 1’0 Wile. votes to pass it no matter how PLOWS, HARROWS, the “other wing”, may “Hap.’’ M c M innville F urniture F actory . And Sir Alexander Galt is going to make another effort next year BAIX WAGONS to break down the Chinese wall W. H. BINGHAM, That will be sold policy of the Canadian govern­ Low for Cash. Propr. ment which prohibits the build, When you want anything in that line you will consult your own interest as well as ing of railroads within twenty ours to oall and see us. We think we can suit Manufacturer and Dealer In A, H. A O. O. HODSON. miles of the international bound­ you. Try it. ary except with the consent of FINE FURNITURE BUY YOUR the Canadian Pacific railway of all kinds. company. Galt wants to extend Fine Holiday Goods Jnst received an extra fine lot of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of al his coal road which now runs designs. Call and price my stook. from the CP line in Alberta to OF US. THE GREAT the Lethbridge mines so as to secure a terminus in Montana. We have a large and Complete TRANSCONTINENTAL "ROUTE If he fails in this it is reported stock consisting of: that he will build in British Columbia up to the Kootenai Christmas Cards, nORTHERHnACIFICnAILROAD Childrens Books, ■W valley to a connection with the Autograph, Photo Albums, QUICKEST! NP at Sand point, Idaho. The SHORBST! I BEST! Notions, Hand Mirrors. British Columbia government Dressing Cases, Odor never gave its assent to the CP Cases, Poems. IlillllllllimiTHB DINING CAR EINE,',7/W(W//L,i monopoly arrangement. Scrap Books, THE DIRECT ROUTE! NO DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! Too many of the foreign agi­ Perfumes, Combs, Brushes, Toilet Articles. avwam I "D a a * To CHICACO and all points EAST tators who come here are striv­ XdQYVvS V X wmw CS T* ck ®<* •® ld a» PROMINENT POINT ing to excite discontent because We call Special Attention to Throughout the East and Southeast. the masons do not earn more our stock of Ladies Portmonna- TO EAST BOI’XD PASSEXGERS! than $3 per day. In Paris there ies in leather and plush, r?*” BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURI are 40,000 workers in stone. which are cheaper than ever ------ TO TAKE THE------ before offered. An elegant There are no bricklayers in that city, because brick is never used edition of Webster's Unabridg­ in building, and of the 40,000 ed Dictionary will be given away. Every purchaser buy­ And see that your ticket reads via Portland and not more than 10,000 can obtain ing One Dollars worth of Holi­ steady employment. This is day Goods, gets a chance. —- ------ St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, saddening. The condition is Ten chances for every Ten Dol­ To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Througl Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full equally bad in Berlin and Lon­ lars. Come and learn particuj! Length of the Line. Berths Free. don. The truth is, says a Mil­ lars of LOWEST RATES! QUICKEST TIME; --------- o --------- waukie paper, if the laborer in ROGERS & TODD, GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, the United States did not squan­ Druggists. No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent. _ der his money on whiskey, beer I and tobacco, he would soon be CITY MARKET, M c M innville able to lay up a reserve for old age or hard times. It is stated ■ that the stock yards at Chicago, Cor. 3d and 0 Street*. OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANS, where 25,000 men are employed, FRED. F. KELLER, Prop the consumption of beer and 1« A dw Open. SuooMBor to W F. Bangamer, Attention h respectfully invited to th>’ whiskey amounts to 11,000,000 Bangaamr’* building. Cor. B and Third Sin. BU8INE8S 8CHOOL. a month. These articles are H*re is where you can get your money's worth in Its facilities for thorough pr*