MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. MISCELLANEOUS Of the eight beautiful calen­ dar- for 1887, which are publish­ ed bv Houghton, Mifflin A Co., Have a Few two are compiled from the works of Robert Browning and Natha­ niel Hawthorne. I he calendars I> the best place to get your published in previous years, goods for tb< Holida\ pe. made up of -election- from Em­ tore purchasing tor yourseK erson, Holme-. Longfellow, Lo­ That they will ■ — _— ~ or family, it will pay you to well, Whittier, and Mrs. CALL AND EXAMINE Whitney, are al- • reis ued fur • a - *■ - niy goods which are warrant- 1887. All these calendars .are ■ p -Jt as represented. Having brought out <*ii a plan entirely Thev also have a SMALL LOT of new, tin cliltd feature- of which are the additional information Hardware. Tinware. Etc.. Etc., given, in regard to the day of That will also be sold for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and the week upon which each »lay ot Low for Cash.. repaired ai short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT. the year will fall tlu consecutive They have a few Opposite the Grange ¡Store. P. F. Browne, number of each »lay ot the year, the davs on which the moon is PLOW*, II IRROWM, new and full, the anivers tri» .- of1 McM ÏNNVILLE F urniture F actory . MiEDIR* Anil note»! events and of the birth of BAIN WAGONS fiunou- men, ecclesiastical am! W. H. BINCHAM, That will be sold civil days, inb»! (nation respect­ I ill i O Low for Cash.. ing raie- of postage, and mea-- Prcpr When yon want anything in that line you uroti of length, weight, and will etc suit your own interest as well as to call and see ns. Me think weoansu . Manufacturer and Dealer In capacity also dale- ot the eclip­ ours you. Trv it. A H. Jt O 0. HODSON. . _ * ______ _ - - , — -■ *--- . I ses »luring the yes" 1SS7, and of the morning am! evening stars. BUY YOUR These calendars although not of al! kinds. less artistic than those < h pre­ Fin© Holiday Goods Just noeiv.d an extra fine lot of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of al designs. ( all and price my «took. vious years, and containing OF US. many features which render Till: GREAT them of greater value, are sold lit - I' i I’t:.» 51* I' '<) We have a large and Complete; TRANSCONTINENTAL -ROUTE stock consisting of : cents. Houghton, Mitllin & Co. Publishers, 4 Park street, Boston Chrlttmas Cards. and 11 E. 17th street New York. Childrens Books, A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON M’MINNVILLE HEATING flL™ PIONEER BOOT ANO SHOE STORE. Low Prices to Suit Times, and where you won't have to Pay I ' < ' FINE FURNITURE WORTHERHnACIFIC Autograph, Photo Albums, How would Paul Boyton do Notions, Hand Mirrors. for the Mexican mission? He Dressing Cases, Odor has attained world-wide celebrity Cases, Poems. bv his devotion to water. Corap Books, Per.ames, Combs. Brushes, Toilet Articles. 11111111111 i 11111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 SHORES'!’! BEST! 4 II!I!I!II!!I!II|TIIE D1N1NG CA1< 1 iN F.ttHUWWHN THE IIIHECT KOI TE! Whatever else congress may T X do or fail to do this winter it We call Special Attention to j U ought not to adjourn without om stock of Ladies Portinonna- passing the electoral count bill. ies in leather and plush, vV USw IO JhWMWwS LA*T NO DELA Y*! -------- o . ... T o CHICAGO FANTEST TRAINS! and all points EAST. Ticke,*‘ sold to all PROMINENT POINTS Tlirmigliotit file East and Southeast, BO I N D P.lMiEMERM BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE h > » ' »••»i « I ■'ey (In iatel'deposed rein h < oriv-pondent writes: "He hook it n - hands with a hearty o’.tLI laugh loud . and w< n when not amused if con t IOi) . .stsi hr cuUi l light. it Up illy with a lew »rt»e ding ok.«a. g r dly preferred to ait silent, «mnK in ' * ! iy igars for he was not r.. (i , a - tithe, and taking meu tai n«*t< Of ah.u wau >bing said uround him OW and tinu, especially if a tn’.’.W aipcahsl lo ‘ li uni he would nod rov il w Hi ... a i xra grav. elos.ng of the , wm h is th & iprtnne poli'eness in th art <»i listening He never aqnan- d hi- . imwVditr in small talk so th • ■ ’"i i