The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 11, 1886, Image 3

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Th* Daily Reporter
[e Minn ville. Or.
Dec. 11. 1886
g F. Bedwell is visiting his father
polk county.
Little Carl Tucker has been very
•A, but is improving.
f A. Wallace has tendered his res-
3ation as street commissioner.
Amity people will be here in large
Bibers to attend the McGibney con-
f •
Church .Waiters.
Rev. Mr. Satchwell will attend
quarterly meeting at Sheridan, and
his pulpit here will be filler! by Prof.
Crawford Sunday.
St. James (Catholic) church. Mas>
at 10:30 a. m. on the second and fourth
Sundays of each month.
school at 2; 30 p. m. every Sunday. .1.
S. White, rector.
Most Rev. Wm. H. Gross, Archbish­
op of Oregon, will preach at the Cath­
olic church next Sunday, the 12th.,
at the 10:30 o'clock mass, ami in the
evening, at 7 :30; also next Monday
at the same hour. Arch Bishop Gross
is one of the eminent speakers of the
age, and the public generally are in­
vited to attend these services.
Services at St. James church, the
John C. Fair rector, at 11a. m. and
7:00 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.
Friday evening service at 7AX). Seats
free ; all are cordially invited.
Baptist Church, G. J. Burchett pas­
tor. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a
m and 7:00 p tn ; Sunday school at 9:30
a m, all are cordially invited to attend.
C. P. Church, T. H. Henderson pas­
tor. Services Sunday forenoon and
•vening. Sunday school at 9 30 a. m
All are cordially invited to attend.
Subject for forenoon: "Does God'a
goodness justify human neglect and
sin?” Subject for evening: "Poor,
though rich, and rich, though poor.”
Posters announce that three lectures
«re to be given at the Christian
church Friday, Saturday and Sunday
evenings, -by Prof. T. F. Campbell al-
so Sunday, a. m.
Also will preach Sunday a. m.
First National Bank,
------ OFFICBKa :------
JW ortman .................... President
*'• 1. I homi - son .........Vice-president
J ohn W ortman .................... Cashier
T thumc U a Genera) Bankiug RuaiuM*.
Interest allowed ou time deposits.
Collections made on fax omble terms.
J'ljht I xeiisiige and Telegraphic Trauttem
ou New York, San b'ranciA'o and Portlaud.
Office hours—from v a. tn. to I p, tu.
Keprv.ienta the following sterling cotupan«
'¿w Ijondon A Liverpool A (Kobe, North
British .t Mercantile, ('■omtneroinl Union
rire Aaaoointioii, Ctamian Amerioan, Fire­
man’» Fund. Hartford, ('■ommercial, Anglo
Nevada, Slate Investment.
Wheat insurance a apecialty.
Rev. T. H. Henderson’s little boy company with the Pike opera com­
sheen quite ill, but is about again pany.
A Christmas tree for the benefit of
public school children, will be
A fine stock of holiday crockery,
iehanging lamps etc., etc., at Baxter given at Garrison opera house.
I. C. Lawrence is confined to his
Miss Walton, who has had a very house with a sprained ankle, received
rere attack of acute tonsillites. is by the fall of a scaffolding while
shingling a woodshed.
ich better.
The McMinnville Business College
ffe were pleased to receive a call
.0 our old correspondent “Mus- is open every evening at 7 o'clock for
students in writing, drawing and book­
¡he,” yesterday.
At Baxter de Martins you will find keeping.
fresh stock of holiday candies just , Custer Post will elect officers at
Grange hall at one o’clock p. m. on
i thing for Santa Claus children.
The show window at W. H. Bing­ the 11th.
Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music
in'» furniture store is an artistic
McMinnville and at McMinnville
■»sgruienty aqd will amply pay you
college. Residence comer of Second
pand admire.
Mrs. H. F. Bedwell, and Mrs. Verona and C Streets,
Capt. Richards, of the stranded1
iM8 called .yesterday. They were
Castle, thinks that if
re in attendance at the district con­
ation, and both returned home with tugs could be had from Astoria the
vessel could be got off the Nestucca
Barter <k Martin have a novelty in beach - where she now lips.
H------ a------ *-=-=- . .
McMinnville jewelery store is now
«rcup and saucer coffee. . You get
lire pound can of nice coffee with a the biggest and largest west of Port­
Candy, Nuts, Toys and Pres­
:p«ad sauce^ worth at least 50cts„ land and the cheapest in Oregon.
ents for every body.
Wm..Holl, proprietor.
I tor one dollar.
4 4
buying 5 )bs or over wilt be
Following is a synopsis of city
Next Monday and Tuesday Apper-
Additional warrants were drawn
given wholesale rates.
wn the city treasury at the last son’s stpre interior will be topsy turvey finances for the fiscal year ended
With every $1 purchase will
inconsequence of changes in shelving.
sting of the council as follows :
I m * given a chance on
ult 4 Wright, raising bell. $38 28 Call now, and then, after these im­
Amount received from all
an Goff, hauling brick
6 00 provement« are made.
sources during year............. 1905 56 3 Hand Rome
L Bogers, salary, 1886 ..... 50 00
Why do you pay for inferior silver
(Groceries Excepted.)
L. Rogers, freight advanced
plated table wAre big prices, if
Total receipts ............. $2887 00
«n bell........................................... 10 65
I extend a cordial invitation
you get at the McMinnville jewelry Warrants paid during year $1908 15
The OPR Co. will soon be running
to the people of this countv
* to
store, Wm. Holl, the best and finest
ani into Albany. The bridge will
Amounton hand Deo. 1,1886.$ 478 75 come and examine my good«
cau be had for the same price.
------------------------ ■
and compare prices.
completed within a short time, its
ntruction having been delayed by
The District convention, IOGT, ad­
i failure of the foundry to get the C. Leinenweber for congress in '88.
Following is a tartan', Black. KoBurtlla. tataa.
stable for. the draw ready at the In the event of Mr. L.’s nomination journed last night.
the Astorian says Clatsop county list of officers for the ensuing year:
¡cified time.
would have both congressional can­ J. W Parrish, I). C. T.; Miss Leu.
Hr. Fellows requests us to say that
didates in that year.
The contin­ Duncan, D. Conn.; Mrs. 8. A. Mc­
wishes to display works of art in
gency is not at all improbable.
Cune, D. J. T.; Mrs. L. Bedwell, D. V.
'»how window form home talent,
Despite the state law on this point T.; L. 8. Perkins, sec.; Mrs. Varona
las this city has some really de­
J. Nelson, treasurer. The next meet­
ting artists all who wish to exhibit thousands of dollars find their way
ing will be held at West Chehalem
dr work are invited to send the i every year from this state to the
Thursday and Friday, May 12th
Louisiana lottery, McMinnville send­
••to him this Saturday afternoon,
and 13th,1887.
he will gladly place the same up- ing a large proportion. It's a little
The following officers were elected
better gamble than buying stocks,
installed in Sterling chapter of
The WCTU are endeavoring to the percentage of the game being
slightly in favor of the player at the Royal Arch Masops, Dec. 9th, 1886:
c funds enough to open a free
Dr. J. F. Calbreath, H. P.; K. A.
iing room in this city. The com­
The Reporter, daily and weekly Tucker, K.; Dr. O. F. Tucker, Scribe;
es appointed to canvass for sub- offers the best inducements to adver­
J. J. Spencer, C. of H.; 8. Shafer, P.
3*ons are meeting with fair
tisers, who advertise as a matter of 8.; J. A. C. Freund» R. A. C.; O. O.
Every body should give
business : of any publication in ’i am- Hodson, G. M, 3d Vail; J. C. Uooper,
V.’i It-J
•thing no matter how small. Help
ly j ■ JU
hill county. It is read by everyone
■ iadies along. , .
who reads anything, and has been V.; C. D. Johnson, treasurer; C. W.
growing in circulation and Talmage, secretary; Wm, Chrisman,
vessel stranded on the Wash-
To Bishop à Kay« we go
n territory coast on the night of standing for over sixteen years, and
Following is a list of officers cbeeen with a wiah to get first choice
aber 1st is the Sir Samsejee it is the fondest hope of its proprie
the people of lafayetcs al the late •f Holiday Furnirthing Good«.
V- With such a title it is a tors, and their life work, that it shall
city 'election : Tmelees, John Thesep-
•r she did not founder in naid be .second to no paper in the state. son, M J Ramsey, Henry Bopkuu, Meek ware
and Suspender»,
Lees eonM be sail, more need not be
'■ It is a fact, however, that the
Ed. Partons-and Thomae Hasten , £ and Silk Éandkerehiefa,
» ’ '
^e (>odopjae rode s^felyinto the
bottom prime.
Band ef Hope meeting this after­ cordar, M,
•I San Francisco • year or so
tn<i »• believed to be still afloat. noon at two o’clock.
S. C. Force is slowly but gradually
, The MeGibeny family will appear
at Garrison opera house next Tuesday
Gold and silver ladies watches at a
big bargain at the McMinnville jew­
elry store.
Warren White, Esq., of Portland.
was in town yesterday,
Mr. White
was the architect of the Baptist col-
Jeannie Winston will reach Port-
land to-day from San Francisco in
Here I Am
Watch Thlc Art Gallery.
r «