I EDITORIAL NOTES. The Daily Reporter. MISCELLANEOUS bearing. Harry is twenty-three and Jame? twenty-one. Both have finished their collegiate QUIT YOUR -tuo:e> at Williams, and are now taking the Columbia college law course. They intend to practice law in Cleveland. The younger bov>, Irvin and Abram are at (o)------ school in New' Hampshire. The family homestead of Mentor has been enlarged by an addi­ tion of a stone wing, in which Wants You to get right is a tire-proof room containing the mementoes and testimonials down to business* connected with the lite and death of the martyr president, and the very copious biograph­ Because you feel that times are a lit­ ical collected by his private sec­ tle hard is just the reason you retary, J. Stanley Brown. No should take advantage of our popu­ arrangements have yet been made by Mrs. Garfield for the lar way of doing business. biography, either as to author­ We ask you to buy Good Goods at low ship or the general plan of the prices, work. She wisely thinks that the numerous books written For they are cheaper in the long run, about Garfield before and after Look better, his death supply all present Fit neater, wants and that the standard biography should not appear un­ And are nicer in every way. ' .H •< • I-; til the perspective of time has It is for • your interest and our interest. placed his career in its true and Economy for you, permanent relation to the his­ And makes you solid customers of tory of the country. There was nothing in the high- priced Portland Corsage bouquet ......o...... *»u bfccri pt ioti K m tew. after all but chrysanthemums, By Carrier per week .................. .... 10 cents (Pnynble on SntarÜHv.) mvr-iphilum. adiantum. a^pera- Single Copy................ By Als il 10 cents per Month ly Advance. ' gas, temu>-imus ami a little wire, Kill«-« lor AdvsrtielNK moss paper, etc. The whole fus? Will I* mad« satisfactory to all applicants. I wa? probablv because the cus­ McMinnville. Or. - D. c. 11. 1^6 tomary mu-tard was lacking. I Florists will learn from this that New Year Edition. The staff of th»* Hep liter are now at' (society young men understand .thoroughly the component parts work upon the great edition for New: I of a wedding bouquet and will Years. Each town in the county will; |not pay full price for those that be visited and its past, present and lack flavor. future outlook given to our readers in . The fourth “jumper” from the readable form. Thia edition will stir-: Brooklyn bridge is a German lad pass anything yet attempted by the jof 18 years who made the leap a publishers. week ago, and still lives, though Ot.'R MERCHANTS, LAWYERS, DOCTORS suffering from internal injures, AND PATRONS. ■in a hospital. This boy has Are informed that now is the oppor­ beaten all the other bridge jump­ tunity to send in your orders for copies ers having taken the leap from of our great edition for New Years, the middle span where it is ten as this will be strictly a county (taper for the benefit of the county, is is ex­ feet higher than at points near pected that liberal patronage will be the towers from which his pre­ He extended. The size of the weekly decessors made the leap. will be eight pages, eight columns to was incited to the act by the the page, just twice the present size, i daily study for a week of a big If you do not leave your orders now, blue sign in front of a Browery you will not have a chance later on. dime museum near his home, The pries will be single copy 10 cents, on which a stiff-necked and rigid- or three for 25 cents. Now is youri kneed young man is represented , A » — i. . ours. chguce to advertise old Yamhill to I as shooting through space below McMinnville a charming sketch of the Brook ­ the world by sending to your friends1 1 */! We give you plain, honest talk and , « 1 in the east, an issue of this great lyn bridge down in gray. Great LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES let our competitors feed you on blue and white circulars all over edition Ibe buildiug announce that taffy. Tha Marrow Gauge Open. “Lawrence Donovan, king of the . < .. «• w; the . * .J t r , We show you the new and exclusive A private dispatch to the Re- j jumpers would not go in a dime porter annouqcqa that the first museum, but »1,000 a week styles, through train over the Narrow brought him.” Feeding on all Latest Novelties, Gauge Railway will leave Port­ this greatness every day, says land (or .Pallas this moruing, to an exchange, it is easy to see LOGAN MOS. t HENDERSON, Finest qualities in Seasonable Goods • ' V. ;4 tv*.. ----- PROPRIETORS------ pass McMinnville Junction at how’ the boy, who earned only for fall and Winter. 10.J5 a. m. A delegation of for­ $4 a week, was led by it to go Fine Carriages, Hacks and Mena’, Youths’ and Boys’ Tailor-fit­ ty gentleman from Portland will and try his luck. The boy in saddle Horses, ting clothing. be on board the train. We otter this case is to be pitied, and not And everything in the Livery hire, in good shape it as a seasonable suggestion that the less in the fact that the leap Our Specialties, At KeaMonable Rates. i a delegation of the representative left him with a miserable semb­ I Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing and men qf this city go over to the lance of life. :1 < t ‘ ■ » I CITY TRICK Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Junction, aland three miles east The sudden and unexpected Caps and Underwear. of the city, on the Dayton road, disapearance of C. P. Dixon, re­ sident agent of the Canadian and there extend our hearty con­ The prices tell. I gratulations to the narrow’ gauge Pacific railroad in Portland has The quality sells. people, upon the final successful disclosed the fact that he left The best assortment. accomplishment of the near com­ many impatient creditors who All the leading styles. pletion of this very important are aniously awaiting his return. work; greet the enterprise with It is currently stated that he was Having purchased the Strain property, and Prices which startle everybody, permanently located in McMinnville, am •olid manifestations of welcome, a victim of pasteboard and ivory, ready to do all kinds of Truck and Deliv­ People of taste and economy, now is ery Work at short notioe. All goods en­ as becomes the people of the me­ in other words, that he was ad­ trusted your chance. to our oare will be oarefully handled, tropolis of Old Yamhill county, dicted to gambling, which ab­ and promptly delivered. Also keep on hand W.xid of all kinds as cheap as the cheapest. I Our specialty—To please our cus- and bid them God speed in their sorbed much of his time and Orders left at the City Drug store will be promptly attended to. J J. COLLARD. i turners. efforts. The liverymen will take resources. Ho far the traveling Our Aim«—To save money for our three or four backload* ofpeople; auditor of the Canadian Pacific railroad company has found as many as desire to join are re- 1 patrons. - • r.i » till*’ quested quest ?d ty apply ut t|u> otticps pf nothing wrong in the accounts Hair CsiMta«. *k«Viw< Our Intention!—To do better by you »Ä7 ’unt,,(>" of the missing agent. than anyone else. al a. m., E. V. Smiley of the north-1 15c SHAVINQ 15c. i.. j. r. .. <« i.. <»» .» C. H, FLESIS6, Pr»Fri.t.r. west, lately met in New York For your sake, for our sake, for good­ Mr. Beecher is reported as ifles uw to A. 0. WyMUto.) ness sake, come and let us save your tying thftt he has no sympathy thet^o V1,r ‘*w elder vluvr sons 8O1?8 of President rr • woek • aiw^alty wi ith an “eight-hour man with Garfield; tall, handsome »onay. ,“****®i stock of dgium J im » in tbi* a fourteen-hour wife.” n. c. IRELAND * CO. 1*1 KLISHEKS. NONSENSE! M ... » ' 4 f * N -J- • ’ H | , V s s a ' » I ' 1 . *1 '♦ |f f, t , I *T I . . A. J. APPEBSON. • ? •