The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 11, 1886, Image 1

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    VOL. 1.
The Daily Reporter
McCain & Hurley,
Mrs. M. Sliadden
Fashionable Dressmakers
Uncle Ezra s Papers.
S aturday , D ecember
1 ■1 ■
aud professional men.
Any good
law that benefit* prohibitionists, benefits re-
publicans and democrats,
good law that be"efito the state of Oregon,
benefit* , very county aud city in the state.
Every good law )>assed in the internet of our
As the time approaches for the legislative
Entered in the Poetoffioe at McMinnville for
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ assembly to convene at our state capital, per-
h.i)ie now would be a proper time to take an
ond Class Matter.
inventory of stock to know what our standing |
E. L. E. WHITE. is going to be in that body.
metropolis. Portland, which build» it or any
Our stock consists of Senators R. P. Blnjt J.
other business center up is a benefit to the
». C. IRELAND A Co.,
W. Watts; Representatives. R. R. Laughlin. F.
stale at large. Every good and wholesome
N. Little and Capt. Lafollett, all of sound mind.
law that is passed for the benefit and building
As I amof a practical turn of mind, not a be
Tlte Dili I y Reporter.
up of the cow rountiss, a* wear* sometimes
T he D aily R epobteb is issued every day liever in any theories or dogma that ever
in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered was or ever can be produced, unless it can be called, helps to build up the business router,
and so on, ad infinitum. If wear« right, there
in the oity at 10 cents per week. By mail, 40
cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ applied for a practical and beneficial purpose, is no occasion for our representatives to be
vertising same as for T he W eekli K epobteb . and for the good of all maukind. Don’t be quarreling or suapping at cash other because
frightened, I am not going to prepare a bill in i one is a republican and the other, democrat or
the interest of any political party, for no labor because one is a democrat and the other pro­
We beg leave to annonnoe to the public or other orga ¡ration, nor in the interests of hibitionist. Because the gentleman was from
that we have just added a large stock of new capital as against labor or production, nor am Portland, the metropolis, the other was the
novelties to our business, and make a special­ I going to dralt a bill to locate anv city, county
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads. Note Heads. seat or business center. These duties have al­ representative of the cow counties. If you are
so constituted yuu have to quarrel and fight
Statements, Business Cards. Ladies Calling
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ ready been delegated to others. The battle over such matters, we prefer yon would chose
grammes. Posters, and all descriptions of between the opposing political parties was your own weapons and go out in the back
work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ fought out in old Yamhill last June; and hav­
woods somewhere and fight these matters out
ing been settled theu and there, it is a dead is­ before you go to Salem. We don’t want to be
sue, and has no place in the halls of legislation. taxed to pay you for auy such nonsense. We
The senators and representative« are uo longer want you to do something that will be of prac­
fighting political battles. They are the repre­ tical use and benefit. Do something to restore
sentatives of the citizens. They are the custo­ confidence, In our former articles we < nd«av-
M c M inn vivra
O beoon . dians alike of the interests of democrats, repub ored to show by taking the laborer who started
licans and prohibitionists. It is to you we all bv digging stump«, driving drays, etc., and
Offioe and residence. oorner of Third and are looking for such legislation as will prove who labored
with an aim while their aim was
D streets, next to the postoffioe.
advantageous to the citizens without any refer­ ut long range, but by (wreevernnee and grit
ence or regard to any difference that does or they got there and have the game to show for
JAS. m ’ oain .
h . htbley .
may have existed, whether politicil or other it, and ean furnish all the doubling minds
wise, or without regard to whal vocation or with abundant proof ami collaterals. While
calling in life. Are not all citizens, whether they could doubtless tell you of many fears
democrats, republicans or prohibition istg, inter and hairbreadth escape« from wreck and ruin,
eeted alike in good, wholesome laws? Are not we leave that to them, for such is life ne mat­
Lafayette, Oregon,
all citizens, whether capitalists, bankers ter how high or how low you aim. It is so
. Especial attention paid to abstracts of ti tle business m< n, producers or laborers, interested
with individuals, it is ao with corporations, it
and settlement of estates in probate.
alike in good, wholesome laws ? Is there any is so with cities. How many towns ami cities
Offioe—Jail buiding. up stairs.
good citizen of the state of Oregon who is not are there that once premised a glorious future
interealed and benefitted by good, wholesome whose streets are now good for («atüre , grass
ladrr. If any, they are anarchists or com mun- will grow on streets when once* seeded and
. : -,
ista and have not are not to be considered in left to grow.
Then, honorable senators ami representa­
these articles. You legislators of the state of
Oregon may give them such consideration as tives, when in the legiilative halls of Oregon
assembled, please don’t forget that there is no
Fy The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ vou deem them worthy of.
If you oonsult me afoul it miraculous mysteries connocte<‘ with modern
ting employed.
I would have you enact a law, it none exista, ideas of laborer» or busineas men. Business,
Third street, Next to Bishop & Kay’s store, to make it a criminal offence with heavy pen­ pure and unadulterated, stripjaxl of all senti­
McMinnville, Or.
alties for any set of communists, under the mentality, means simply that it is for margin«
name or guise of any organisation to stop any aud not for health alone we all work. For
Miss K. T hobmtob train or switch off on any side track any car of instance, our clergy, our teachers, hired me»
M rs . A. M c D onald .
■ î ,
goods manufactured in this state or the United who work on rail roads or on farms, elerka for
States or in any foreign country, no difference salaries, the salary they get ie their margins
where produced or by whom the labor was upon which to support himself and family.
performed in its production. Whether it was Does not the farmer toil, now and reap for a
raised by a white or black man. It has be­ salary for a margin he anticipate to get over
In Mro. H. P. Stuart’a Millinery Store,
come an article of commerce, and there is not the costa of produeing hie goods. The mer­
or ought not to be any authority in rail roads chant buys and sella goods for the margin ho
Oaxoon or money kings to detain it, much less kings m gets over first cost. Rail road men invest their
anarchists or communists. If these clothes money and build rail roads to open up now
don’t fit any one they need not wear them- countries in hopes the margin lhay gel over
They are at liberty, if not too infernal laay, to the cost of transportation may return to them
work and make their own clothes. There is their money with a profit.
Late of New Orleans, La.,
not or ought not to be any law compelling ists invest ihsir money in mflls end faetoriee
Piles and Fistula a Spr capitalists, farmers or other laborers to do so in hopes some day to realise in return a mar­
for them. Are not all laborers? Is not the gin from their investment.
ciality. Consultation
The bankers and capitalists loan money
farmer just as much a laborer ao any who
iiree. No Cure
margin in shape of interest they may
have no higher ambition than that of boing
No Pay.
of it. The lawyers, doctors, editors,
somebodies hired man. What a high aim it
working for a margin and »el ex­
pjF" Offioe with H V. V. Johnson, M D. is to be somebody’« hired man. Is not the
Renee oar intererte
banker, the business men or the professional
lioMinnville, Oregon.
Can yon expect suoreas
men, the wheal buyer, ths capitalirt. the mer should bo mu teal.
chant, yonr printer, one and r 11 laborer»? Yse to crown your efforts ao long as you keep four
The only difference is in their aim. Some aim now counties fighting your cities, or vice versa,
L ate of Independence, having pnrohaxed the no higher than to be the hired man on eoase can you expect to prosper with yoar cities and
Others bibb to own farms, busineas eenters fighting the country or onunli f
TEAMS AWD TRUCKS others to be lawyer», doctors, bankers and people. Can you capital)els expect to eueeood
business men.
Others aim to bo states by constantly fighting tabor,or you laborer»ex-
Of Logan Bros. <t Henderson. offers hie men, ledalatore, rail road men and owners of peat to succeed by fighting capital? The ten­
eervioee in that line to the public, and will
rail roads
But they are laborer» all the dencies of sucti th tsp always was and always
The only di fibre nos i» will be to destroy confidence between those
Guarantee Satisfaction some aim higher than other», hence any tnutaa) interests and tojnM the extent that yov
and every good wholeeome law that is passed, destroy that confidence will pro produce hnei-
To all who favor him with their patronage.
aero depressions. Laborers just ao tong ao y<ro
A »xxr»An mMifillf adADtMl to tbt in the interests of labor, benefits all. Any
ap year fight an * strikes against eaprtaJ,
good wbolssotne law that benefits tamer» and
delivery of
tion of the publie. Orders left producer», benefits dike dapitalista, businem joet so long will eapitaltote refuse to iavcdl
Beek <fc Jeb PriMtfag.
t ;
M c M innville . O regon
at the etabte «riFhe promptly attended to st
V > <3 i c .
their capital in factories or mauutacturing iu-
dustrie* to which you must look for the build-
mg up of vour stale, city or county, which will
uruish the laix>rers with that work you pro-
feud to desire ao muoh. Did we not show in
our former articles that the iiiivsm of Menars.
Ladd. Thom ¡won rnd Jacob« Bros., all success,
in) men. was due to the harmonising of these
variant element«. First it was th* Rbnius of a
master mind conceiving the thought or aim in
life baeksd by pluck anil grit, then capital was
added or combine«] and the («rtnemhin was
completed, and success crowns the effort. Il io
so in the building up of etatce, cili e or nations.
These various mtereals ought and must be her«
monised. Confidence must be restored, and
this idleoapital employed. These laborers pul
to work on farms, or manufacturing industries.
Then will our slate«, cities and oounttee build
up ami prosper. Then will our markets im­
prove. our profit« and margin* increaae. Then
and not until then will webe on the road to
■uooeee. The fact ie, during the busi tiros depres­
sion ths margins have bee» reduced to that ex-
tent that none have had what they should
have had. The capitalist«, bankers, busineas
mon, producers and all sutfer alike. Ho whal
use is there in quarreling longer about it. l-at
all pretit by the lessons learned, and with a
will work to hainsontse the contending forces.
Restore business. Mid we will theu have hollar
market« lietter margins and profits. Content­
ment will then take the place of disoontent
and success crown the well diree^ed effort, of
the many. Let old Yamhill take the lead and
to her will we accord the glory in proportion Io
the suceeea attained. “Let your fog horn" be
heard, from the capital of Oregon, to Portland
Maine. The eyes of the New and Old world
are turned this way and will be upon you,
statesmen aud legislator let your light shine so
that vour work is wisely and well done, If you
do your whole duty we shall have better times,
a more contented and happier jieople, not only
in Yamhill but all over this state and nation.
By your fruit« are you to be judged, lot ua
hope ths verdict may be general, well done
good aud faithful servants.
A word so the signal service. Il wm deemed
boat by the good people nt Yamhill during the
session of the legislature to remove from our
county seal In the |>erson of the Ron. J. W.
Walls, who ha« been dubbed the foghorn of
Yamhill, to the state capital, therefore if you
should hear the signal of warning coming
from the «tale capital instead of old Yamhill,
don’t be alarmed. Keep the voaeel straight
upon her course and she will not be wreoked.
We semi him there for a good object and ex­
pect to hear signals at short intervals. Lal II
eouad long and load in interest of the whole
people. What they want, see that it ie granted,
whether it to to veto on prohibition, the loon*
tion of oounly seats or whal not.
If my articles hers been tnn long, loo shal­
low; or if I have not been plowing deep enough
I will gladly yield the pen up to abler hands |
those with bettor edneahen and snore culture.
II they will only tot their light shine from the
pulpits through th* various newspapers ef our
state, and educate the people Io know tboir
righto, in order that they may he the hotter
prepared to protect t heee righto at the p»lto, ie
the balls of tegisialioa, as well as la say and
every vocation or calling ia life.
Wishing all a merry Christinas and happy
New Year, I hid you dies.
(Jset.a la a a.
Fine Job Printers,