The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 10, 1886, Image 2

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more directly from the local cen­ as prominent as ever. Ibis is
ters of production. The first what it says: Richmond is
effect of railway ami telegraphic building a city hall of granite,
«itabar ri|»t !••• Hair*.
By Carrier per week.......................... 1" cents
Payable on Katardey.«
business at certain points, but 000. Skilled mechanics of the
Single Copy ......... ............................ -
By Mail 10 oenta per Month (In Advance. subsequently the same powerful colored race have so far been un­
Hate* ter Ad*rrti*tn<
agencies distribute the business able to get work on the build­
Will lie made satisfactory to all applicant*.
over vast areas of country. The ing, and on a formal application
McMinnville, Or. - Dec. 10. 1SS6 growth of the region west of the for it before the building com­
Mississippi is simply phenom- mittee of the city council the * *APPEHSON| t
lenal. There is nothing like it committee decided adversely to
The President handles the
Ion any ¡»art of the earth to-day. the colored mechanics, thus
Sandwich Islands treaty just IA It hough agricultural land is drawing the color line, which at Wants You to get right
right. Says it should l>e contin­ I taken up for farming purposes, election times the bourbons so
down to business*
ued. So say we al! of us.
to a great extent, vet, curiously deeply deplore. The colored
The Evening Democrat says
Ienough, it is the centers of pop­ people there represent two-fifths
Secretary Manning is furiously
ulation which show the most ex­ of the population, and many of Because you feel that times are a lit*
in favor of the suspension of sil­
them are skilled in the various tie hard is just the reason you
traordinary growth.
ver coinage, but the president is
The New York Graphic agrees trades, and save for the colored should take advantage of our popu­
a little lukewarm upon it. All
with the Reporter that S. S. Cox vote the present council would
the same it will not I m * suspend­
lar way of doing business.
will I m * cheerfully recognized by have failed of election.
ed. The proposition is lika rat­
hi- {'arty a- there could not be
A sword, the property of Hon. We ask yt>u to buy Good Goods at low
tling |M*as upon a cowhide; they
a better selection. Mr. Cox is W. L. Adams of Hood river, prices,
make a mdse, but they never go
one of the best informed men which helped to hew out our
For they are cheaper in the long run,
It is quite probable that Mr. in the country on economic sub- liberties at Bunker hill, is on
Miclcel, of Seattle, was murdered jects, and his relations with the exhibition at The Dalles. It is a Look better,
in broad day light in Portland president are so pleasant that clumsy implement, and was ap­ Fit neater,
last Saturday. He was lead oft there will follow a better under­ parently forged out of a scythe And are nicer in every way.
by three unknown men who standing between the executive blade by a patriotic blacksmith
It is for your interest and our interest.
professed to have a ticket to sell ami th«* house than has hereto­ of the period.
fore existed.
him. They probably sandbag­
Economy for you,
The reason why the potatoes
ged the man and robbed him.I
And makes you solid customers of
in the cellars this season are so
The body has not been found.
small as to cause the cook to LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES ours.
In about thirty days the Port-|
storm, and the waiter to indulge
land Daily News will furnish its
We give you plain, honest talk and
profanity over the appearance
readers with the most complete
let our competitors feed you on
I of the tubers on his table three
telegraphic reports everpublish-
times a day, baked with their
ed on the Pacific northwest.
The days of associated press and
We show you the new and exclusive
All of the big potatoes were win-
Western Union telegraph mono,
poly are speedily «hawing to a I nowed from the crop and sent to
Latest Novelties,
close in this country, thanks to newspapers offices for a puff,
the drouth had nothing to do Fine Carriages, Hacks and
John Mackay and the Postal tele­
Finest qualities in Seasonable Goods
Saddle Horses,
graph. Th«* new year will be a
for fall and Winter.
agriculturalists to thirst for fame
And everythin« in the Livery hire,
good time to celebrate the great of this sort.
in good shape
Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ Tailor-fit­
\\ ashington, becoming dis­
tyueen Vic toria and her court,
ting clothing.
gusted at remarks hurled at
including Mr. and Mrs. Batten­ «•ongress by New York, retaliates
Our Specialties,
berg and little Batt, will leave bv saying that it would be quite
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing and
London for Osborne as soon becoming in the press of the lat­
after tin* Itilh of this month as ter to stop throwing stones at
Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats,
the baby’s mother is able to Washington till at least two
Caps and Underwear.
travel. The whole family will boodle aidermen are convicted.
The prices tell.
remain in the Isle of Wight un­ Our local government is not per­
The quality sells.
til the third week in February. fection, but, at its worst, it is
The best assortment.
It should console tin* British better than anything in the wav
Having purchased the Strainproperty, and
people that it costs no mor«* to of municipal government that permanently
looated in McMinnville, am All the leading styles.
ready to do all kinds of Truck and Deliv-
keep their paupers at Osborn«* New York has known for more ®ry
Work at abort notice. All goods en Prices which startle everybody.
to our oare will be oarefully handled,
than at Wimlsor.
than a generation.
and promptly delivered. Also keep on hand People of taste and economy, now is
Chicago has lost its monopoly
It is a matter of wonder with Wood of ail kinds as cheap as the cheapest.
Orders left at the Citv Drug «tore will be
your chance.
of the wheat traffic for some what pertinacity prejudicesand promptly attended to. J. J. COLLARD.
Our specialty—To please our cus­
years past. The pork packing opinions that have been long
and beef-dressing, in which id entertained will stick to people.
leads all other western cities, is For instance in the discrimina­
Our Aims—To save money for our
Hair ( uttlnc, >hsvls( *nd thaSH
now being taken from it and tion against colored people, the
pwaia* Partar.
distributed among its rivals. feeling against allowing them
15c SHAVING 15c. Our Intentions—To do better by you
Duluth, Minneapolis, Kansas any privileges has been so long
than anyone else.
city, Milwaukee, Peoria and cherished in sections of the south
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
For your sake, for our sake, for good­
other leas known cities. The that it cannot be eradicated in
(»uooeaaor to A. C. Wyndham.)
grain and provision trade no one generation. A late dispatch Ladies and children's work a specialty.
ness sake, come and let us save your
longer pays tribute to that city, from Richmond Virginia indi­ ,
I b*’«
added io my parlor U m
largest and fina-t stock of < igars ever in this
but the products are sent east cate that the color line are just City.
Try them
The Daily Reporter,
- MMUt Bilk -